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Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • A severe insect plague (1-14)

    • “The day of Jehovah is near” (15-20)

      • The prophet calls to Jehovah (19, 20)

  • 2

    • Jehovah’s day and his great army (1-11)

    • A call to return to Jehovah (12-17)

      • “Rip apart your hearts” (13)

    • Jehovah’s response to his people (18-32)

      • “I will pour out my spirit” (28)

      • Wonders in heaven and on earth (30)

      • Those calling on Jehovah’s name will be saved (32)

  • 3

    • Jehovah judges all the nations (1-17)

      • Valley of Jehoshaphat (2, 12)

      • Valley of decision (14)

      • Jehovah, a fortress for Israel (16)

    • Jehovah blesses his people (18-21)