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Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Reproof for not rebuilding the temple (1-11)

      • ‘Is it the time to live in paneled houses?’ (4)

      • “Set your heart on your ways” (5)

      • Sowing much but harvesting little (6)

    • The people listen to Jehovah’s voice (12-15)

  • 2

    • The second temple to be filled with glory (1-9)

      • All the nations to be shaken (7)

      • Nations’ precious things to come in (7)

    • Rebuilding the temple brings blessings (10-19)

      • Holiness cannot be transferred (10-14)

    • A message to Zerubbabel (20-23)

      • “I will make you like a seal ring” (23)