

Principle: “Use speech that is easily understood.”​—1 Cor. 14:9.

What Jesus Did

1. Watch the VIDEO, or read Matthew 6:25-27. Then consider the following questions:

  1.    How did Jesus illustrate Jehovah’s care for us?

  2.   Although Jesus knew many facts about birds, on what simple detail did he focus? Why was that an effective approach?

What Do We Learn From Jesus?

2. When we teach in a simple way, people will remember what we taught them and we will touch their hearts.

Imitate Jesus

3. Do not talk too much. Rather than relating all that you know about a subject, focus on the material in the study publication. After you ask a question, wait patiently for your student to answer. If he does not know the answer or expresses a viewpoint that conflicts with Bible teachings, use additional questions to help him reason on the matter. Once your student understands the main point, move on.

4. Help your student connect new teachings with what he already knows. For example, before beginning a lesson about the resurrection, you might briefly review what the student has already learned about the condition of the dead.

5. Use illustrations carefully. Before using an illustration, ask yourself:

  1.    ‘Is the illustration simple?’

  2.   ‘Will my student easily understand it?’

  3.   ‘Will it help my student to remember the main point​—not just the illustration?’