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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • John the Baptizer preaches (1-8)

    • Baptism of Jesus (9-11)

    • Jesus tempted by Satan (12, 13)

    • Jesus begins preaching in Galilee (14, 15)

    • First disciples called (16-20)

    • Unclean spirit expelled (21-28)

    • Jesus heals many in Capernaum (29-34)

    • Praying in a lonely place (35-39)

    • A leper healed (40-45)

  • 2

    • Jesus heals a paralytic (1-12)

    • Jesus calls Levi (13-17)

    • Question about fasting (18-22)

    • Jesus, ‘Lord of the Sabbath’ (23-28)

  • 3

    • Man with a withered hand healed (1-6)

    • Great multitude on the shore (7-12)

    • The 12 apostles (13-19)

    • Blasphemy against holy spirit (20-30)

    • Jesus’ mother and brothers (31-35)

  • 4


      • The sower (1-9)

      • Why Jesus used illustrations (10-12)

      • Illustration of the sower explained (13-20)

      • The lamp not under a basket (21-23)

      • The measure you use (24, 25)

      • The sower who sleeps (26-29)

      • The mustard grain (30-32)

      • Use of illustrations (33, 34)

    • Jesus calms a storm (35-41)

  • 5

    • Jesus sends demons into swine (1-20)

    • Jairus’ daughter; a woman touches Jesus’ outer garments (21-43)

  • 6

    • Jesus rejected in his hometown (1-6)

    • The Twelve instructed for the ministry (7-13)

    • Death of John the Baptizer (14-29)

    • Jesus feeds 5,000 (30-44)

    • Jesus walks on water (45-52)

    • Healings in Gennesaret (53-56)

  • 7

    • Human traditions exposed (1-13)

    • Defilement comes from the heart (14-23)

    • Syrophoenician woman’s faith (24-30)

    • Deaf man healed (31-37)

  • 8

    • Jesus feeds 4,000 (1-9)

    • Request for a sign (10-13)

    • Leaven of the Pharisees and Herod (14-21)

    • Blind man healed in Bethsaida (22-26)

    • Peter identifies the Christ (27-30)

    • Jesus’ death foretold (31-33)

    • True discipleship (34-38)

  • 9

    • Jesus’ transfiguration (1-13)

    • Demon-possessed boy healed (14-29)

      • All things possible for one with faith (23)

    • Jesus’ death again foretold (30-32)

    • Disciples argue over greatness (33-37)

    • Anyone not against us is for us (38-41)

    • Stumbling blocks (42-48)

    • “Have salt in yourselves” (49, 50)

  • 10

    • Marriage and divorce (1-12)

    • Jesus blesses the children (13-16)

    • A rich man’s question (17-25)

    • Sacrifices for the Kingdom (26-31)

    • Jesus’ death again foretold (32-34)

    • Request from James and John (35-45)

      • Jesus a ransom for many (45)

    • Blind Bartimaeus healed (46-52)

  • 11

    • Jesus’ triumphal entry (1-11)

    • Fig tree cursed (12-14)

    • Jesus cleanses the temple (15-18)

    • Lesson from withered fig tree (19-26)

    • Jesus’ authority challenged (27-33)

  • 12

    • Illustration of the murderous cultivators (1-12)

    • God and Caesar (13-17)

    • Question about the resurrection (18-27)

    • Two greatest commandments (28-34)

    • Is the Christ the son of David? (35-37a)

    • Warning against the scribes (37b-40)

    • Poor widow’s two coins (41-44)

  • 13


      • Wars, earthquakes, food shortages (8)

      • Good news to be preached (10)

      • Great tribulation (19)

      • Coming of the Son of man (26)

      • Illustration of the fig tree (28-31)

      • Keep on the watch (32-37)

  • 14

    • Priests plot to kill Jesus (1, 2)

    • Perfumed oil poured on Jesus (3-9)

    • Judas betrays Jesus (10, 11)

    • The last Passover (12-21)

    • Institution of the Lord’s Evening Meal (22-26)

    • Peter’s denial foretold (27-31)

    • Jesus prays in Gethsemane (32-42)

    • Jesus arrested (43-52)

    • Trial before the Sanhedrin (53-65)

    • Peter denies Jesus (66-72)

  • 15

    • Jesus before Pilate (1-15)

    • Publicly mocked (16-20)

    • Nailed to a stake at Golgotha (21-32)

    • Death of Jesus (33-41)

    • Burial of Jesus (42-47)

  • 16

    • Jesus resurrected (1-8)