Use the JW.ORG Home Page in Your Ministry

Use the JW.ORG Home Page in Your Ministry

The home page of our website features articles and videos that are designed to appeal to honest-hearted members of the public. (Ac 13:48) It often highlights topics that are in the news or that people are thinking and talking about.

How can you use the home page in your ministry?

  • Check the website regularly. Take note of what is currently featured, and consider how you might use it to help an interested person. (To find other material that was recently featured on the home page, click “See More.”) Staying up-to-date with the website will help you to keep your approach in the ministry fresh.

  • Use articles and videos featured on the home page to start a conversation. This material can give us ideas for what people in the territory may be thinking about.

  • Show people the home page. Highlight specific topics, and show the person how to navigate the site.

  • Share a link. Some people are reluctant to speak with us in person, but they are willing to visit our website. So do not hesitate to send interested ones a link to the home page or to a specific article or video that is featured there.