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ŊULEI 135 Ziova Ŋɔlia-wooi: “Noŋ, Kɛ A Itareɛɛ”

Berei Loŋ-kaa-ɓela Da Pɔri Dinĩa-pɛlɛɛi Dilaa-lai Su Kpanani Lai

Berei Loŋ-kaa-ɓela Da Pɔri Dinĩa-pɛlɛɛi Dilaa-lai Su Kpanani Lai

“A gɛɛ ka Ɣala nia-mɛni kɔri nyii gaa a mɛni lɛlɛɛ, da nii-laa-mɛni, e pɛlɛ mɛni-sãa ma Ɣala ŋɛi tuɛi.”LO. 12:2.


Some thing dem parents can do to be able to talk with their children and help them to get strong faith in God and the Bible.

1-2. Maa nɛ̃ɛi loŋ-kaa-ɓela di tua leŋ dinĩa-pɛlɛɛi da mare-kɛɛ kɛ e pilaŋ dilaa-lai ma?

 PLENTY people can agree that to bring children up that not small work. If you parent and you get young children, we want tell you thank you plenty for trying your best to help them to get strong faith in God. (Deut. 6:​6, 7) But when your children start getting big, maybe they will start asking you serious questions about your beliefs in the Bible, and why Jehovah not want us to do certain things.

2 From the beginning, maybe you will be worrying about the question dem your children asking. Maybe you will even start thinking that they not get strong faith in God and the Bible. But to talk the truth, when your children be getting big, they need to ask questions so they can make their own faith strong. (1 Cor. 13:11) So no need for you to be scary. When they ask questions, use that time to help them to learn how to think good-good and make their faith strong.

3. Le ɓe kwa pai maa-kɔrii zɛŋ-lɛɛi ŋi su?

3 In this article, we will talk about how parents can help their children (1) to get strong faith, (2) to understand why it good to obey what Jehovah say, and (3) to learn how to explain their beliefs to other people. We will also learn why it good for children to ask questions and some opportunities parents can use to teach their children about their beliefs in the Bible.


4. Mare-kɛɛ-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe a pɔrii kɛi loloŋ kili-ŋa, nyaŋ le mɛni ma?

4 Your children will not get faith in God just because you get faith in him. You wor not born with faith in Jehovah. And that the same thing with your children. So maybe your children will start asking questions like: ‘How I know that God that real person? I can really believe what the Bible say?’ In fact, the Bible encourage us to use our “power of reason” and to “make sure of all things.” (Rom. 12:1; 1 Thess. 5:21) So, how you can help your children to make their faith strong?

5. Le ɓe loŋ-kaa-ɓela da pɔri gɛi a gɛɛ di kpɔŋ maa tɛɛ dinĩa-pɛlɛɛi pɔ a gɛɛ di laa a Ŋala-kɔlɔi? (Lomaŋ 12:2)

5 Help your children to convince their self about the truth in the Bible. (Read Romans 12:2.) When your children ask questions, use that time to show them how to find the answers by using the research tools dem our organization get. For example, you can use the Watch Tower Publications Index and the Research Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses. In the Research Guide, under the topic “The Bible,” maybe they can look for “Inspired by God” to see proof that the Bible that not just good book that some men dem write, but that God Word. (1 Thess. 2:13) Maybe they can do deep study on Nineveh, the city of the Assyrians way back. In the past, some big-big book people say there wor no city they call Nineveh. But around 1850, some people who can dig the ground and study some things, wor able to find some thing dem that show that Nineveh wor real city that the Bible talk about. (Zeph. 2:​13-15) For information on how the Bible say Nineveh wor coming to be destroy, maybe they can see the article “You Na Hear This One Before?” in the November 2021 Watchtower. When your children compare what they learn from our publications with what other big-big book dem say, it will help them to get strong faith in what the Bible say.

6. Loŋ-kaa-ɓela da pɔri kpɔni leŋ dinĩa-pɛlɛɛi dia a gɛɛ di tii kɛ a dikili-ŋa-siai a nɛlɛɛ? Gɔɔ-maa lɛ. (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

6 Help your children to see proof that the Bible correct. Parents get different-different opportunities to talk with their children about the Bible or about faith in God. You can get this opportunity dem when yor go visit the museum, or place where they get fine-fine flowers or other thing dem. You can also use other thing dem they can show yor to the branch office when yor go for visit. For example, when yor looking at some thing dem in the museum, whether in person or on the internet, you can show them some way back thing dem that can make their faith strong in the Bible. Maybe you can tell your children about the Moabite Stone. This stone that 3000 years old and it get Jehovah name on it. You can find the original Moabite Stone in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. Also, they get one to the World Headquarters of Jehovah Witnesses in Warwick, New York. You can find it to the place they call “The Bible and the Divine Name,” but that not the original. The writing on the Moabite Stone show that King Mesha of Moab go against Israel. This one in line with what the Bible say. (2 Ki. 3:​4, 5) When your children see for their self that what the Bible say that true, it will make their faith more strong.—Compare 2 Chronicles 9:6.

You think you can help your children to get strong faith by showing them some thing dem in the museum? (See paragraph 6)

7-8. (a) Le ɓe kwa pɔri maa-kɔrii Ziova kpɛtɛ sãa lɛlɛɛ-ŋai yeei? Gɔɔ-maa lɛ. (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.) (b) Mare-kɛɛ-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe a pɔri kpɔnii iloŋ ma a gɛɛ e ŋɔlaa-lai su kpanaŋ Gbɛtɛ Ɣalai kponoi?

7 Encourage your children to think about the thing dem Jehovah made. When yor walking in some area in the interior or other places that get fine-fine flowers and other thing dem, show your children how God made this thing dem. Why? It will show that the person who made them get plenty idea. For example, plenty things that God made, like the group of stars, some sea shells, leaves on the plant and certain flowers, get the same design. One big book man they call Nicola Fameli say that when you look at the number of time they wrap around, you can see that all of them get certain number in common. That this number dem they can call Fibonacci sequence. a

8 In science class, your children will learn plenty other designs in creation and it will help them to know that somebody make them to be like that. For example, Jehovah design more trees with the same pattern. The trunk can split to big-big branches then after some time, the small-small branches can grow on the big-big branches. This type of pattern, that what they call fractal. You can find this same pattern in some other thing dem that God made. But who design all this beautiful patterns in creation? The more your child think about this question dem, maybe it will make your child more convince that God made everything. (Heb. 3:4) And when your children be getting big, maybe you can ask them this question, “If that God who made us, you not think it will be good for him to tell us what we can do to be happy?” Then you can tell them that they can find all the good-good advice that God gave in the Bible.

NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage (STScl/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration

That who behind the design and the fine-fine thing dem we can see in creation? (See paragraphs 7-8)


9. Le ɓe a pɔri gɛi a gɛɛ iloloŋ e mare-kɛɛ kɛ e pilaŋ Ŋala-kɔlɔi ŋɔtɔŋ-ŋai taŋa dia?

9 If your child ask question about some thing dem the Bible not agree with, try to understand the reasons why they asking that question. You think he agree with what the Bible say about how to live, or he just not know how to explain his beliefs to other people? If you find out that he facing any of this problem dem, you can use the Enjoy Life Now and Forever! book b to help him see why it good to live by what the Bible say.

10. Ya pɔri kpɔnii leŋ iloloŋ ma a gɛɛ e gili-ŋa sia e pilaŋ berei ma a pɔri kɛi la a Ziova naoi lɛlɛɛ?

10 Help your children to value their friendship with Jehovah. When you studying the Bible with your children, try to know what in their heart by using the questions and the picture dem in the Enjoy Life Now and Forever! book. (Prov. 20:5) For example, lesson 8 compare Jehovah to good friend who can give us advice that can protect and benefit us. After you finish talking about 1 John 5:​3, maybe you can ask them, “Since you know that Jehovah that good Friend, how you must look at the thing dem he tell you to do?” Maybe that question will look simple, but asking it will help your children to understand that God gave us his laws because He love us.—Isa. 48:​17, 18.

11. Ya pɔri kpɔnii leŋ iloloŋ ma a gɛɛ e yee-see-mu lɛ Ŋala-kɔlɔi ŋɔtɔ̃ya-ŋuŋ-ŋai mɛni ma? (Tare-woo-ŋa 2:​10, 11)

11 Discuss how we can benefit when we apply Bible advice. When yor doing yor Bible reading or daily text together, discuss how Bible advice na help your family. For example, your children can see the benefits that can come when they say the truth and work hard? (Heb. 13:18) You can also explain how following Bible advice na make you healthy and happy. (Prov. 14:​29, 30) When your children see how they can benefit from following Bible advice, maybe it will encourage them to do what the Bible say.—Read Proverbs 2:​10, 11.

12. Naŋ-nuu tɔnɔ e kpɔŋ leŋ noŋ surɔŋ ma a gɛɛ e mɛni lɛlɛɛi kaa Ŋala-kɔlɔi ŋɔtɔ̃ya-ŋuŋ-ŋai a pa lai?

12 One father from France name Steve, explain how he and his wife help their young son, Ethan, to understand that Jehovah gave us laws because he love us. He say: “We ask him question dem like, ‘Why Jehovah want us to follow this Bible advice? How this one show that he love us? What will happen if you not do what it say?’” This question dem help Ethan to get his own trust in the thing dem Jehovah say about what right and what wrong. Steve say: “Our goal that to help Ethan see that the Bible get plenty good-good ideas that better pass human being ideas.”

13. Loŋ-kaa-ɓela da pɔri kpɔnii leŋ diloloŋ ma a gɛɛ e sia a Ŋala-kɔlɔi ŋɔtɔ̃ya-ŋuŋ-ŋai? Gɔɔ-maa lɛ.

13 Train your children to apply Bible advice. Let say the school give your child assignment to read certain book. Maybe that book talking about man and woman business or it get violence inside. And they write that book to make it look like the thing dem the people doing, that good thing people must do. You can use that opportunity to help your child see what the Bible say about that kindna behavior. (Prov. 22:​24, 25; 1 Cor. 15:33; Phil. 4:8) It will help him to be brave to preach to his teacher and his classmate dem when they discussing the material in class.


14. Mɛni-ŋuŋ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe a pɔri kɛi a gbanaŋɔɔ a gɛɛ loloŋ e lono e pilaŋ ma, nyaŋ le mɛni ma?

14 Sometime, some young Christians can be scary to tell other people about the things they believe. When the teacher be teaching the theory of evolution that say everything come by chance, maybe your child will be scary to talk. Why? Because the teacher can make it look like that true thing he teaching. If you parent, how you can help your child to be brave to talk about the thing dem he believe?

15. Le ɓe a pɔri kpɔnii nuu-tɔɔ ma a gɛɛ e laa la a gɛɛ mɛni-ŋai naa lai kaa a tɔ̃ya?

15 Help your child to be more brave to explain his beliefs. Your child not need to be shame because he know the truth about creation. (2 Tim. 1:8) Why? Because plenty scientists know that life not come by chance. They know that somebody who get plenty sense design all this thing dem. For this reason, plenty of them not believe the teaching that everything come by chance. Your child can be more brave by thinking on the reasons why other brothers and sisters believe that somebody made everything. c

16. Loŋ-kaa-ɓela da pɔri kpɔnii leŋ diloloŋ ma a gɛɛ e pɔri lonoi e pilaŋ mɛnii ma gɛ naai la a gɛɛ sɛŋ kelee Kpɛtɛ-nuu kaa ma? (1 Pitɛ 3:​15) (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

16 Prepare your child to explain why he believe that somebody made everything. (Read 1 Peter 3:15.) Maybe you can discuss with your child the articles on jw.org, “Young People Ask—Creation or Evolution?” Then your child can choose the one that will be more easy to help people understand the truth about the Creator. Tell him to not argue with his schoolmate dem. Encourage him to use easy example and idea to help somebody who get interest in the topic. For example, maybe his schoolmate will say: “I only believe what I can see, and I not see God before.” Then the young Christian can say: “Imagine that you walking way in the forest and nobody around and you see some kindna fine house. Wetin you will say? I sure you will say that somebody build that house. So, if that somebody who get plenty sense build that house, you not think that somebody who get plenty sense made the whole world?”

Use easy example and idea when you talking with your schoolmate dem (See paragraphs 16-17) d

17. Loŋ-kaa-ɓela da pɔri diloloŋ fɔrɔi leŋ a gɛɛ e pere sii takpɛni-ŋa kɔri a gɛɛ e Ɣala-woo ɓo nua dia? Gɔɔ-maa lɛ.

17 Encourage your children to look for ways to talk with people from the Bible. (Rom. 10:10) You can compare talking with other people from the Bible to small child learning how to walk. First, he will learn how to stand up. After some time, he will start walking small-small. That the same way when young Christian talking with somebody for the first time, they can start doing it small-small. For example, maybe he can ask his schoolmate: “You know that the big-big book people can look at creation before they make different-different thing dem? Let me show you one fine video.” After he finish showing the video, Was It Designed?, maybe your child can say: “If the big-big book people can get the credit for thing dem they fix, then what about the person who made the original one that they can look at before they fix their own?” The simple way your child will explain it will make the person to want learn more.


18. Loŋ-kaa-ɓera da pɔri kpɔnii leŋ diloloŋ ma a gɛɛ ŋɔlaa-lai su e kɛ a gbanaŋɔɔ a tãi kelee?

18 We living in the world where plenty people not get faith in Jehovah. (2 Pet. 3:3) So parents, when you studying the Bible with your children, encourage them to study different-different topics that will make them to get more respect for the Bible and the thing dem it say. Help them to think good-good by showing them the different-different design in creation. Help them to see that some of the thing dem the Bible say na already happen. And the most important one that, you must pray with them and pray for them. When you do it, you can be sure that Jehovah will bless your effort to help your children to get strong faith.—2 Chron. 15:7.

ŊULEI 133 Worship Jehovah During Youth

a For more information, go on jw.org and watch the video, The Wonders of Creation Reveal God’s GloryPatterns.

b If your child already finish studying the Enjoy Life Now and Forever! book, yor can go over some lessons in section 3 and 4, that talking about how Jehovah say people must live.

c See the article “Why We Believe in a Creator” in the September 2006 Awake!, and the brochure The Origin of Life—Five Questions Worth Asking. To see more examples, go on jw.org and watch the videos Viewpoints on the Origin of Life.

d WETIN THE PICTURE SAYING?: The young Jehovah Witness boy talking with his schoolmate who get interest in the video, Was It Designed?