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ŊULEI 12 Great God, Jehovah

Mɛnii Ziova Aa Gɛ A Gɛɛ E Kuŋuŋ Maa Ɓo Sɔnyɔŋ Da Saa Yeei

Mɛnii Ziova Aa Gɛ A Gɛɛ E Kuŋuŋ Maa Ɓo Sɔnyɔŋ Da Saa Yeei

“Ɣala e nɔii wɛli a ŋanaa, nya ɓe e Noŋ tɔnɔi tɛɛ.”ZƆŊ 3:16.


We will learn some thing dem Jehovah been doing to help us fight sin. We will also learn how he na make it possible for us to be free from sin and live forever.

1-2. (a) Sɔnyɔŋ sukulai ɓa le, nyaŋ le ɓe kwa pɔri gɛi a gɛɛ ku nyee mɛi ɣalei? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ “Meaning of Some Words.” kaai.) (b) Le ɓe kwa pai maa-kɔrii zɛŋ-lɛɛi ŋi da nɛɛ polu ŋɔɔ-ŋai su? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ basii “Note to Readers” kaai nyii gaa gɔlɔ-laai 32 mai.)

 YOU want know how Jehovah really love you? Yeh one good way to know the answer: Study what he na do to save you from sin and death. Sin a that bad enemy that you not able to fight on your own. All of us can sin every day, and because of that we can die. (Rom. 5:12) But we get good news. With Jehovah help, we able to fight sin and win. In fact, we can be sure about this one!

2 Jehovah God been helping human being to fight sin for about 6,000 years now. Why? Because he love us. He been loving human being from the time he made them. So, he na do plenty things to help them fight sin. God know that sin can lead to death, and he not want us to die. He want us to live forever. (Rom. 6:23) That what he want for you. In this article, we will answer three questions: (1) What hope Jehovah na give to sinful human being? (2) In Bible times, how sinful human being wor able to make God happy? (3) Wetin Jesus do to save human being from sin and death?


3. Le ɓe gɛ Adaŋ da Ii dikɛ sɔnyɔŋ kɛ?

3 When Jehovah made the first man and woman, he wanted them to be happy. He made them husband and wife, gave them fine place to live and interesting work to do. He tell them to born children and make the whole earth paradise just like the garden of Eden. Only one thing he tell them not to do. He tell them that if they mean it and do it they will die. We know what happen. One wicked angel who not love God or human being, fool them to disobey God. Adam and Eve listen to that wicked angel. They not trust their Father who show them love, so they sin. The thing that Jehovah tell them that what happen. Because they disobey, Adam and Eve suffer for the rest of their life. They got old and die.—Gen. 1:​28, 29; 2:​8, 9, 16-18; 3:​1-6, 17-19, 24; 5:5.

4. Le mɛni ɓe sɔnyɔŋ ɓɛlɛ-kpɛɛi la Ziova koi, nyaŋ a kpɔŋ maa tɛɛ leŋ kupɔ a gɛɛ ku lɛɣɛ a nyaa? (Lomaŋ 8:20, 21)

4 Jehovah put this sad story in the Bible for our benefit. It help us to understand why he really hate sin. Sin make us to go far away from our Father, and it can lead to death. (Isa. 59:2) That the reason why Satan who started all this trouble, love sin and he supporting it. Maybe he wor thinking that he na spoil Jehovah purpose for human being. But he not understand that Jehovah that loving God. Jehovah never change his purpose for Adam and Eve children. Because he love human being, he gave them hope right away. (Read Romans 8:​20, 21.) Jehovah knew that some of Adam children wor coming to love him and obey him. Since he their Creator and Father, he wor coming make way to free them from sin and draw them close to him. How Jehovah wor coming make all this one them to happen?

5. Mi tãi ɓe kɛ a tãi maa-ŋuŋ Ziova e kili-kɛ-zu tɛɛ la nuu-kpune pɔi? Ŋaa-lɛ. (Zɛnɛse 3:​15)

5 Read Genesis 3:15. Jehovah gave the first hope to human being when he talk about what will happen to Satan. God say one “offspring” wor going to save human being. This offspring will destroy Satan and solve all the problem dem he cause in Eden. (1 John 3:8) But that offspring wor going to suffer before he do it. Satan wor going to make him to die. And that one wor really going to hurt Jehovah. But Jehovah wor willing to bear the pain and allow the offspring to suffer so human being can be free from sin and death.


6. Le ɓe laa-laa-ɓela kɛɛ yɛɛ Ebɛɛ da Noa di gɛ a gɛɛ di lɛɣɛ a Ziova?

6 Small-small, Jehovah make it more clear how sinful people can draw close to him. After Adam and Eve sin in Eden, Abel their second son wor the first human being to put faith in Jehovah. Abel made sacrifice to Jehovah because he love Him. He wanted to make Jehovah happy and draw close to Him. Abel wor shepherd, so he took some of his young sheep, kill them, and made sacrifice to Jehovah. Wetin Jehovah do? He “looked with favor on Abel and on his offering.” (Gen. 4:4) That the same way Jehovah wor happy with the sacrifices of people like Noah who love him and trust him. (Gen. 8:​20, 21) The fact that Jehovah accept their sacrifices, show that imperfect people can make Jehovah happy and draw close to him. b

7. Le ɓe kwa pɔri maa-kɔrii berei su Eberaɣɛ̃ɛ e faa la ma a gɛɛ e gbɔɔi loŋ kula a sala?

7 Jehovah tell Abraham to do something that wor really hard. He tell Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. Even though this one wor really hard for Abraham to do, he wor still willing to do it. But God stop him. That example teach us something really important. Jehovah wor coming be willing to sacrifice his own Son who he really love. It show that Jehovah really love human being.—Gen. 22:​1-18.

8. Le ɓe kwa pɔri maa-kɔrii zala tamaai su Eezuɛ-ŋai dakaa gulai? (Levetekɔ 4:​27-​29; 17:11)

8 Plenty years after that, when Jehovah gave the law to the Israelite dem, he tell them to make plenty animal sacrifices for their sins. (Read Leviticus 4:​27-29; 17:11.) This animal sacrifice dem show that Jehovah wor coming provide one sacrifice that will save people from sin altogether. God tell his prophet dem to explain that the offspring, who turn out to be God own son wor coming suffer and die. They wor coming kill him just how they can do the sheep for sacrifice. (Isa. 53:​1-12) Just think about this: Jehovah wor coming give his own Son as sacrifice to save human being from sin and death, including you!


9. Le ɓe Batai-kɛ-nuui Zɔŋ e mo e pilaŋ Zisɛ ma? (Ibulu 9:​22; 10:​1-4, 12)

9 In 29 C.E., God servant John the Baptist point to Jesus of Nazareth and say: “See, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29) What John say just prove that Jesus wor the offspring that Jehovah promise. He wor going to sacrifice his life for us. It gave imperfect people real hope again because it wor coming free them from sin and death altogether.—Read Hebrews 9:22; 10:​1-4, 12.

10. Zisɛ e nɛ leŋ a gɛɛ ‘e pa sɔnyɔŋ-ɓela tolii’?

10 Jesus mainly focus on people who wor feeling bad because they wor sinners and he invite them to be his followers. He knew that the main reason why people can suffer, that because of sin. So he use to help men and women who people look at to be sinners. Jesus use one example and say: “Healthy people do not need a physician, but those who are ill do.” He also say: “I came to call, not righteous people, but sinners.” (Matt. 9:​12, 13) And that what Jesus do. When one woman wash his feet with her tears, he take his own time to talk with her and he forgave her sins. (Luke 7:​37-50) He teach the Samaritan woman important truths about God, even though he knew she wor living with man who not her husband. (John 4:​7, 17-19, 25, 26) God even gave Jesus the power to end sin and death. How? By giving Jesus the power to bring men, women and children back to life.—Matt. 11:5.

11. Le mɛni ɓe sɔnyɔŋ-ɓela dikɛ ŋwɛlii dikɛ la Zisɛ kɔlɛi?

11 We can understand why it wor easy for people who wor doing bad things to go around Jesus. He use to feel sorry for them and help them. They use to feel free to talk with him. (Luke 15:​1, 2) And Jesus use to tell them thank you and bless them for putting faith in him. (Luke 19:​1-10) Jesus show to people that Jehovah really merciful. (John 14:9) From the way Jesus use to talk to people and treat them, we learn that his merciful Father love people and want help them. Jesus help imperfect people to want change their ways and follow him.—Luke 5:​27, 28.

12. Le ɓe Zisɛ e nɛ e pilaŋ ŋɔsaai ma?

12 Jesus knew what wor coming happen to him. He tell his disciple dem more than one time that somebody wor coming betray him and they wor coming kill him on the stake. (Matt. 17:22; 20:​18, 19) He knew that his sacrifice wor coming take away people sin, just how John the Baptist and the other prophet dem say it. Jesus also say that after he give his life, he wor coming “draw all sorts of men” to his self. (John 12:32) Imperfect people can make Jehovah happy by accepting Jesus to be their Lord and by following his example. If they do it, they will be “set free from sin” altogether. (Rom. 6:​14, 18, 22; John 8:32) So Jesus wor willing and brave to go through that painful death.—John 10:​17, 18.

13. Zisɛ e saa leŋ, nyaŋ le ɓe ŋɔsaai e nɛ kua e pilaŋ Ziova Ɣala ma? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

13 They betray Jesus, arrest him, cuss him and lie on his name. They say he wor guilty and they even suffer him bad way. The soldier people carry him to the place they suppose to kill him and nail him on the stake. While Jesus wor bearing all this pain, his Pa Jehovah wor also feeling pain too. He wor having the power to stop his Son from suffering but he not do it. Jehovah really love his Son, so why he allow him to suffer and die like that? That because of love. That the reason why Jesus say: “God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.”—John 3:16.

Think about the pain Jehovah went through when he allow his Son to die just to free us from sin and death (See paragraph 13)

14. Le ɓe Zisɛ ŋɔsalai a nɛ ya?

14 Jesus sacrifice prove that Jehovah really love Adam and Eve children. It prove that Jehovah really, really love you. Jehovah pass through all that pain just to free you from sin and death. (1 John 4:​9, 10) Yes, he want help each of us to fight sin and win!

15. Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku gɛ a gɛɛ ku mɛni lɛlɛɛ sɔlɔ ɓo maa-tee-sɛŋ su?

15 God gift to us that his Son ransom sacrifice. It make it possible for Jehovah to forgive our sins. But for God to forgive us, we must do something. That wetin? John the Baptist and Jesus Christ his self gave the answer. They say: “Repent, for the Kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.” (Matt. 3:​1, 2; 4:17) So if we want fight sin and draw close to our loving Father, we must repent. But what it mean to repent, and how it can help us to make Jehovah happy even though we sinners? We will answer this question dem in the next article.

ŊULEI 18 Sɛ̂ɣɛi Fé Tɛɛ M̀aa-tee-sɛŋ Mɛni Ma

a MEANING OF SOME WORDS: In the Bible, sometime the word “sin” can mean, not living by what Jehovah say. But the word “sin” can also mean, the condition we get from Adam that make us to not be perfect. The sin we get from them, that it make all of us can die.

b Way back, Jehovah use to accept faithful people sacrifice. He use to accept it because he knew that Jesus wor coming sacrifice his life to free people from sin and death forever.—Rom. 3:25