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Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Ezekiel in Babylon sees visions of God (1-3)

    • Vision of Jehovah’s celestial chariot (4-28)

      • Storm, cloud, and fire (4)

      • Four living creatures (5-14)

      • Four wheels (15-21)

      • An expanse sparkling like ice (22-24)

      • Jehovah’s throne (25-28)

  • 2

    • Ezekiel commissioned as prophet (1-10)

      • ‘Whether they listen or not’ (5)

      • Shown a scroll of dirges (9, 10)

  • 3

    • Ezekiel to eat the God-given scroll (1-15)

    • Ezekiel to serve as a watchman (16-27)

      • Negligence leads to bloodguilt (18-21)

  • 4

    • Siege of Jerusalem portrayed (1-17)

      • Guilt carried for 390 days and 40 days (4-7)

  • 5

    • Fall of Jerusalem portrayed (1-17)

      • Prophet’s shaved hair divided into three portions (1-4)

      • Jerusalem worse than the nations (7-9)

      • Rebels dealt with in three ways (12)

  • 6

    • Against the mountains of Israel (1-14)

      • Disgusting idols to be humiliated (4-6)

      • “You will have to know that I am Jehovah” (7)

  • 7

    • The end has come (1-27)

      • A unique calamity (5)

      • Money thrown into the streets (19)

      • The temple to be profaned (22)

  • 8

    • Ezekiel taken to Jerusalem in a vision (1-4)

    • Detestable things seen in the temple (5-18)

      • Women weeping over Tammuz (14)

      • Men worshipping the sun (16)

  • 9

    • Six executioners and man with inkhorn (1-11)

      • Judgment to start at the sanctuary (6)

  • 10

    • Fire taken from between the wheels (1-8)

    • Cherubs and wheels described (9-17)

    • God’s glory leaves the temple (18-22)

  • 11

    • Evil princes condemned (1-13)

      • City compared to a cooking pot (3-12)

    • Promise of restoration (14-21)

      • “A new spirit” given (19)

    • God’s glory leaves Jerusalem (22, 23)

    • Ezekiel returns in vision to Chaldea (24, 25)

  • 12

    • Exile foretold by symbolic actions (1-20)

      • Luggage for exile (1-7)

      • Chieftain will leave in darkness (8-16)

      • Bread of anxiety, water of horror (17-20)

    • A deceptive saying proved false (21-28)

      • “None of my words will be delayed” (28)

  • 13

    • Against the false prophets (1-16)

      • Whitewashed walls to fall (10-12)

    • Against the false prophetesses (17-23)

  • 14

    • Idolaters condemned (1-11)

    • Judgment on Jerusalem inescapable (12-23)

      • Righteous Noah, Daniel, and Job (14, 20)

  • 15

    • Jerusalem, a useless vine (1-8)

  • 16

    • God’s love for Jerusalem (1-63)

      • Found as an abandoned child (1-7)

      • God adorns her and enters a marriage covenant with her (8-14)

      • She becomes unfaithful (15-34)

      • Punished as an adulteress (35-43)

      • Compared to Samaria and Sodom (44-58)

      • God remembers his covenant (59-63)

  • 17

    • The riddle of the two eagles and the vine (1-21)

    • A tender shoot to become a majestic cedar (22-24)

  • 18

    • Each one responsible for his own sins (1-32)

      • The soul who sins will die (4)

      • A son not to pay for his father’s sin (19, 20)

      • No pleasure in death of the wicked (23)

      • Repentance brings life (27, 28)

  • 19

    • A dirge for Israel’s chieftains (1-14)

  • 20

    • A history of Israel’s rebellion (1-32)

    • Restoration promised for Israel (33-44)

    • Prophecy against the south (45-49)

  • 21

    • God’s sword of judgment unsheathed (1-17)

    • Babylon’s king to attack Jerusalem (18-24)

    • Wicked chieftain of Israel to be removed (25-27)

      • “Take off the crown” (26)

      • “Until the one who has the legal right comes” (27)

    • Sword against the Ammonites (28-32)

  • 22

    • Jerusalem, the bloodguilty city (1-16)

    • Israel like worthless dross (17-22)

    • Leaders and people of Israel condemned (23-31)

  • 23

    • Two sisters who are unfaithful (1-49)

      • Oholah with Assyria (5-10)

      • Oholibah with Babylon and Egypt (11-35)

      • Punishment on the two sisters (36-49)

  • 24

    • Jerusalem like a rusty cooking pot (1-14)

    • Death of Ezekiel’s wife a sign (15-27)

  • 25

    • Prophecy against Ammon (1-7)

    • Prophecy against Moab (8-11)

    • Prophecy against Edom (12-14)

    • Prophecy against Philistia (15-17)

  • 26

    • Prophecy against Tyre (1-21)

      • “A drying yard for dragnets” (5, 14)

      • Stones and soil thrown into the water (12)

  • 27

    • A dirge over the sinking ship of Tyre (1-36)

  • 28

    • Prophecy against Tyre’s king (1-10)

      • “I am a god” (2, 9)

    • Dirge over Tyre’s king (11-19)

      • “You were in Eden” (13)

      • “The anointed covering cherub” (14)

      • “Unrighteousness was found in you” (15)

    • Prophecy against Sidon (20-24)

    • Israel to be restored (25, 26)

  • 29

    • Prophecy against Pharaoh (1-16)

    • Egypt to be given to Babylon as a reward (17-21)

  • 30

    • Prophecy against Egypt (1-19)

      • Nebuchadnezzar’s attack foretold (10)

    • Pharaoh’s power broken (20-26)

  • 31

    • The fall of Egypt, the lofty cedar (1-18)

  • 32

    • Dirge over Pharaoh and Egypt (1-16)

    • Egypt’s burial with the uncircumcised (17-32)

  • 33

    • Responsibilities of a watchman (1-20)

    • News about Jerusalem’s fall (21, 22)

    • Message to inhabitants of Jerusalem’s ruins (23-29)

    • People not acting on the message (30-33)

      • Ezekiel “like a romantic love song” (32)

      • “A prophet has been among them” (33)

  • 34

    • Prophecy against Israel’s shepherds (1-10)

    • Jehovah’s care for his sheep (11-31)

      • “My servant David” to shepherd them (23)

      • “A covenant of peace” (25)

  • 35

    • Prophecy against mountains of Seir (1-15)

  • 36

    • Prophecy about mountains of Israel (1-15)

    • Restoration of Israel (16-38)

      • ‘I will sanctify my great name’ (23)

      • “Like the garden of Eden” (35)

  • 37

    • Vision of the valley of dry bones (1-14)

    • Two sticks to be joined together (15-28)

      • One nation under one king (22)

      • Eternal covenant of peace (26)

  • 38

    • Gog’s attack on Israel (1-16)

    • Jehovah’s anger against Gog (17-23)

      • ‘Nations will have to know that I am Jehovah’ (23)

  • 39

    • Destruction of Gog and his troops (1-10)

    • Burial in the Valley of Hamon-Gog (11-20)

    • Restoration of Israel (21-29)

      • God’s spirit poured out on Israel (29)

  • 40

    • Ezekiel brought to Israel in a vision (1, 2)

    • Ezekiel sees a visionary temple (3, 4)

    • The courtyards and gates (5-47)

      • The outer east gate (6-16)

      • The outer courtyard; other gates (17-26)

      • The inner courtyard and gates (27-37)

      • Rooms for temple service (38-46)

      • The altar (47)

    • The porch of the temple (48, 49)

  • 41

    • The sanctuary of the temple (1-4)

    • The wall and the side chambers (5-11)

    • The west building (12)

    • Buildings measured (13-15a)

    • The interior of the sanctuary (15b-26)

  • 42

    • Dining-room blocks (1-14)

    • The four sides of the temple measured (15-20)

  • 43

    • Jehovah’s glory fills the temple (1-12)

    • The altar (13-27)

  • 44

    • The east gate to remain shut (1-3)

    • Regulations regarding foreigners (4-9)

    • Regulations for Levites and priests (10-31)

  • 45

    • The holy contribution and the city (1-6)

    • The chieftain’s allotment (7, 8)

    • Chieftains to act honestly (9-12)

    • People’s contributions and the chieftain (13-25)

  • 46

    • Offerings on certain occasions (1-15)

    • Inheritance of the chieftain’s property (16-18)

    • Places to boil offerings (19-24)

  • 47

    • The stream flowing from the temple (1-12)

      • Water gradually deepens (2-5)

      • Water of the Dead Sea healed (8-10)

      • Swampy places not healed (11)

      • Trees for food and healing (12)

    • Boundaries of the land (13-23)

  • 48

    • Division of the land (1-29)

    • The 12 gates of the city (30-35)

      • City named “Jehovah Is There” (35)