Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


Sisɛ-ŋa Nyii A Nuu-tɔɔi​—Ka Kamaa-tɛ Dɔ̃yai Su

Sisɛ-ŋa Nyii A Nuu-tɔɔi​—Ka Kamaa-tɛ Dɔ̃yai Su

“Nɛyaai maŋ fɛɛ di dikpiŋ mɛi kaa . . . di kɛ a nuu sãa-ŋa mɛni kelee su.”—1 TE. 3:11.

ŊULEI 133 Worship Jehovah During Youth


1. A gɛɛ ku kumaa tɛ dɔ̃yai su, le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku gɛ?

 IT CAN really surprise us to see how small child can get big quick. It can be like children can’t do anything to grow fast like that. But if we want be mature Christian, we must work hard. b (1 Cor. 13:11; Heb. 6:1) To reach that goal, we must get strong friendship with Jehovah. We also need his holy spirit to help us get quality them that can make him happy, to learn things that will help us in our life every day, and to prepare for the future.—Prov. 1:5.

2. Le ɓe ku maa-kɔri Zɛnɛse 1:​27 su, nyaŋ le ɓe kwa pai maa-kɔrii zɛŋ-lɛɛi ŋi su?

2 Jehovah made human being to be man or woman. (Read Genesis 1:27.) It not hard to see that men different from women physically, but they also different from each other in other ways. For example, Jehovah gave men and women special assignment to do. So, they need qualities and skills that will help them to do their different-different assignment them. (Gen. 2:18) In this article, we will talk about wetin young sister them can do to be mature Christian. In the next article, we will talk about what young brother them can also do to be mature Christian.


When you follow the fine quality them of faithful women like Rebekah, Esther, and Abigail, it will help you to be mature Christian sister (See paragraphs 3-4)

3-4. Mi ɓe sisɛ-ŋai nyii a nuu-tɔɔi da pɔri mɛni-kɔɔŋ-maa lɛlɛɛ-ŋa kaai naa a gɛɛ di bɔɔkɔɔŋ? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

3 The Bible talk about plenty wonderful women them who use to love Jehovah and serve him. (See the article “Women in the Bible—What Can We Learn From Them?” on jw.org) They show the quality them that our theme scripture talk about. They were “moderate in habits” and “faithful in all things.” Beside this one, sisters can find in their own congregation other mature sisters who they can learn from.

4 Young sisters, yor know any sister who setting good example that yor can follow? Try to see the fine-fine quality them they get and then think about how you can show that same quality. In the next paragraphs, we coming talk about three important quality them that will help sisters to be mature Christian.

5. Le mɛni ɓe maa-yeŋ-laa lɛlɛɛi la nɛni nyii dɔɔi kpanaŋɔɔi dɔ̃yai sui mɛni ma?

5 One important quality that will help us to be mature Christian that to be Humble. If woman humble, she will get good friendship with Jehovah and other people. (Jas. 4:6) For example, the woman who love Jehovah will be humble and choose to follow what 1 Corinthians 11:3 say about headship. In that verse, Jehovah talk about who the head for the congregation and the family. c

6. Le ɓe sisɛ-ŋa nyii a nuu-tɔɔi da pɔri maa-kɔrii e pilaŋ maa-yeŋ-laa ma Lubɛka yeei?

6 Let look at Rebekah example. She was wise woman who made brave decision them throughout her life. She knew the right time to do things and how to do them. (Gen. 24:58; 27:​5-17) But, she was respectful and willing to follow direction. (Gen. 24:​17, 18, 65) If you humble like Rebekah and support the brother them who Jehovah using to take the lead, you will be good example for everybody in your congregation and in your family.

7. Sisɛ-ŋai nyii a nuu-tɔɔi da pɔri Ɛtɛ pɔɔkɔɔni leŋ?

7 Another quality that all Christians need that to be modest. The Bible say “modest people wise.” (Prov. 11:2) Esther was modest and faithful to God. Because she was modest, she not get proud when she was queen. She follow the advice from her cousin Mordecai who was older than her. (Esther 2:​10, 20, 22) You can show that you modest like Esther by asking for good advice and following it.—Titus 2:​3-5.

8. Yɛɛ berei 1 Temete 2:​9, 10 e mo lai, kili-ŋa-sia lɛlɛɛ a pɔri kpɔnii leŋ sisɛ-ŋa dia nyii a nuu-tɔɔi a gɛɛ di mɛni-kpɛtɛɛ lɛlɛɛ-ŋa kɛ a pa dimaa-ɣiri pere ma?

8 Esther show that she was modest in another way. She was “beautifully formed and attractive in appearance”; but she not try to make everybody to see how she was fine. (Esther 2:​7, 15) How Christian sisters can benefit from Esther example? 1 Timothy 2:​9, 10 show one way we can benefit. (Read.) The apostle Paul tell Christian sisters that the clothes they wear must be modest and show that they sound in mind. The Greek word them Paul use here show that Christian sisters must always wear the right type of clothes. And she must also think about what people will say or feel about the clothes she wear. We really value our mature sister them who can be modest in the way they can dress!

9. Le ɓe kwa pɔri maa-kɔrii Abigee ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai su?

9 Another quality that all Christian sisters must get to be mature, that Discernment. What discernment mean? It mean to be able to know the right thing from the wrong thing and then choose to do the right thing. Let look at Abigail example. Her husband made one bad decision that was coming cause serious problem for everybody living in his house. Abigail do something about it quick. Because she use discernment, she save plenty people lives. (1 Sam. 25:​14-23, 32-35) Discernment can also help us to know when to talk and when to be quiet. And it can help us to know where to stop when we showing personal interest in people.—1 Thess. 4:11.


How you na benefit from learning to read and write good-good? (See paragraph 11)

10-11. Ya kɔlɔ lono pere da bɔ̃yɛ pere maa-kɔri a nɛlɛɛ, mɛni lɛlɛɛ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe a pa la ipɔ da nua takpɛni-ŋa? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

10 Christian sisters must learn things that will help them in everyday life. Some thing them girl children can learn when they small, can benefit them throughout their life. Let look at some example them.

11 Learn how to read and write good-good. In some areas, people feel that it not important for women to learn how to read and write. But it good and important for all Christian to learn how to read and write. d (1 Tim. 4:13) So don’t allow anything to stop you from learning how to read and write good-good. How you will benefit? It will help you to find good work and be able to get the money you need. Also, it will be more easy for you to study the Bible and teach other people. The most important benefit that, you will get more close to Jehovah when you read the Bible and think good-good on it.—Josh. 1:8; 1 Tim. 4:15.

12. Tare-woo-ŋa 31:26 a pɔri kpɔnii leŋ ya a gɛɛ I ilono-pere kɔlɔŋ a nɛlɛɛ?

12 Learn how to listen good-good and be kind when you talking. It important for Christians to do this one. In line with this, the disciple James gave us this good advice: “Everybody must be quick to listen, slow to speak.” (Jas. 1:19) When you listen good-good to other people when they talking, it mean you showing “fellow feeling” or concern for them. (1 Pet. 3:8) If you not sure that you understand what the person saying or how they feeling, ask the right type of question them. Then take small time to think before you talk. (Prov. 15:​28, ftn.) Ask yourself: ‘The thing I coming say that true and it can encourage people? It kind and it will show that I get respect for the person?’ Learn from mature sister them who can be kind when they talking and who can listen good-good when other people talking. (Read Proverbs 31:26.) Pay attention to what they say and how they say it. When you learn this thing them good-good, it will be more easy for you to be friendly with other people and yor will get peace among yor self.

The Christian sister who na learn how to take care of her home can benefit everybody in her family and in the congregation (See paragraph 13)

13. Ya pɔri pɔrɔŋ tii maa-kɔrii leŋ a nɛlɛɛ? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

13 Learn how to take care of your home. In plenty area them, the women can do almost all the house work. Maybe your ma or another sister will be able to teach you how to do this work them good-good. One sister name Cindy say: “One of the best things I learn from my ma that, when you work hard it can make you happy. Because she teach me to know how to buy, cook, clean up, and sew, it help me to take care of myself and do more for Jehovah. My ma also teach me how to be kind and share with other people. Because of that, it help me to meet brother and sister them who were setting good example for me to follow.” (Prov. 31:​15, 21, 22) The Christian sister who can work hard and who willing to share with other people can benefit everybody in her family and in the congregation.—Prov. 31:​13, 17, 27; Acts 16:15.

14. Le ɓe I maa-kɔri Crystal ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai su, nyaŋ le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi iŋɛi e kɛ ma?

14 Learn to support yourself. This one important for all Christians to learn. (Phil. 4:11) One sister name Crystal say: “My parents encourage me to learn thing them that will help me later on in life. My pa encourage me to do accounting that will teach me how to make record and manage company money. This one really help me.” But it not just enough to learn how to make money. Also try to learn how to manage money, so you can’t do sell-pay. (Prov. 31:​16, 18) Continue to be satisfy with the small thing them you get and try to not credit to buy things you not need. If you do it, you will be able to do more for Jehovah.—1 Tim. 6:8.


15-16. Sisɛ-ŋai nyii dife nii too ni tua-laai sui da pɔri kpɔnii leŋ nua takpɛni-ŋa dia? (Maki 10:29, 30)

15 When you try to get spiritual quality them and learn other useful things, it will help you to make good decision later on in life. Let look at some example them about things you can do.

16 You can decide to be single for some time. Some people can follow what Jesus say by choosing to not get marry, even if people around them can’t encourage people to stay single. (Matt. 19:​10-12) Some people can be single because of different-different reason. Be convince that Jehovah and Jesus can’t think that because you not marry, it mean you not important. All around the world, single sister them that good example in the congregation. Because of the love and concern they get for other people, they just like sisters and mothers for plenty people.—Read Mark 10:​29, 30; 1 Tim. 5:2.

17. Sisɛi nyii a nuu-tɔɔi a pɔri gbiŋ kpɛtɛɛi leŋ lonii ma a gɛɛ e pɔri tii kɛi Ziova mi a ŋɔtãi kelee?

17 You can enter full-time service. Christian sisters can do most of the preaching work all over the world. (Ps. 68:11) You think you can make plan now-now to enter full-time service? Maybe you can be pioneer, volunteer on construction, or be Bethelite. Pray about your goal. Talk to other people who na reach this same goal, and ask wetin you can do to enter full-time service. Then make plan that will help you reach your goal. When you enter full time service, you will get plenty opportunity them to do interesting things for Jehovah.

If you thinking about getting marry, you must be really careful to choose the person you want marry (See paragraph 18)

18. Le mɛni ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi sisɛi e zurɔŋ a ŋwɛlii e gulai maa kpɛɛ la a nɛlɛɛi? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

18 You can choose to get marry. The quality them and other things we na talk about will help you to be good wife. If you want get marry, you must be very careful to choose who you want get marry to. That one of the most important decision them you will ever make. Remember, the man you will marry will be your head and you will have to follow his direction. (Rom. 7:2; Eph. 5:​23, 33) So think on this question them: ‘He mature Christian? He putting Jehovah first in his life? He can make wise decision them? He can agree to his mistake them when he wrong? He can respect women? He will be able to help me to continue to get strong friendship with Jehovah, to provide for me and be good friend to me? He can do his assignment them the right way? For example, what assignment them he get in the congregation and how he can do them?’ (Luke 16:10; 1 Tim. 5:8) But if you want find good husband, you yourself must prepare to be good wife.

19. Le ɓe “kpɔŋ-maa-nuu” ŋɔtii kɛ a mɛni-kpanaŋɔɔi?

19 The Bible say good wife that “helper” for her husband and “complement” of him. (Gen. 2:18) You think this one mean that the wife not important? No! The part the wife get to play as helper really important. Remember that most of the time the Bible even call Jehovah “helper.” (Ps. 54:4; Heb. 13:6) When the wife support her husband, she can show that she real helper to him. For example, when her husband make decisions for the family, she can support him to make it work. And because she love Jehovah, she can do her best to help people see the good quality them her husband get. (Prov. 31:​11, 12; 1 Tim. 3:11) You can prepare now-now to be good wife by making your love for Jehovah strong and also by helping people in your family and in the congregation.

20. Le mɛni lɛlɛɛ ɓe loŋ-kaa nɛni a pɔri gɛi ŋɔkaayɔɔi mi?

20 Maybe you will get children. After you get marry, maybe you and your husband will have children. (Ps. 127:3) So it good to think about what will help you to be good mother. The quality them and other things we na talk about in this article, will help you to be good wife and mother. When you kind, patient and show love, it will help your family to be happy and your children will feel safe and feel your love.—Prov. 24:3.

Plenty young sister them that mature Christians because they na learn and apply what the Bible say. (See paragraph 21)

21. Kukili-ŋa-siai ɓa le e pilaŋ kusisɛ-ŋai dia, nyaŋ le mɛni ma? (Votooi Watchtower tuɛ-laai mai kaa.)

21 Sisters, we love yor for all the thing them yor can do for Jehovah and his people. (Heb. 6:10) You can work hard to get quality them and learn other things that will make you and other people more happy in life and prepare you for other assignment them in the future. You really important to Jehovah organization!

ŊULEI 137 Faithful Women, Christian Sisters

a Young sisters, you really precious in the congregation. You can be mature Christian by trying to get quality them that can make Jehovah happy, learn things that will help you in your life every day, and prepare for the future. Then you will enjoy plenty blessings when you serving Jehovah.

b MEANING FOR SOME WORDS: Somebody who that mature Christian can allow God spirit to guide them. They can’t follow the wisdom in the world. They can follow Jesus example, work hard to continue having close friendship with Jehovah, and show true love for other people.

d To find more information on how reading important, see the article “Why Reading Is Important for Children—Part 1: Read or Watch?” on jw.org