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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Everything is futile (1-11)

      • Earth remains forever (4)

      • Natural cycles continue (5-7)

      • Nothing new under the sun (9)

    • Human wisdom limited (12-18)

      • A chasing after the wind (14)

  • 2

    • Solomon’s pursuits evaluated (1-11)

    • Relative value of human wisdom (12-16)

    • The futility of hard work (17-23)

    • Eat, drink, and enjoy work (24-26)

  • 3

    • An appointed time for everything (1-8)

    • Enjoying life a gift from God (9-15)

      • Eternity is in man’s heart (11)

    • God judges all with justice (16, 17)

    • Men and animals all eventually die (18-22)

      • All will return to dust (20)

  • 4

    • Oppression worse than death (1-3)

    • A balanced view of work (4-6)

    • The value of a friend (7-12)

      • Two are better than one (9)

    • A ruler’s life can be futile (13-16)

  • 5

    • Approach God with proper fear (1-7)

    • Lower ones watched by higher ones (8, 9)

    • The futility of wealth (10-20)

      • Money lovers never satisfied (10)

      • Worker’s sleep is sweet (12)

  • 6

    • Possessions without enjoyment (1-6)

    • Enjoy what you have now (7-12)

  • 7

    • A good name and the day of death (1-4)

    • A wise man’s rebuke (5-7)

    • Better the end than the beginning (8-10)

    • Advantage of wisdom (11, 12)

    • Good days and bad days (13-15)

    • Avoid going to extremes (16-22)

    • Observations by the congregator (23-29)

  • 8

    • Under imperfect human rule (1-17)

      • Obey the king’s orders (2-4)

      • Man’s domination harmful (9)

      • When sentence not executed speedily (11)

      • Eat, drink, and rejoice (15)

  • 9

    • All have the same outcome (1-3)

    • Enjoy life despite death (4-12)

      • The dead know nothing (5)

      • No activity in the Grave (10)

      • Time and unexpected events (11)

    • Wisdom not always appreciated (13-18)

  • 10

    • A little foolishness outweighs wisdom (1)

    • Dangers of incompetence (2-11)

    • The sad plight of the foolish (12-15)

    • Foolishness among rulers (16-20)

      • A bird may repeat your words (20)

  • 11

    • Seize the opportunity (1-8)

      • Cast your bread on the waters (1)

      • Sow seed from morning till evening (6)

    • Enjoy youth responsibly (9, 10)

  • 12

    • Remember the Creator before old age sets in (1-8)

    • The congregator’s conclusion (9-14)

      • Wise words like oxgoads (11)

      • Fear the true God (13)