Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


Kwa Pɔri Kulaa-lai Su Kpanani Leŋ Ziova Ŋɔkono-tee-ŋai Su E Pilaŋ Ŋeniɛ Ninai Ma?

Kwa Pɔri Kulaa-lai Su Kpanani Leŋ Ziova Ŋɔkono-tee-ŋai Su E Pilaŋ Ŋeniɛ Ninai Ma?

‘Mɛnii [Ziova] a moi, a ŋa-see kɛ.’​—NƆ. 23:19.



1-2. Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku gɛ kwa kɛ ŋeniɛ ninai maa kpɛni?

 WE GRATEFUL to Jehovah for his promise about the new world where only righteous people will be living. (2 Pet. 3:13) Even though we not know when this new world will come, we convince that it not far again because of the thing them that happening in the world.​—Matt. 24:​32-34, 36; Acts 1:7.

2 Even if we na stay long in the truth, all of us must continue to make our faith strong in that promise. Why? Because even if you get strong faith, you can still get weak. In fact, when we not get faith the apostle Paul call it, “the sin that easily entangles us.” (Heb. 12:1) For us to stop our faith from getting weak, we need to think good-good about the thing them that show that the new world will soon come.​—Heb. 11:1.

3. Le ɓe kwa pai maa-kɔrii zɛŋ-lɛɛi ŋi su?

3 In this article, we coming talk about three things we can do to make our faith strong in Jehovah promise about the new world: (1) think good-good on the ransom, (2) think about Jehovah power, and (3) we must do things that will make our friendship with Jehovah thick. Then we will talk about how Jehovah message to Habakkuk can make our faith strong today. But first, let talk about some situation them we can face now-now, that we need to get strong faith in the promise about the new world.


4. Mɛni-kpɛtɛɛ-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi laa-la su kpanaŋɔɔ e kɛ kuyeei zui?

4 We need strong faith to make some decision them every day. For example, we can make decision about friendship, how to enjoy ourselves, education, marriage, children, and the kind na work to do. It good to ask ourselves, ‘The thing them I can decide to do can show that this system will soon end for God to bring the new world? Or I can do things just like people who not believe that they can live forever?’ (Matt. 6:​19, 20; Luke 12:​16-21) We will make good-good decisions if we make our faith strong that the new world will soon come.

5-6. Le mɛni ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi laa-la su kpanaŋɔɔ e kɛ la kuyeei kwa kɛ tɛɛi mɛni-kpɔlu sui? Gɔɔŋ-maa lɛ.

5 We also need strong faith when we going through some problem them. Maybe we will face persecution, serious sickness, or other thing them that can make us to feel discourage. Maybe from the beginning, we will be thinking that we able to bear our problem. But some problem them can stay long. So we will need strong faith to bear it and continue serving Jehovah and be happy.​—Rom. 12:12; 1 Pet. 1:​6, 7.

6 When we in problem, sometime we can start thinking that Jehovah new world will not come soon. You think it mean we not get strong faith? No. For example, when we in the middle of the rainy season and the rain still falling heavy, sometime we can start thinking that the dry season will not come soon. But the dry season can still come. That the same way when we really feeling discourage, we can be thinking that the new world will not come soon. But if we get strong faith, we know that it will come because that Jehovah made the promise. (Ps. 94:​3, 14, 15; Heb. 6:​17-19) When we convince, we will continue to put Jehovah first in our life.

7. Le ɓe kufe nɛɛ naa nua tua-pere e pilaŋ duŋ-lɛlɛɛi ma e gɛ a kua?

7 Let talk about one more area we need strong faith. That the preaching work. Plenty people we can preach to feel that the “good news” about the new world not true. (Matt. 24:14; Ezek. 33:32) We must not let their behavior to make us to not believe the thing them Jehovah promise. To stop that one from happening to us, we must continue to make our faith strong. Let talk about three ways we can do it.


8-9. Le ɓe kukili-ŋa siaa e pilaŋ maa-tee-sɛŋ ma a gɛ a kulaa-lai?

8 One way we can make our faith strong that to think good-good on the ransom. The ransom convince us that all the thing them God promise will come true. When we think good-good about why God give us the ransom and the sacrifice he made, it can make our faith strong that God promise about everlasting life will come true. Why we say so?

9 What Jehovah pass through to provide the ransom? Jehovah sent his firstborn Son and best friend who he really love, from heaven to be born on earth as perfect human being. When Jesus was on earth, he went through all kind na hardship. Then he suffer until he die. Jehovah really make big sacrifice! Our God who love people will not let his Son to suffer and die just so we can enjoy life for short time. (John 3:16; 1 Pet. 1:​18, 19) Because Jehovah give his precious son to help us, he will make sure that we will enjoy life forever in the new world.


10. Yɛɛ berei gaa la Ifisiɛŋ 3:20 sui, le ɓe Ziova a pɔri gɛi?

10 The second way we can make our faith strong that to think about Jehovah power. He get power to do everything he promise to do. Today, plenty people feel that everlasting life in the new world not possible. But most of the time, Jehovah can promise to do thing them that no human being able to do. He able to do it because he Almighty God. (Job 42:2; Mark 10:27) So it can’t surprise us when Jehovah promise us wonderful things.​—Read Ephesians 3:20.

11. Lono e pilaŋ Ɣala ŋɔkono-tee kpayakpaya-ŋai taŋa dia. (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ basii “Some Extraordinary Promises Fulfilled” kaai.)

11 Let talk about some of the thing them Jehovah promise way back that were looking like it not possible to some people. He promise Abraham and Sarah that they will born boy child in their old age. (Gen. 17:​15-17) He also told Abraham that he was coming give the land of Canaan to his great-great grandchildren. So when the Israelite them were slaves in Egypt for long time, maybe they start thinking that the promise was not going to come true. But it happen. Later on, Jehovah also told Elizabeth who was already old that she will born. Then Jehovah told one virgin name Mary that she was going to born his Son, who he talk about way back in the garden of Eden and it also happen!​—Gen. 3:15

12. Le ɓe Zasua 23:14 da Azaya 55:10, 11 di nɛ kua e pilaŋ Ziova ŋɔwala-wala-laai ma?

12 When we think about all the promise Jehovah made and how he fulfill them, it can make us to know he get power. Then our faith can get more strong in the thing them he promise about the new world. (Read Joshua 23:14; Isaiah 55:​10, 11.) It will make us to be prepare good-good to help people understand that Jehovah promise about the new world, that not dream. It will come true. Talking about the new world, Jehovah own self say: “These words are faithful and true.”​—Rev. 21:​1, 5.



How each of this thing them can make our faith strong? (See paragraphs 13)

13. Goyaŋ-ŋai da kulaa-lai su kpanaŋ leŋ? Ŋaa lɛ.

13 The third way we can make our faith strong that to do thing them that will make our friendship with Jehovah thick. Just think about the way we can benefit from our congregation meeting them. For example, Anna, b who na spend plenty years in full-time service in different-different assignment say: “The meeting them na help me to make my faith strong. Even if the person that giving the talk not good teacher or he not saying anything new, I can still hear something that will help me to understand the Bible good-good and make my faith strong.” We can also make our faith more strong when we hear our brother and sister them making encouraging comments to the meetings.​—Rom. 1:​11, 12; 10:17.


How each of this thing them can make our faith strong? (See paragraphs 14)

14. Ŋala-woo-ɓo tii a da kulaa-lai su kpanaŋ leŋ?

14 We can also make our faith strong when we take part in the preaching work. (Heb. 10:23) Barbara, who been serving Jehovah for more than 70 years, say: “I know that field service can always make our faith strong. The more I talk to other people about Jehovah wonderful promise them, that the more my faith can be strong.”


How each of this thing them can make our faith strong? (See paragraphs 15)

15. Ŋala-kɔlɔi maa-kɔriɛ kukpɔɔi yee ma a kulaa-lai su kpanaŋ leŋ? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votoo-ŋai kaai.)

15 Let talk about something else that can make our faith strong: that personal study. Susan say it can help her when she make schedule to study. She also say: “On Sunday, I can study the Watchtower for the next week. On Monday and Tuesday, I can prepare for the midweek meeting. On the other day them, I can do personal study.” Susan continue to make her faith strong because she always follow her schedule for study. Irene, who been serving to the world headquarters for plenty years say: studying Bible prophecy na make her faith strong. “It can really full my mouth to see how Jehovah can fulfill everything in his prophecies.” c


16. Le mɛni ɓe mɛnii Ziova e mo Abaku mai lɛlɛɛi la ku mɛni ma saa? (Ibulu 10:36, 37)

16 Some of Jehovah people been waiting long time for the world to end. Some people think that the end taking long time to come. But Jehovah know how his people feeling. That why he tell his prophet Habakkuk say: “The vision is yet for its appointed time, and it is rushing toward its end, and it will not lie. Even if it should delay, keep in expectation of it! For it will without fail come true. It will not be late!” (Hab. 2:3) You think that only Habakkuk will benefit from what God tell him? Or you think the thing them God tell him can benefit us today? Jehovah tell the apostle Paul to tell the Christian them who were waiting for the new world that it also apply to them. (Read Hebrews 10:​36, 37.) Yes, we sure that even if the promise Jehovah make to save us taking long time, ‘we know it will happen; nothing will stop it!’

17. Sisɛ tɔnɔ e tii kɛ leŋ a nia-wooi Ziova e dɛɛ Abaku pɔi?

17 Some of Jehovah people na listen to his advice to ‘keep waiting’ even for plenty years. For example, Louise started serving Jehovah in 1939. She say: “During that time, I was thinking that Armageddon will come before I finish high school. But it not happen. Plenty years now, I been reading story in the Bible about Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and other people who were waiting for Jehovah to fulfill all his promise them. And it na help me to wait for Jehovah to fulfill his promise them. Always believing that God will fulfill his promise them na help me and other people to be sure that the new world will soon come.” Plenty people who been serving Jehovah for long time can agree with her!

18. Ɣala kpɛtɛ-sãa maa kpɛɛ a kulaa-lai su kpanaŋ leŋ ŋeniɛ ninai mɛni ma?

18 That true, the new world not come yet. But think about some of the thing them we get here, like the stars, trees, animals, and your friend human being them. Even though certain time this thing them was not on earth, nobody can say they not real. They here now because Jehovah created them. (Gen. 1:​1, 26, 27) Our God na also promise to create the new world. He will make sure to fulfill that promise. In the new world, people will enjoy life with no sickness. We can be sure that the new world will come the right time that God set. And it will be real just like the thing them around us today.​—Isa. 65:17; Rev. 21:​3, 4.

19. Ya pɔri ilaalai su kpanani leŋ?

19 Now-now, you must use every opportunity to make your faith strong. Always be grateful for the ransom. Think about Jehovah power. Do thing them that will make your friendship with Jehovah thick. When you do this thing them, you will be among “those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.”​—Heb. 6:​11, 12; Rom. 5:5.


a Today, plenty people not believe the promise the Bible make about the new world. They can think that the promise in the Bible that spider story. But for us, we convince that all Jehovah promise them will come true. But still we must work hard to continue to make our faith strong. How? That what this article will explain.

b We change some of the name them.

c You can find plenty articles on Bible prophecy when you look under the subject “Prophecy” in the Watch Tower Publications Index. For example, see the article “What Jehovah Foretells Comes to Be” in the January 1, 2008, Watchtower.