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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Jerusalem besieged by the Babylonians (1, 2)

    • Special training for young royal captives (3-5)

    • Four Hebrews’ faithfulness tested (6-21)

  • 2

    • King Nebuchadnezzar has a disturbing dream (1-4)

    • No wise man able to tell the dream (5-13)

    • Daniel turns to God for help (14-18)

    • Praise to God for revealing the secret (19-23)

    • Daniel tells the dream to the king (24-35)

    • The dream’s interpretation (36-45)

      • Kingdom stone to crush the image (44, 45)

    • Daniel honored by the king (46-49)

  • 3

    • King Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image (1-7)

      • Demands worship of the image (4-6)

    • Three Hebrews accused of not obeying (8-18)

      • “We will not serve your gods” (18)

    • Thrown into the fiery furnace (19-23)

    • Miraculous rescue from the fire (24-27)

    • The king extols the God of the Hebrews (28-30)

  • 4

    • King Nebuchadnezzar recognizes God’s kingship (1-3)

    • The king’s dream about a tree (4-18)

      • Seven times to pass over the fallen tree (16)

      • God is Ruler over mankind (17)

    • Daniel interprets the dream (19-27)

    • Initial fulfillment on the king (28-36)

      • The king insane for seven times (32, 33)

    • The king exalts the God of heaven (37)

  • 5

    • King Belshazzar’s feast (1-4)

    • The handwriting on the wall (5-12)

    • Daniel asked to interpret the writing (13-25)

    • Interpretation: Babylon to fall (26-31)

  • 6

    • Persian officials plot against Daniel (1-9)

    • Daniel continues to pray (10-15)

    • Daniel thrown into the lions’ pit (16-24)

    • King Darius honors Daniel’s God (25-28)

  • 7

    • Vision of the four beasts (1-8)

      • An arrogant small horn rises (8)

    • The Ancient of Days holds court (9-14)

      • A son of man made king (13, 14)

    • Interpretation made known to Daniel (15-28)

      • The four beasts are four kings (17)

      • Holy ones to receive the kingdom (18)

      • Ten horns, or kings, to rise up (24)

  • 8

    • Vision of a ram and a male goat (1-14)

      • A small horn exalts itself (9-12)

      • Until 2,300 evenings and mornings (14)

    • Gabriel interprets the vision (15-27)

      • The ram and the male goat explained (20, 21)

      • A fierce-looking king stands up (23-25)

  • 9

    • Daniel’s prayer of confession (1-19)

      • Seventy years of desolation (2)

    • Gabriel comes to Daniel (20-23)

    • Seventy prophetic weeks foretold (24-27)

      • Messiah to appear after 69 weeks (25)

      • Messiah to be cut off (26)

      • The city and the holy place to be destroyed (26)

  • 10

    • Daniel visited by a messenger from God (1-21)

      • Michael helps the angel (13)

  • 11

    • Kings of Persia and Greece (1-4)

    • Kings of the south and of the north (5-45)

      • An exactor to rise up (20)

      • The Leader of the covenant broken (22)

      • The god of fortresses glorified (38)

      • A pushing between king of the south and king of the north (40)

      • Disturbing reports from the east and the north (44)

  • 12

    • “The time of the end” and beyond (1-13)

      • Michael to stand up (1)

      • Insightful ones to shine brightly (3)

      • True knowledge to be abundant (4)

      • Daniel to stand up for his lot (13)