Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


Le Ɓe Kwa Pɔri Maa-kɔrii Zisɛ Ŋɔŋɛi-kɛ-maa-ŋai su?

Le Ɓe Kwa Pɔri Maa-kɔrii Zisɛ Ŋɔŋɛi-kɛ-maa-ŋai su?

‘E kɛ lii a mɛni lɛlɛɛ kɛɛ, gɛ nua ɓalo.’​—DIKƐ-MƐNI-ŊAI 10:38.



1. Lono e pilaŋ mɛnii ma nyii kɛ a tãi Zisɛ e ŋɔŋɛi-kɛ-maai maa-ŋuŋ kɛ lai.

 IMAGINE what happen the ending of 29 C.E. when Jesus started his ministry. They invite Jesus and his ma, Mary, with some of his disciple them to one wedding in Cana, in one village near Jesus hometown in Nazareth. Mary was friendly with the family and maybe she was helping to take care of the people they invited. But something happen during the wedding. The wine finish. This one was coming to embarrass the family and the people who were getting marry bad way. b Maybe they were not expecting that amount of people. Mary turn around quick-quick to her son and say: “The wine finish.” (John 2:​1-3) Wetin Jesus do? He did something that full everybody mouth. He perform miracle and turn water to “fine wine.”​—John 2:​9, 10.

2-3. (a) Zisɛ e tii kɛ leŋ a ŋɔwala-wala-laai? (b) Mɛni lɛlɛɛ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe kwa zɔlɔ ɓo a mɛni maa-kɔriɛ e pilaŋ Zisɛ ŋɔŋɛi-kɛ-maa-ŋai dia?

2 Jesus perform plenty other miracles during his ministry. c He use his power and perform miracle to help plenty-plenty people. For example, one time, Jesus perform miracles by feeding 5,000 men. And later on, he perform the same miracle for 4,000 men. If we add the women and the children them there, maybe they will be more than 27,000 people. (Matt. 14:​15-21; 15:​32-38) Even the time Jesus perform this two miracle them, he also heal plenty sick people. (Matt. 14:14; 15:​30, 31) Just imagine how the people were really happy when Jesus perform miracle to heal them and to feed them!

3 Today, we can learn plenty things from the miracle them that Jesus perform. In this article, we will discuss some lesson them we can learn from Jesus miracles that can make our faith strong. We will also talk about how Jesus use to feel sorry for people and was humble when he perform miracles and how we can follow his example.


4. Gbɛɛ ɓe Zisɛ ŋɔŋɛi-kɛ-maa-ŋai da sɛŋ lɛ kua e pilaŋ mai?

4 Jesus miracle them can teach us lessons about himself and also about Jehovah that can make our faith strong. After all, that Jehovah give Jesus the power to perform all the miracle them. Acts 10:38 say: “God anointed him [Jesus] with holy spirit and power, and he went through the land doing good and healing all those oppressed by the Devil, because God was with him.” Remember too, that Jesus always use to follow his pa example in everything he say and do; like the miracle them he perform. (John 14:9) Let talk about three lessons we can learn from the miracle them Jesus perform.

5. Le ɓe Zisɛ lii kula a gɛɛ e ŋɛi-kɛ-maa-ŋa kɛ? (Maafiu 20:30-34)

5 First, Jesus and his Pa really love us. When Jesus was on earth, he show that he really love people by using his power to perform miracle to help those who were suffering. One time, two blind men beg Jesus to help them. (Read Matthew 20:​30-34.) Notice that Jesus was “moved with pity” and he heal them. The Greek word they use to translate “moved with pity” mean, to be having that sorrowful feeling in your heart. That sorrowful feeling make Jesus to feed those who were hungry and to cure someone with leprosy. That how he show love for people. (Matt. 15:32; Mark 1:41) We can be sure that Jehovah, the God of “tender compassion,” and his Son Jesus really love us. And they can feel too bad when they see us suffering. (Luke 1:78; 1 Pet. 5:7) We can see that they really want solve all our problem them that we going through!

6. Wala-wala-laa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Ɣala aa dɛɛ Zisɛ pɔ?

6 Second, God na give Jesus the power to solve all our problem them. The miracle them that Jesus perform show that he can solve all our problem them that we our self can’t solve. For example, he get the power to free us from sin, the main thing that causing our problems and from sickness, and death. (Matt. 9:​1-6; Rom. 5:​12, 18, 19) His miracle them prove that he can cure any kind na sickness and even bring dead people back to life. (Matt. 4:23; John 11:​43, 44) He Also get the power to control heavy storm and free people from wicked spirits. (Mark 4:​37-39; Luke 8:2) It really make us happy to know that Jehovah na give his Son the power to do all this thing them!

7-8. (a) Le ɓe Zisɛ ŋɔŋɛi-kɛ-maa-ŋai da kpɔŋ kua a gɛɛ kukɛ a ku laa la? (b) Ŋɛi-kɛ-maa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe iŋɛi kaa perei mɛni ma ŋeniɛ ninai su?

7 Third, we really convince that the good-good thing them that God promise will come true under his Kingdom. The miracle them that Jesus perform when he was on earth, teach us what he will do all over the world when he King for God Kingdom. Think about some of the thing them that will soon happen when Jesus ruling. We will be alright in our body because he will take away all the sickness them that people can suffer from. (Isa. 33:24; 35:​5, 6; Rev. 21:​3, 4) We will never suffer from hunger or suffer because of the bad-bad thing them natural disasters can bring. (Isa. 25:6; Mark 4:41) We will be happy to welcome our people them who will come back to life.” (John 5:​28, 29) Which of the miracle you really want for Jesus to perform in the new world?

8 The miracle them Jesus perform show that he use to feel sorry for people and he was humble. We must do our best to follow Jesus example and get this quality them. Let talk about two examples. First the wedding that happen in Cana.


9. Le ɓe Zisɛ e gɛ nɛni-kula-kuui ma? (Zɔŋ 2:6-10)

9 Read John 2:​6-10. You think Jesus was force to do anything when the wine finish during the wedding? No. No prophecy say that the Messiah was going to turn water to wine. But just imagine how you will feel if all the drinks finish during your own wedding. Maybe Jesus was feeling sorry for the family, especially the bride and groom. And he never wanted for them to be embarrass. So he perform the miracle that we talk about from the beginning of this article. He turn 103 gallon of water to good wine. Maybe he make the wine plenty so that they can use the balance one in the future or sell it and give the money to help the marry people. Just imagine how the marry people were feeling!

Follow Jesus example by not boasting about anything we able to do (See paragraphs 10-11) e

10. Mɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai Zɔŋ 2 e lono e pilaŋ mai taŋa ɓa le? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

10 Let talk about some important information them that in John chapter 2. You notice that Jesus was not the one who full up the water jar them? Instead of making people to look at him, he told the servant them to full up the jar them. (Verses 6, 7) And after he turn the water to wine, Jesus himself not take some of the wine to carry it to the director of the feast. But he told the servant them to carry it. (Verse 8) Jesus not take some of the wine in cup and hold it in front of the people and start boasting, ‘Yor taste the wine that I just made!’

11. Le ɓe kwa pɔri maa-kɔri Zisɛ ŋɔŋɛi-kɛ-maai su?

11 Wetin we can learn from the miracle that Jesus perform by turning water to wine? We learn lesson about how to be humble. Jesus not boast about his miracle; in fact, he never use to boast about the thing them he was doing. But he was humble, and he always use to give the glory to his Father. (John 5:​19, 30; 8:28) If we follow Jesus example and be humble, we will not boast about the thing them we can do. No matter what we doing in Jehovah service, we must not boast about ourselves, but we must boast about the wonderful God we serving. (Jer. 9:​23, 24) So we must give God the glory. In fact, we not able to do anything good without Jehovah helping us.​—1 Cor. 1:​26-31.

12. Pere-sii takpɛni kɛɛ leŋ ɓe kwa pɔri Zisɛ ŋɔmaa-yeŋ-laai pɔɔkɔɔni la? Gɔɔŋ-maa le.

12 Let look at another way we can follow Jesus to be humble. Think about this situation: One elder spent long time helping one young ministerial servant to prepare his first public talk. Because of that, the young brother give fine talk and it benefit the congregation. After the meeting, someone come to the elder and say: ‘Brother B gave find talk, what you think?’ You think the elder must say: ‘Yes, but I spent long time helping him to prepare that talk? Or you think he suppose to be humble and say: ‘Yes, the brother talk was fine. I really happy for him’? When we humble, we will not take the praise for the good thing them we can do for our brother sister them. We will be satisfy because we know that Jehovah can see and value what we can do. (Compare Matthew 6:​2-4; Heb. 13:16) We know that Jehovah can be happy when we follow Jesus example to be humble.​—1 Pet. 5:6.


13. Le ɓe Zisɛ e gaa Neei taa-leei kɔlɛ, nyaŋ le ɓe e gɛ e pilaŋ ma? (Luu 7:11-15)

13 Read Luke 7:​11-15. Imagine what happen during Jesus ministry. He travel to Nain, one Galilean city that was not far from Shunem. That the same place the prophet Elisha brought one woman son back to life. Then after 900 years Jesus went there. (2 Ki. 4:​32-37) When Jesus was entering the city, he saw the people going to bury. It was really sorrowful because that was the widow only child. But she was not by herself; plenty people from the city was with her. Jesus stop them and did something that really surprise this woman. He brought her son back to life! Among the three resurrection them that Jesus perform in the Gospels, that the first one here.

When someone lose their love one in death, we can follow Jesus example by taking our time to show that we feeling sorry for them (See paragraphs 14-16)

14. Mɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai Luu ŋuŋ 7 e lono e pilaŋ mai taŋa ɓa le? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

14 Let see some of the important information them that in Luke chapter 7. You notice that Jesus ‘saw’ the woman grieving and then ‘he felt sorry for her’? (Verse 13) Maybe, he saw her crying and walking near her son body and he felt sorry for her. Jesus not just feel sorry for the woman; he show to her that he was feeling sorry for her. He really encourage her by the way he said: ‘Stop crying.’ He also did something to help her. He brought her son back to life and ‘gave him to his ma.’​—Verse 14 and 15.

15. Le ɓe kwa pɔri maa-kɔri Zisɛ ŋɔŋɛi-kɛ-maai su?

15 Wetin we can learn from the miracle that Jesus perform by resurrecting the widow son? We learn how to show that we feeling sorry for people who grieving. That true, we not like Jesus to bring people back to life. But like Jesus, we can learn to feel sorry for people who somebody die from. We can take our time to show that we feeling sorry for the person by what we say and do to help and comfort them. d (Prov. 17:17; 2 Cor. 1:​3, 4; 1 Pet. 3:8) Small-small thing them that people can do and say can really comfort them.

16. Yɛɛ berei gaa la votooi sui, le ɓe I maa-kɔri sisɛi ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai su nyii noŋ aa saai?

16 Let talk about what happen to one woman. Some years ago, when they were singing in the meeting, one sister notice one woman who was sitting on the other side crying. The song was talking about the resurrection, and that woman daughter just die. Since the sister knew what happen she went to the woman. She put her hand around the woman and two of them finish the song together. Later on, the woman say: “It make me to love the brother and sister them more.” She was really grateful that she go to the meeting that day. She also say, “that to the Kingdom Hall we can get help from.” We sure that Jehovah can see and value even the small-small thing them we can do to show that we sorry for people who grieving or who really feeling bad.​—Ps. 34:18.


17. Le ɓe kwaa maa-kɔri zɛŋ-lɛɛi ŋi su?

17 When we study the story them about Jesus miracles in the Bible, it can really encourage us. They can teach us that Jehovah and Jesus really love us. It can also teach us that Jesus get the power to solve all our problem them. And it can convince us that all the thing them God promise for the future, will soon come true when his Kingdom start ruling over the earth. When we really think about this story them in the Bible, they can help us to see some ways we can follow Jesus example. Maybe you can use your personal study time or Family Worship to study about Jesus other miracle them. See the lesson them you can learn, and tell other people about what you learn. When you do it, you will be having plenty encouraging thing them to say when you lecturing with other people!​—Rom. 1:​11, 12.

18. Le ɓe kwa pai maa-kɔrii zɛŋ-lɛɛi ŋi nɛɛ polui su?

18 Jesus perform his third and his last resurrection in the Bible to the end of his ministry. But this one was different because that his close friend he brought back to life. And the person already spent four days in the grave. What lesson them we can learn from the Gospels about this miracle? And how it can make our faith strong in the resurrection? We will find the answer them in the next article.


a We can be happy when we read about the miracle them that Jesus perform! For example, he made the heavy storm to stop, he heal sick people, and he even brought dead people back to life. They not put this story them in the Bible just for us to enjoy reading them, but they there to teach us good lessons. We coming talk about some of this thing them that will teach us lessons about Jehovah and Jesus that can make our faith strong. We will also be able to see some godly quality them that we need to get.

b One big book man who study about the Bible say: “In Bible time, giving was important thing to the people. So they always use to provide plenty things for their guest. To show that they good to their guest, they use to provide plenty food and drinks, especially when they having wedding.”

c Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John talk about more than 30 of the main miracle them that Jesus perform. Beside that one, Jesus perform plenty other miracle them that the Bible not talk about one by one. One time, one “whole city” came to him and ‘he heal plenty people who were sick.’​—Mark 1:​32-34.

d If you want learn what you can say or do to comfort people that grieving, see the article “Comfort the Bereaved, as Jesus Did,” in the November 1 2010 Watchtower.

e VOTOOI SUKULAI: Jesus standing way behind the marry people and the people them they invite enjoying the good wine.