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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • King Ahasuerus’ banquet at Shushan (1-9)

    • Queen Vashti refuses to obey (10-12)

    • King consults with his wise men (13-20)

    • King’s decree sent out (21, 22)

  • 2

    • The search for a new queen (1-14)

    • Esther becomes queen (15-20)

    • Mordecai exposes a plot (21-23)

  • 3

    • Haman exalted by the king (1-4)

    • Haman plots to destroy the Jews (5-15)

  • 4

    • Mordecai mourns (1-5)

    • Mordecai asks Esther to intercede (6-17)

  • 5

    • Esther appears before the king (1-8)

    • Haman’s anger and arrogance (9-14)

  • 6

    • Mordecai honored by the king (1-14)

  • 7

    • Esther exposes Haman (1-6a)

    • Haman hanged on the stake he made (6b-10)

  • 8

    • Mordecai promoted (1, 2)

    • Esther pleads with the king (3-6)

    • King’s counterdecree (7-14)

    • Relief and rejoicing for the Jews (15-17)

  • 9

    • Triumph of the Jews (1-19)

    • Festival of Purim established (20-32)

  • 10

    • Mordecai’s greatness (1-3)