Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


Bɔlɔ-ŋa Nyii A Nuu-tɔɔi​—Ka Kamaa Tɛ Dɔ̃yai Su

Bɔlɔ-ŋa Nyii A Nuu-tɔɔi​—Ka Kamaa Tɛ Dɔ̃yai Su

“Ilii-kpele I tɔɔ a gbanaɔɔ.”—1 Ka. 2:2.

ŊULEI 135 Ziova Ŋɔlia-wooi: “Noŋ, Kɛ A Itareɛɛ”


1. Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi Bɔlɔ e gɛ a gɛɛ e dɔɔi kpanaŋ dɔ̃yai su?

 KING David tell Solomon: “Be strong and show that you man.” (1 Ki. 2:​1-3) That good advice here for all brothers to follow today. For them to be successful, they must learn to obey God laws and apply Bible principles in every part of their life. (Luke 2:52) Why it really important for young brother them to be mature Christian?

2-3. Le mɛni ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi bɔlɔ nyii gaa a nuu-tɔɔi e dɔɔi kpanaŋ la dɔ̃yai su?

2 The brother them get important assignments in the family and in the congregation. We sure you na think about the assignment them you will get in the future. Maybe you want pioneer, be ministerial servant, and later on be elder. Maybe you also want get marry and born children. (Eph. 6:4; 1 Tim. 3:1) To reach all this goal them and be successful, you need to be mature Christian. b

3 Wetin can help you to be mature Christian? They get some important skill them that you need to learn good-good. So wetin you must do now-now to prepare for any assignment them you will get in the future so that you can be successful?


When you follow Jesus good-good qualities, it can help you to be mature Christian (See paragraph 4)

4. Mi ɓe ya pɔri mɛni-kɔɔŋ-maa lɛlɛɛ-ŋa kaai naa a gɛɛ I di pɔɔkɔɔŋ? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

4 Choose good example them to follow. The Bible get plenty good examples for young men to follow. This men them way back use to love God. They also use to do different-different work to take care of God people. You can also find good example them among mature Christian brothers in your own family and in your congregation. (Heb. 13:7) And Jesus set perfect example for you to follow. (1 Pet. 2:21) When you taking your time to study this example them, think about the good-good qualities you like about this men them. (Heb. 12:​1, 2) Then try to see how you will follow their examples.

5.Ya pɔri mɛni ŋaa-kaa pere maa-kɔrii leŋ, nyaŋ le ɓe maa mɛni kɛ a gbanaŋɔɔi? (Ŋule-wooi 119:9)

5 Learn how to “think good . . . and continue to do it.” (Prov. 3:21) Any man who get sense, can think good-good before he make decision. So work hard to learn how to think good and continue to do it. Why? Because plenty young men them in the world today can follow their own ideas or allow their feeling to control them. (Prov. 7:7; 29:11) Also, television, movies, internet and social media can affect the way you can think and do things. But how you can learn to think the right way? First learn how Jehovah can feel and think, then think about why it good to do what he say. Then use the thing them you learn to help you make decisions that will make Jehovah happy. (Read Psalm 119:9.) If you learn how to think like this, it will really help you to be mature Christian. (Prov. 2:​11, 12; Heb. 5:14) Let talk about how having good thinking will benefit you in this two situation them: (1) when you dealing with sisters and (2) when you making decisions about what you will wear and how you will look.

6. Mɛni ŋaa-kaa a pɔri kpɔŋ maa tɛɛi leŋ bɔlɔ nyii a nuu-tɔɔi pɔ a gɛɛ e ɓaa-kɛ-maa tɛɛ sisɛ-ŋa pɔ?

6 Any man who learn how to think like Jehovah, will show respect for women. For example, maybe the young brother get interest in the sister, and nothing wrong with it. But if he not want marry her, he will not say or write or do anything that will make her to think that he want date her. (1 Tim. 5:​1, 2) If he dating the sister, he will not want spoil her good name by staying alone with her. But he will always get somebody there to be with them.—1 Cor. 6:18.

7. Mɛni ŋaa-kaa a pɔri kpɔnii leŋ bɔlɔ nyii gaa a nuu-tɔɔi ma a gɛɛ e mɛni-kpɛtɛɛ lɛlɛɛ kɛ a pa maa-ɣiri pere ma?

7 Another way young brother can show that he na learn to think the way Jehovah can think, that by the kind na clothes he can wear and the hairstyle he can cut. Most of the time, people who can design clothes and advertise them, not get respect for Jehovah. And they also can’t obey Jehovah law on man and woman business. So the clothes them they can design can be very tight or make man to look like woman. When young brother who learning to be mature Christian thinking about what to wear, he will think about what Jehovah want. He will also follow good example them in the congregation. He can ask his self this question them: ‘My decisions can show that I can think good and that I respect other people? My way of dressing can make it easy for other people to believe that I really serving God?’ (1 Cor. 10:​31-33; Titus 2:6) Young man who can think good, will get respect from his brother and sister them and Jehovah will be happy with him.

8. Le ɓe bɔlɔ nyii gaa a nuu-tɔɔi a pɔri gɛi a gɛɛ nua di dikili tɔɔ ma?

8 Be somebody that people can depend on. Any young brother who people can rely on, can do all his assignment them good-good. (Luke 16:10) Let look at Jesus perfect example. Jesus never use to be don’t care person. But he use to do all the thing them that Jehovah ask him to do even if it was hard. He love people, especially his disciple them and he was even willing to die for them. (John 13:1) Young brothers, follow Jesus example and work hard to do any assignment you get. If you not too sure about how to do it, be humble and ask other mature brother them to help you. Don’t do your assignment like they forcing you. (Rom. 12:11) But try to finish your assignment and do it “for Jehovah and not for human being.” (Col. 3:23) Remember that you not perfect, so be humble and accept any mistakes you make.—Prov. 11:2.


9. Le mɛni ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi bɔlɔ nyii gaa a nuu-tɔɔi e tii lɛlɛɛ-ŋa maa-kɔri lai?

9 To be mature Christian, you need to learn some useful thing them. This thing them will help you to accept assignments in the congregation. It will also help you to get and keep job that will help you to take care of yourself or your family and to get good friendship with other people. Let look at some important thing them you can learn.

When you learn how to read and write good-good, it will benefit you and the congregation (See paragraphs 10-11)

10-11. Ya kɔlɔ lono-pere da bɔ̃yɛ pere maa-kɔri a nɛlɛɛ, mɛni lɛlɛɛ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe a pa la ipɔ da nua takpɛni-ŋa? (Ŋule-wooi 1:​1-3) (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

10 Learn to read and write good-good. The Bible say that the man who can read the Bible every day and think on it good-good, will be happy and successful. (Read Psalm 1:​1-3.) When he read the Bible every day, he will know how Jehovah can think, and it will help him to apply what the Bible say. (Prov. 1:​3, 4) That men them like this we need in the congregation. Why?

11 Our brothers and sister them can ask for help from brother them who able to teach and give advice from the Bible. (Titus 1:9) So if you can read and write good-good, you will be able to prepare talks and comments that will benefit other people and make their faith strong. You will also be able to take notes from your personal study, meetings, assemblies, and conventions that will help you. This note them will help you to make your faith more strong and to encourage other people.

12. Le ɓe pai kpɔnii ya a gɛɛ I pɔri lonoi nua pɔ a nɛlɛɛ?

12 Learn how to listen good-good and be kind when you talking. Brothers must learn how to talk and listen to other people good-good. It mean that he must be able to listen to other people and understand how they feel and think. (Prov. 20:5) He can learn to know what somebody thinking from their tone of voice, the way they make their face and move their body. You can only learn to do this one here by spending time with people. If you always use thing them like email and text message to talk with people, maybe it will be hard for you to talk with them good when yor meet face to face. So, always try to find ways to talk with people face to face.—2 John 12.

It good to learn trade that will help you to find work (See paragraph 13)

13. Le ɓe ŋɔnɔ maa nɛ̃ɛi bɔlɔ nyii gaa a nuu-tɔɔi e maa-kɔri? (1 Temete 5:8) (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

13 Learn how to get money to take care of yourself. Mature brothers must be able to take care of their self and their family. (Read 1 Timothy 5:8.) In some countries, young brothers can learn certain trade or work from their pa or relative. In some other countries, young man can learn trade or some other type of work when he in high school. No matter how it looking in your country, it always good to learn trade that will help you to find job. (Acts 18:​2, 3; 20:34; Eph. 4:28) Try hard so people can know you to be someone who can work hard and always finish any work you start. If you do it, it will be easy for you to get job and keep it. The quality them and skills we na talk about also important for brothers who will get more responsibilities in the future. Let talk about some of this responsibility them.


14. Bɔlɔ nyii a nuu-tɔɔi a pɔri gbiŋ kpɛtɛi leŋ a gɛɛ e tii kɛ Ziova mi a ŋɔtãi kelee?

14 Full-time servant. Plenty mature brothers started pioneering when they were young. Pioneering can help young brothers to learn how to work with different-different people. It can also help them to know how to manage money so they can’t do sell-pay. (Phil. 4:​11-13) One good way to start full-time service that to auxiliary pioneer. Plenty young brother them serve as auxiliary pioneer for some time, and it help them to be ready to start regular pioneering. Sometime, pioneering can lead to other type of full-time service, like serving as construction servant or Bethelite.

15-16. Pere sii kɛɛ leŋ ɓe bɔlɔ nyii a nuu-tɔɔi a pɔri tii kɛi la a gɛɛ e maa tɛ korai-toli-kpɔŋ sui?

15 Ministerial servant or elder. All Christian brothers must set goal to be elders so they can serve their brother and sister them in the congregation. The Bible say brother them who set goal to be elder “really want do fine work.” (1 Tim. 3:1) Before any brother be elder, they must first be ministerial servant. The ministerial servant them can do different-different work to help the elders. The elder and ministerial servant them humble and they can serve their brothers and sisters. They also get zeal for the preaching work. Young brothers can qualify to be ministerial servants even when they still between 17 and 19 years. And ministerial servant that really qualify, can be elder even when he 20 years old.

16 How you can qualify to be ministerial servant or elder? Try hard to understand each of this quality them. Pray to Jehovah to help you be qualify to be ministerial servant or elder. c (1 Tim. 3:​1-13; Titus 1:​6-9; 1 Pet. 5:​2, 3) We can find the thing them somebody must do to be ministerial servant and elder in the Bible. And because they love Jehovah, their family, and the congregation that why they want get this quality them.

Jehovah want husbands to love their wife and children, provide for them and make them happy. The main one that for husbands to help their family to make their friendship with Jehovah thick (See paragraph 17))

17. Bɔlɔ nyii gaa a nuu-tɔɔi a pɔri gbiŋ kpɛtɛi leŋ a gɛɛ e kɛ a nɛni-kula-surɔŋ lɛlɛɛ? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

17 Husband and family head. Jesus show that some mature brother them can remain single. (Matt. 19:12) But if you choose to get marry, you will also be husband and family head. (1 Cor. 11:3) Jehovah expect the husband to love his wife, take care of her, be good friend to her and help her to stay close to Jehovah. (Eph. 5:​28, 29) The qualities and skill them we talk about in this article like how to think the right way, having respect for women, and showing that people can depend on you, will help you to be good husband. If you do this thing them, you will be prepare to be good husband and family head.

18. Bɔlɔ nyii gaa a nuu-tɔɔi a pɔri gbiŋ kpɛtɛi leŋ a gɛɛ e kɛ a naŋ-nuu lɛlɛɛ?

18 Father. After you get marry, maybe you will born children. Wetin you can learn from Jehovah about how to be good father? You can learn plenty lessons. (Eph. 6:4) In front of people, Jehovah tell his Son, Jesus, that he love him and he happy with him. (Matt. 3:17) If you become father, make sure to always tell your children that you love them. Always tell them thank you for the good-good thing them they can do. Fathers who can follow Jehovah example can help their children to be mature Christian men and women. You can start preparing now-now for this assignment by taking care of your family and other people in the congregation. And also by telling them that you love them and that they important to you. (John 15:9) This one will help you to be good husband and father in the future. In the meantime, Jehovah will use you and you will be big help to your family and the congregation.


Plenty young brothers who can read the Bible and apply what they learn na become mature Christians (See paragraphs 19-​20)

19-20. Le ɓe pai kpɔnii bɔlɔ nyii gaa a nuu-tɔɔi ma a gɛɛ e kɛ a Korai-nuu nyii dɔɔi kpanaŋɔɔ dɔ̃yai su? (Ya pɔri votooi watchtower tuɛ-laa mai kaai.)

19 Young brothers, to be mature Christian can’t happen overnight, you need to work hard. You need to choose good example them to follow, learn how to think the right way, be somebody people can depend on, learn trade that will help you in life, and prepare for more responsibilities that will come in the future.

20 When you think about all the thing them you need to work on, maybe you will feel that it too much for you. But you can make it. Remember that Jehovah really want help you. (Isa. 41:​10, 13) Your brother and sister them in the congregation will also help you. When you fight hard and be mature Christian, you will be satisfy and you will enjoy your life. Young brothers, we love all of yor! Let Jehovah bless you plenty as you work now-now to be mature Christian.—Prov. 22:4.

ŊULEI 65 Move Ahead!

a The congregation need mature brothers. In this article, we will talk about how yor the young brother them can be mature Christian.

b See “Meaning for Some Words” in the article before this one.