Proverbs 29:1-27

  • Unrestrained child brings shame (15)

  • Without a vision, people go wild (18)

  • An angry man stirs up strife (22)

  • A humble man obtains glory (23)

  • Fear of men is a snare (25)

29  A man who stiffens his neck* after much reproof+Will suddenly be broken beyond healing.+   When the righteous are many, the people rejoice,But when the wicked one rules, the people groan.+   A man who loves wisdom makes his father rejoice,+But the one who keeps company with prostitutes squanders his wealth.+   By justice a king brings stability to a land,+But a man seeking bribes brings it to ruin.   A man who flatters his neighborSpreads out a net for his feet.+   A bad man’s transgression ensnares him,+But the righteous one cries out joyfully and rejoices.+   The righteous one is concerned about the legal rights of the poor,+But the wicked one has no such concern.+   Boastful men inflame a town,+But those who are wise turn away anger.+   When a wise man enters into a controversy with a fool,There will be ranting and ridicule, but no satisfaction.+ 10  Bloodthirsty men hate anyone innocent,*+And they seek to take the life* of the upright.* 11  A stupid person gives vent to all his feelings,*+But the wise one calmly keeps them in check.+ 12  When a ruler pays attention to lies,All his servants will be wicked.+ 13  The poor man and the oppressor have this in common:* Jehovah gives light to the eyes of both.* 14  When a king judges the poor fairly,+His throne will always be secure.+ 15  The rod* and reproof impart wisdom,+But a child left unrestrained brings shame on his mother. 16  When the wicked increase, transgression increases,But the righteous will see their downfall.+ 17  Discipline your son and he will bring you rest;And he will give you* great pleasure.+ 18  Where there is no vision,* the people go unrestrained,+But happy are those who observe the law.+ 19  A servant will not let himself be corrected by words,For though he understands, he does not obey.+ 20  Have you seen a man hasty with his words?+ There is more hope for a fool than for him.+ 21  If a servant is pampered from his youth,He will become thankless later on. 22  A man prone to anger stirs up strife;+Anyone disposed to rage commits many transgressions.+ 23  The haughtiness of a man will humble him,+But whoever is humble in spirit will obtain glory.+ 24  The partner of a thief hates himself.* He may hear the call to testify,* but he reports nothing.+ 25  Trembling at* men is* a snare,+But the one trusting in Jehovah will be protected.+ 26  Many seek an audience with* a ruler,But it is from Jehovah that a man gets justice.+ 27  An unjust man is detestable to the righteous,+But the one whose way is upright is detestable to the wicked one.+


Or “who remains stubborn.”
Or “blameless.”
Or “soul.”
Or possibly, “But the upright seeks to protect his life.”
Lit., “spirit.”
Lit., “meet together.”
That is, He gives them life.
Or “discipline; punishment.”
Or “your soul.”
Or “prophetic vision; revelation.”
Or “his own soul.”
Or “an oath involving a curse.”
Or “Fear of.”
Or “lays.”
Or possibly, “seek the favor of.” Lit., “seek the face of.”