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Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


Ziova A Pai Kpɔni Ya A Gɛɛ I Tɛɛ I Mɛni-kpanaŋ-ŋai Su

Ziova A Pai Kpɔni Ya A Gɛɛ I Tɛɛ I Mɛni-kpanaŋ-ŋai Su

“Deniŋ ɓo-ɓelai damaa da pɔri mɔ̃lɛi, kɛlɛ Yawɛɛ a dikula maa mɔ̃lɛ-laai su.”​—ŊU. 34:19.



1. Le ɓe ku kelee ku laai la?

 BECAUSE we Jehovah people, we know that he love us and he want us to enjoy the best life. (Rom. 8:​35-39) We also convince that when do what the Bible say, we will always benefit. (Isa. 48:​17, 18) But how we must act when problem we not expecting come our way?

2. Mɛni-kpɔlu kɛɛ leŋ ɓe kwa pɔri tɛɛi zu, nyaŋ mare-kɛɛ-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe mɛni-kpɔlu ti a pɔri pai la kukili-ŋa?

2 All of us who serving Jehovah can face problems. For example, some of our family member will do something to make us feel bad. Maybe serious sickness making us to not do the thing them we use to do for Jehovah before. Or maybe we suffering because of natural disaster. Or maybe people persecuting us because of our belief. When we facing problem them like this, maybe we will be thinking: ‘Why this one happening to me? I do something bad? It mean Jehovah not blessing me?’ You na feel like that before? If that how you feeling, don’t be discourage. Plenty of Jehovah faithful people na feel like that too.​—Ps. 22:​1, 2; Hab. 1:​2, 3.

3. Le ɓe kwa pɔri maa-kɔrii Ŋule-wooi 34:19 sui?

3 Read Psalm 34:19. This Bible verse get two important points: (1) Righteous people can face problems. (2) Jehovah can save us from our problem them. How Jehovah can save us? One way he can do it, that to help us accept life the way it looking in this world. Even though Jehovah promise that when we serve him we will be happy, he not say our life will be free from problems. (Isa. 66:14) He encourage us to focus on our future; the time everybody will enjoy life forever. (2 Cor. 4:​16-18) But for now, he can help us to go through our problem them and continue serving him every day.​—Lam. 3:​22-24.

4. Le ɓe kwa pai maa-kɔrii zɛŋ-lɛɛi ŋi su?

4 Let talk about what we can learn from the examples of Jehovah faithful people in Bible time and in our time. We learn that we our self will face problem them that we not expecting. But when we depend on Jehovah, he will always help us. (Ps. 55:22) When we talking about this example them, ask yourself this question them: ‘If this same thing happen to me, how I will act? How this example them can help me to get more trust in Jehovah? How I can follow their examples?’


Jehovah bless Jacob for the 20 years that he was working hard for his uncle, Laban, who was not fair to him (See paragraph 5)

5. Mɛni-kpanaŋ-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Zeeka e tɛɛ zu Laɓaŋ yeei? (Votooi Watchtower tuɛ-laa mai kaa.)

5 In the Bible, Jehovah people face problem them that they were not expecting. One of them was Jacob. His pa told him to go and marry one of Laban daughter. Laban was their relative who was serving Jehovah. And his pa say Jehovah will bless him if he do it. (Gen. 28:​1-4) So Jacob did what his pa say. Jacob left from Canaan and travel to the Laban home. Laban was having two daughters name Leah and Rachel. Jacob fell in love with Rachel, the small sister. And he agree to work for Rachel pa for seven years just to marry her. (Gen. 29:18) But it not happen the way he was expecting it. Laban fool him and make him to marry Leah, the big sister. After one week, Laban allow Jacob to marry Rachel but only if Jacob agree to work for him seven more years. (Gen. 29:​25-27) Laban was also cheating Jacob with the business. All in all, Laban was not fair to Jacob for 20 years!​—Gen. 31:​41, 42.

6. Mɛni-kpanaŋ takpɛni kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Zeeka e tɛɛ zui?

6 Jacob face some other problem them. Jacob was having big family but the children them was not always having peace among their self. They even sell their own brother Joseph to be slave. Jacob two children, Simeon and Levi, brought shame on the family and spoil Jehovah name. Beside that one, Jacob wife Rachel that he really use to like, die when she was giving birth to their second child. And because food business was hard, Jacob was force to go live in Egypt in his old age.​—Gen. 34:30; 35:​16-19; 37:28; 45:​9-11, 28.

7. Ziova e nɛ leŋ Zeeka ma a gɛɛ ŋwɛli e kɛ ma?

7 With all the thing them that was happening to Jacob, he was still having faith in Jehovah and in the thing them He promise. Because of that, Jehovah show to Jacob that He was on his side. Even though Laban was not fair to Jacob, Jehovah still bless Jacob with plenty material things. And Jacob was really grateful to Jehovah when he saw his son Joseph, who he was thinking na die! Because Jacob friendship with Jehovah was strong, it help him to go through all his problem them. (Gen. 30:43; 32:​9, 10; 46:​28-30) When we continue to make our friendship with Jehovah strong, it will help us too to go through problem them that we not expecting.

8. Le ɓe Deeɓe e kɛ ŋwɛlii e gɛ Ziova mi?

8 King David was not able to do all the thing them he wanted to do for Jehovah. For example, David really wanted to build the temple for Jehovah. So he tell the prophet Nathan about it. Then Nathan say: ‘Do anything that in your heart, because Jehovah with you.’ (1 Chron. 17:​1, 2) The thing that Nathan say really encourage David. Maybe David started making plan quick-quick for this big project.

9. Deeɓe e tua leŋ tãi e tuŋ nyɔmɔɔ mɛni lai?

9 It not stay long, Jehovah prophet came to see David again with discouraging news. “That same night,” Jehovah told Nathan that not David will build the temple; but that one of his sons will do it. (1 Chron. 17:​3, 4, 11, 12) How David acted when he receive this message? He change his plan. He focus on getting money and the material them that his son Solomon was coming use for the project.​—1 Chron. 29:​1-5.

10. Ziova e luwa laa leŋ Deeɓe ma?

10 Right after Jehovah told David that he will not be the one to build the temple, He made one agreement with him. Jehovah promise David that somebody from his family line will rule forever. (2 Sam. 7:16) In the new world, David will really be happy when he learn that Jesus who will be ruling as King, came from his own family line! This one help us to see that even if we not able to do all the thing them we want do for Jehovah, he will bless us with other good-good thing them we not expecting.

11. Luwa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Korai-ɓelai kɛ zia-ɓelai di tãi mai di zɔlɔ ɓo berei maŋ Galoŋ-laai fe pa ni la a tãi dikili e kɛ la mai? (Dikɛ-mɛni-ŋai 6:7)

11 The Christian them way back face problems they were not expecting. For example, they really wanted for God Kingdom to come, but they not know the time it was coming happen. (Acts 1:​6, 7) So, wetin they do? They continue preaching. When they use to be preaching in different-different places, they saw how Jehovah was blessing their work.​—Read Acts 6:7.

12. Le ɓe Korai-ɓelai kɛ zia-ɓelai di tãi mai di gɛ tãi puru kɛtɛi e too lai?

12 One time, food business got hard on the whole earth. (Acts 11:28) And it affected the Christian them way back too. We can see how they suffer because food business was hard. We sure that parents were even worry about how they will find food for their family. It also affected some young people who was planning to do more in the preaching work. Maybe they were thinking if they must wait until the whole food problem finish. Even though they were going through this problem, they try to accept their situation. They continue doing their best to preach. And they were also happy to share any small thing they was having with their brother and sister them in Judea.​—Acts 11:​29, 30.

13. Luwa-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Korai-ɓelai di zɔlɔ ɓo a tãi burui e too lai?

13 How Jehovah bless the Christian them when food business was hard? Those who got food supply saw the way Jehovah was blessing them. (Matt. 6:​31-33) It make them to get closer to their brothers and sisters who help them. And those who made contribution or who took part in the food supply work, felt the happiness you can get when you give. (Acts 20:35) Jehovah bless all of them because they accept their situation.

14. Le ɓe kɛ a Banaba da zia-nuui Pɔɔ, nyaŋ mɛni lɛlɛɛ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe nyiŋi e pa lai? (Dikɛ-mɛni-ŋai 14:21, 22)

14 Sometime, they use to persecute the Christian them way back when they not expecting it. Let see what happen to Barnabas and the apostle Paul when they were preaching in Lystra. First when they went, the people welcome them and listen to them. But later on, some people who were against them started convincing those who was listening to go against them too. So, some of those same people started chunking Paul until he almost die. (Acts 14:19) But Barnabas and Paul went somewhere else to preach. What was the result? They help some people to be disciples. And their preaching and example make their brother and sister them faith strong. (Read Acts 14:​21, 22.) Plenty people benefit because Barnabas and Paul not stop preaching, even though people were against them. So long we not give up and stop preaching, Jehovah will bless us.


15. Le ɓe I maa-kɔri Bɔlɔ A. H. Macmillan ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai su?

15 Before 1914, Jehovah people were expecting some thing them to happen. Let look at the example of Brother A. H. Macmillan. Brother Macmillan and plenty people that time, were thinking that they will soon go to heaven. In September 1914 when he was giving one talk, he say: “Maybe that my last talk here.” But, that was not his last talk. Later on Brother Macmillan say: “It look like some of us was too quick to think that we coming go to heaven now-now. The best thing we suppose to do, that for us to continue preaching.” And Brother Macmillan was always busy. He was having zeal for the preaching work. He was able to encourage plenty brother them who was in jail because they refuse to join the army. And he continue to attend meeting even in his old age. How Brother Macmillan benefit because he was always busy in Jehovah service? Just before he die, he say: “My faith still strong today just like before.” That the best attitude all of us must follow, especially if we na stay long going through problem that we was not expecting!​—Heb. 13:7.

16. Le ɓe Bɔlɔ Herbert Jennings da bɔŋ di tɛɛ zu nyii di kili fe kɛ ni mai? (Zĩi 4:14)

16 Plenty Jehovah witness suffering today because of sickness that they were not expecting. For example, one brother name Herbert Jennings b explain how he and his wife enjoy their assignment when they were missionary in Ghana. But after some time, the doctor them told him that he was having one serious problem they called mood disorder. Thinking on James 4:​14, Brother Jennings say his condition that, “You not know how your life will be tomorrow.” (Read.) He say: “We accept our situation. And we arrange to move from Ghana and leave our close friend them and go back to Canada [for treatment].” Jehovah help Brother Jennings and his wife to continue to be faithful in serving Him even though they were going through problem.

17. Bɔlɔ Jennings’ ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai e kpɔŋ maa tɛɛi leŋ maraŋ Korai-ɓela pɔ?

17 The thing that Brother Jennings say in his life story help plenty people. One sister say: “nothing na really touch my heart like the time I read his life story. . . . When I read about how Brother Jennings left his assignment because of sickness, it help me to look at my situation the right way.” One brother also say: “I was elder for ten years. I stop serving as elder because of mental problem. It make me feel that I na able to do anything again. I started feeling so bad that I never wanted to read any article about life-story. But the way Brother Jennings remain faithful really encourage me.” This one teach us that when we bear problem that we not expecting it can encourage other people too. Even when things not happen the way we want it to happen, we can still set good example to be faithful and go through our problem them.​—1 Pet. 5:9.

When we trust in Jehovah, problem them that we not expecting can bring us close to him (See paragraph 18)

18. Yɛɛ berei gaa la vootoi sui, le ɓe I maa-kɔri bɔɔ-nɛnii ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ mai su nyii gaa Nigeria?

18 COVID-19 na cause problem for plenty Jehovah witness all over the world. For example, one widow from Nigeria was only having small food and money remaining. So one morning, her daughter ask her wetin they will eat when they finish cooking their last cup of rice. Our sister tell her daughter that their food and money finish. But they must follow the widow from Zarephath example, cook their last food and put their whole trust in Jehovah. (1 Ki. 17:​8-16) Before they even start thinking about wetin they will cook for that day, they got relief supplies from the brother and sister them. They receive plenty food that carry them for more than two weeks. The sister say she never knew that Jehovah was really listening to the thing she was telling her daughter. Yes, when we trust in Jehovah, problem them that we not expecting in life can bring us close to him.​—1 Pet. 5:​6, 7.

19. Mɛni-kpanaŋ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Aleksey Yershov e tɛɛ zu?

19 For some years now, plenty brother and sister them na go through persecution that maybe they were not expecting. Let talk about Brother Aleksey Yershov, from Russia. In 1994 when Brother Yershov got baptize, things was alright for Jehovah people in Russia. But after some years, things change in Russia. In 2020, soldier people enter Brother Yershov house, check inside and seize plenty of his thing them. After some months, the government put crime on him. To make things worse, they put crime on the brother because of video recording them somebody made and gave to the police. This person was pretending for more than one year that he get interest in studying the Bible. He really did bad!

20. Bɔlɔ Yershov e ŋɔlaoi-laai su kpanaŋ leŋ a Ziova?

20 Anything good come from the persecution Brother Yershov went through? Yes. His friendship with Jehovah na get more strong. “He say: Me and my wife can pray together all the time. I know that when Jehovah not coming help me, I was not coming bear the problem on my own.” He also say: “Personal study help me to fight discouragement. I can think on the example of faithful people in the Bible. They get plenty story them in the Bible that show how it important to not worry and how it good to trust Jehovah.”

21. Le ɓe kwaa maa-kɔri zɛŋ-lɛɛi ŋi su?

21 Wetin we na learn in this article? Sometime, in this world we will go through problem them we not expecting. But Jehovah can always help his people when they trust in him. Just how our theme scripture say it, “many are the hardships of the righteous one, but Jehovah rescues him from them all.” (Ps. 34:19) We must not focus on our problem, but we must focus on Jehovah power to help us. Then just like the apostle Paul, we can say: “For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power.”​—Phil. 4:13.


a Even though we can face some problem them we not expecting, we can be sure that Jehovah will help his faithful people. How Jehovah help his people way back? How he helping us today? Learning about some example them from the Bible and from our time, will make us more convince that if we rely on Jehovah, he will always help us too.