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Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • The burnt offering (1-17)

  • 2

    • The grain offering (1-16)

  • 3

    • The communion offering (1-17)

      • Do not eat fat or blood (17)

  • 4

    • The sin offering (1-35)

  • 5

    • Specific sins and required offerings (1-6)

      • Reporting sins of others (1)

    • Alternative offerings for the poor (7-13)

    • The guilt offering for unintentional sins (14-19)

  • 6

    • More on the guilt offering (1-7)

    • Instructions on offerings (8-30)

      • The burnt offering (8-13)

      • The grain offering (14-23)

      • The sin offering (24-30)

  • 7

    • Instructions on offerings (1-21)

      • The guilt offering (1-10)

      • The communion offering (11-21)

    • Eating fat or blood forbidden (22-27)

    • The priestly share (28-36)

    • Conclusion on offerings (37, 38)

  • 8

    • Installation of the Aaronic priesthood (1-36)

  • 9

    • Aaron makes installation offerings (1-24)

  • 10

    • Fire from Jehovah kills Nadab and Abihu (1-7)

    • Regulations for priests regarding drinking and eating (8-20)

  • 11

    • Clean and unclean animals (1-47)

  • 12

    • Purification after childbirth (1-8)

  • 13

    • Regulations about leprosy (1-46)

    • Leprosy on clothing (47-59)

  • 14

    • Cleansing from leprosy (1-32)

    • Cleansing of infected houses (33-57)

  • 15

    • Unclean genital discharges (1-33)

  • 16

    • The Day of Atonement (1-34)

  • 17

    • The tabernacle, the place for sacrifices (1-9)

    • Eating of blood forbidden (10-14)

    • Regulations on animals found dead (15, 16)

  • 18

    • Unlawful sexual relations (1-30)

      • Do not imitate the Canaanites (3)

      • Various incestuous relations (6-18)

      • During menstruation (19)

      • Homosexual acts (22)

      • Bestiality (23)

      • ‘Stay clean, or the land will vomit you out’ (24-30)

  • 19

    • Various laws on holiness (1-37)

      • Proper harvesting (9, 10)

      • Consideration for the deaf and the blind (14)

      • Slander (16)

      • Do not hold a grudge (18)

      • Magic and spiritism forbidden (26, 31)

      • Tattoos forbidden (28)

      • Respect for the elderly (32)

      • Treatment of foreigners (33, 34)

  • 20

    • Worship of Molech; spiritism (1-6)

    • Be holy and respect parents (7-9)

    • Death for sex offenders (10-21)

    • Be holy to stay in the land (22-26)

    • Spiritists to be put to death (27)

  • 21

    • Priests to be holy and undefiled (1-9)

    • High priest not to defile himself (10-15)

    • Priests to have no physical defects (16-24)

  • 22

    • Priestly purity and the eating of holy things (1-16)

    • Only sound offerings acceptable (17-33)

  • 23

    • Holy days and festivals (1-44)

      • Sabbath (3)

      • Passover (4, 5)

      • Festival of Unleavened Bread (6-8)

      • Offering of firstfruits (9-14)

      • Festival of Weeks (15-21)

      • Proper harvesting (22)

      • Festival of Trumpet Blast (23-25)

      • Day of Atonement (26-32)

      • Festival of Booths (33-43)

  • 24

    • Oil for the tabernacle lamps (1-4)

    • Loaves of showbread (5-9)

    • Abuser of God’s name stoned (10-23)

  • 25

    • The Sabbath year (1-7)

    • The Jubilee year (8-22)

    • Restoration of property (23-34)

    • How to treat the poor (35-38)

    • Laws on slavery (39-55)

  • 26

    • Keep away from idolatry (1, 2)

    • Blessings for obedience (3-13)

    • Punishment for disobedience (14-46)

  • 27

    • Redemption of vowed things (1-27)

    • Things unconditionally devoted to Jehovah (28, 29)

    • Redemption of the tenth parts (30-34)