Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


Ikili-kɛ-zui Tinaa-tuɛ-pere Mɛni Mai A Pa Kɛi A Tɔ̃ya

Ikili-kɛ-zui Tinaa-tuɛ-pere Mɛni Mai A Pa Kɛi A Tɔ̃ya

“Kili-kɛ-zu fa kuŋumɛ.”—LO. 5:5.

ŊULEI 142 Holding Fast to Our Hope


1. Le mɛni ɓe kwa pɔri moi la a gɛɛ Eberaɣɛ̃ɛ ŋɔkili-kɛ-zui su e kɛ a gbanaŋɔɔi?

 JEHOVAH promise his friend Abraham that all the nations on earth will be bless through his son. (Gen. 15:5; 22:18) Abraham was convince that God promise will come true because he was having strong faith in God. Even though Abraham was 100 years old and his wife was 90, still they were not having any child yet. (Gen. 21:​1-7) But the Bible say: “Base on hope, [Abraham] was having faith that he will be father to plenty nations just how God say it.” (Rom. 4:18) And what Abraham was hoping for came true. He became father to Isaac, the son that he stay long hoping for. What convince Abraham that Jehovah will fulfill his promise?

2. Le mɛni ɓe Eberaɣɛ̃ɛ e kɛ a naa la a gɛɛ Ziova ŋɔkono-teei ŋaa-see e kɛ pa kɛi?

2 Abraham was “really convince that what [God] promise” will come true because he was having close friendship with Jehovah. (Rom. 4:21) Jehovah was happy with Abraham and call him righteous because of his faith. (Jas. 2:23) According to Romans 4:​18, Abraham faith was having connection with his hope. Now, yor let talk about what the apostle Paul say about hope in Romans chapter 5.

3. Le ɓe Pɔɔ e mo e pilaŋ kili-kɛ-zu ma?

3 Paul explain why we can be sure that our “hope for the future will come true.” (Rom. 5:5) He also help us to understand how our hope for the future can get more strong. When we talking about the thing them Paul say we must do in Romans 5:​1-5, think about your own experience. When you doing it, you will get to see after some time, that you will be more convince about your hope for the future. From what we coming talk about, you will learn how you can make your hope strong more than how it looking now-now. But first, let talk about the wonderful hope that Paul say will come true.


4. Le ɓe Lomaŋ 5:​1, 2 e lono e pilaŋ mai?

4 Read Romans 5:​1, 2. Paul write this word them to the congregation in Rome. The brother and sister them that were there, learn about Jehovah and Jesus, show faith, and became Christians. So God “call [them] righteous because of their faith,” and he anoint them with holy spirit. Yes, they were happy for that wonderful hope and they were convince that they will get it.

5. Kili-kɛ-zu kɛɛ leŋ ɓe ziɣe-zu-ɓelai yeei?

5 Later on, Paul write to the anointed Christian them in Ephesus about the hope Jehovah gave them. The hope include getting “an inheritance for the holy ones.” (Eph. 1:18) And Paul also tell the Colossians where they were coming get their reward. He call it “the hope that is being reserved for you in the heavens.” (Col. 1:​4, 5) The hope anointed Christians get, that to come back to life and get everlasting life in heaven to rule with Jesus Christ.—1 Thess. 4:​13-17; Rev. 20:6.

Brother F. W. Franz talk about how anointed Christians really sure about their hope (See paragraph 6)

6. Le ɓe ziɣe-zu korai-ɓelai dɔnɔ e mo e pilan ŋɔkili-kɛ-zui ma?

6 That hope really important to anointed Christians. One of the anointed brothers name Brother Frederick Franz serve God faithfully for plenty years. In 1991, he tell us how he was feeling about this hope. He say: “Our hope will really come true and all of us that part of the 144,000 will get what God promise us. Our reward will be better pass anything we can ever think about.” He also say: “[Our] hope still important to us. . . . The more we wait for it, that the more we value it. We willing to wait for it even if it mean waiting for plenty-plenty years. I really value our hope more than ever before.”

7-8. Kili-kɛ-zu kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Ziova fɛli-ɓela tamaa ɣele yeei? (Lomaŋ 8:​20, 21)

7 Plenty people who worshiping Jehovah today get different hope. That the same hope Abraham was having, to get life on earth when God Kingdom ruling. (Heb. 11:​8-10, 13) Paul wrote about this wonderful hope. (Read Romans 8:​20, 21.) The first time you learn about what the Bible promise for the future, wetin really touch your heart? That because you will be perfect, and you will not sin again? Or you were happy to learn that your people who na die will come back to life in paradise on earth? We get plenty good-good thing them we hoping to see because of this wonderful hope

8 Whether we get the hope to enjoy life on earth or in heaven forever, our wonderful hope can make us happy. And we can be more convince about our hope. The next thing Paul write, explain how it can happen. Let talk about what Paul write about our hope. Doing it will help us to be more convince that what we hoping for will come true.


All Christians must expect to go through some kind na problem (See paragraphs 9-10)

9-10. Yɛɛ berei gaa la Pɔɔ ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ-maa sui, le ɓe Korai-ɓela di gɔlɔŋ a gɛɛ da pai kɛi tɛɛi zui? (Lomaŋ 5:​3) (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

9 Read Romans 5:​3, 4. Paul say suffering can make us more convince about our hope. Maybe this one surprise us. To talk the God fair true, when you want follow Jesus example, you must expect to suffer. Think about Paul example. He tell the Christian them in Thessalonica say: “The time we were with yor, we use to tell yor in advance that we will suffer, and that what happen.” (1 Thess. 3:4) And he tell the Corinthians say: “brothers, we want yor to know about the suffering we na pass through. . . We were not even sure that we were coming to survive.”—2 Cor. 1:8; 11:​23-27.

10 Christians today too must expect to go through some problem them. (2 Tim. 3:12) How about you? You na suffer before because you believe in Jesus and following his example? Maybe your friends and relative them na make fun out of you. Maybe they even treat you bad. The person you working for or your work mate them na treat you bad because you honest? (Heb. 13:18) You na face problem them from the government because you can preach to people? But no matter the type of problem we go through, Paul say we must be happy. Why?

11. Le mɛni ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi kukɛ a ku kpɛtɛɛ la a gɛɛ ku tɔɔ a gbanaŋɔɔ mɛni-kpanaŋ kelee ta sui?

11 When we going through problem, we can be happy because of what it can produce in us. Just how Romans 5:3 say, “tribulation can bring endurance.” All Christians will face problem, so all Christians must endure. We must do our best to endure any type of problems we face. That the only way we will see our hope coming to pass. So we not want be like the people who Jesus was thinking on when he talk about the seeds that fall on rocky ground. They were happy when they accept the good news but “after problem or persecution” came, they forget about what they learn. (Matt. 13:​5, 6, 20, 21) That true, when people against us or when we facing problems, it can’t be easy and we can’t enjoy it. But when we endure them we can really benefit. How?

12. Mɛni lɛlɛɛ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe kwa zɔlɔ ɓo kwa tɔɔ a gbanaŋɔɔ mɛni-kpanaŋ su?

12 The disciple James talk about the benefit them we can get when we endure problems. He say: “Let endurance complete the work it get to do, so that you can be complete and sound in everything, not lacking in anything.” (Jas. 1:​2-4) James talk about endurance just like it was having assignment or work to do. What kind na work endurance get to do? It can help you to be more patient, to get more faith, and to depend on God more. But when we endure, we can get another important benefit.

13-14. Le ɓe lii-kpele a pa lai, nyaŋ nyiŋi pilaŋɔɔ leŋ kili-kɛ-zu ma? (Lomaŋ 5:4)

13 Read Romans 5:4. Paul say when we endure, the result can be “an approved condition.” When we endure, it can make Jehovah happy. This one not mean that Jehovah happy because you going through trials or problems. It just mean God happy with you. He happy with you because you endure. That wonderful blessing here!—Ps. 5:12.

14 Remember that Abraham endure different-different problem them faithfully and Jehovah was happy with him. Jehovah take him to be His friend and call him righteous. (Gen. 15:6; Rom. 4:​13, 22) Jehovah can do the same thing for us. Jehovah can be happy with us not because of the plenty work we can do or because of the privilege we get. But he can be happy with us when we faithful even though we going through problem. And no matter what we able to do, the situation we in or our age, all of us can endure. Now-now, you enduring any problem and you staying faithful to Jehovah? If so, remember that you making Jehovah happy. When we know that God happy with us, it can help us to be very sure that our hope will come true.


15. Le ɓe Pɔɔ e mo Lomaŋ 5:4, 5 sui, nyaŋ mare-kɛɛ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe nyiŋi a pa la kukili-ŋai?

15 Just what Paul say, Jehovah can be happy with us when we remain faithful to him and endure problems. See how Paul continue with what he was talking about: “The approved condition, can [lead to] hope, and the hope can’t lead to disappointment.” (Rom. 5:​4, 5) Maybe this one will confuse some people. Why? Because first in Romans 5:​2, Paul say the Christian them in Rome was already having hope, and that the “hope of the glory of God.” So, maybe somebody will ask, ‘If the Christian them was already having hope, then why Paul talk about hope in the thing he was talking later on?’

After some time pass, you get more convince that your hope will come true. You really want see your hope coming to pass more than before, and you really grateful for it. (See paragraphs 16-17)

16. Kili-kɛ-zu a pɛlɛ ɓɔlɔi leŋ nuu lii su? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai)

16 We can understand what Paul was saying by remembering that hope that something that can get strong. For example: You can remember the first time you hear about the wonderful hope in the Bible? Maybe that time you were not sure that this hope will really come true. But after you start learning more and more about Jehovah and the promise them in the Bible, you get more convince that this hope will really come true.

17. Le ɓe ya pɔri gɛi a gɛɛ ikili-kɛ-zui e kanaŋ ɓɔlɔi I batai kɛɛ polu ma?

17 Even after you got baptize, the more you got to know Jehovah better and love him, that the more your hope continue to get strong. (Heb. 5:13–6:1) Maybe you na go through what Romans 5:​2-4 say. You went through different-different problems, but you endure them and saw that Jehovah was happy with you. Because you convince that God happy with you, now you get more reason to believe that you will get the thing them that God promise. Your hope na get strong more than the way it was looking when you learn the truth. It real to you more than ever before. It na really touch your heart, and it affecting every part of your life like the way you treat your family, how you make decisions, and even how you use your time.

18. Kono-tee kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Ziova aa gɛi?

18 The apostle Paul made another point that really important about the hope you get after you know that Jehovah happy with you. He tell you that your hope will be fulfill. Why you can be really sure? Paul talk about God promise He made that can convince us: “The hope will not disappoint us; because God use the holy spirit he gave us to put his love in our heart.” (Rom. 5:5) So you can be sure that your hope will come to pass.

19. Le ɓe ya pɔri kɛi a I laa la e pilaŋ ikili-kɛ-zui ma?

19 Think about the promise Jehovah made to Abraham and how God was happy with him and made him His friend. What Abraham was hoping for came true. The Bible say: “After Abraham show patience, he receive this promise.” (Heb. 6:15; 11:​9, 18; Rom. 4:​20-22) He was never disappointed. If you stay faithful, you can be sure that you will get the blessing that you been hoping for. Your hope real, it can make you happy, and it can’t let you down! (Rom. 12:12) Paul wrote: “Let the God who give hope make you happy and give you peace by your trusting in him, so that you can get strong hope with power of holy spirit.”—Rom. 15:13.

ŊULEI 139 See Yourself When All Is New

a In this article, we will talk about wetin all part of our Christian hope and why we can be sure that it will come true. Romans chapter 5 will help us to see how the hope we get now-now, different from the one we were having when we first learn the truth.