Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


ŊULEI 3 Our Strength, Our Hope, Our Confidence

Iŋɛi Ya Maa Mɛni Kpanaŋɔɔi Ziova Ma

Iŋɛi Ya Maa Mɛni Kpanaŋɔɔi Ziova Ma

“I gɔlɔŋ berei ŋɛi ya a pui lai. Ife nii maa mɛni pɔ̃yɛ ni ikɔlɔi su?”ŊU. 56:8.


Jehovah can really understand the pain we going through and he will give us the comfort we need.

1-2. Mɛni-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe a pɔri gɛi ku wɔlɔi?

 ALL of us na cry before. Sometime we can cry because something really make us happy. Maybe you na cry because something special happen in your life. For example, when your child wor born, when you think about something good that happen to you before, or when you see your friend who you not see for long time.

2 But most of the time, we can cry because of the pain we going through. For example, maybe we can cry when somebody let us down. We can cry when we get some kindna sickness that making us to feel pain for long time. Or we can cry when somebody who we really love die from us. When we in this kindna situation, we can feel the same way the prophet Jeremiah wor feeling when the Babylonians destroy Jerusalem. Jeremiah say: “Streams of water flow from my eyes . . . My eyes weep without ceasing, without pausing.”—Lam. 3:​48, 49.

3. Ziova lii a kɛ leŋ a vɛli-ɓela kaa mɔ̃lɛi? (Azaya 63:9)

3 Jehovah know all the time we na cry because of the problem dem we going through. The Bible say that Jehovah can see all the thing dem that making us to feel pain, and he will hear us when we cry to him for help. (Ps. 34:15) But Jehovah can’t only see us and hear us. Just like loving parent, when he see us crying he can come quick-quick to help us.—Read Isaiah 63:9.

4. Le ɓe kwa pɔri maa-kɔrii Ŋala-kɔlɔi ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai taŋa su e pilaŋ Ziova ŋɔkili-ŋa-siai ma?

4 The Bible tell us how Jehovah wor feeling when his servants cry to him and what he do to help them. We can see it from how he help Hannah, David, and King Hezekiah. Wetin make them to cry? Wetin Jehovah do when they cry to him for help? And how their example can comfort us when we cry because we feeling bad, somebody let us down or when we feel that we not get any hope again?


5. Aana lii e kɛ leŋ?

5 Hannah face different-different problems that make her to cry. One of the problem she wor facing that, her husband wor having another wife. Her name wor Peninnah, and she never use to like Hannah business. To make matter worse, Hannah wor not having any children, but Peninnah wor having plenty children. (1 Sam. 1:​1, 2) Peninnah continue putting her mouth on Hannah because Hannah wor not able to born. If that you wor in this situation, how you will feel? Hannah wor feeling so bad that she wor just crying and not even able to eat. She wor “extremely bitter” in her heart.—1 Sam. 1:​6, 7, 10.

6. Le ɓe Aana e gɛ a gɛɛ e ŋaa-nɛnɛ sɔlɔ ɓo?

6 Wetin make Hannah heart to lay down? She always use to go to the tabernacle, the main place they use to worship Jehovah. Maybe when she wor near the door to the courtyard of the tabernacle, she start praying to Jehovah and crying bad way. She beg Jehovah and say: “Look upon the affliction of your servant and remember me.” (1 Sam. 1:10b, 11) Hannah pray to Jehovah and tell him how she wor feeling. This one really touch Jehovah heart to see his precious daughter crying to him!

7. Aana lii e kɛ leŋ gɛɛ aa lono Ziova pɔ e pilaŋ mɛnii ma e kɛ tɛɛi zui?

7 After Hannah pray to Jehovah and the High Priest Eli encourage her, how she wor feeling? The Bible say: “The woman went on her way and ate, and her face was no longer downcast.” (1 Sam. 1:​17, 18) Even though her situation not change right away, Hannah wor not feeling sad again. She leave all her problem in Jehovah hand. He understand her feelings, listen to her, and later on bless her by allowing her to get pregnant.—1 Sam. 1:​19, 20; 2:21.

8-9. Yɛɛ berei gaa la Ibulu 10:24, 25 sui, le mɛni ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku kɔ la a gɛɛ ku kɛ kukoyaŋ-ŋai kelee sui? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

8 Lessons for us. You going through any problem that making you to cry? Maybe you grieving because one of your family member or friend na die. When thing like this happen, you can want be by yourself. And that one normal. But Hannah get comfort and encouragement when she use to go to the tabernacle. That the same way even if you feeling tire and sad, Jehovah will comfort and encourage you when you go the meetings. (Read Hebrews 10:​24, 25.) When we go to the meetings and listen to all the fine-fine thing dem from the Bible, it will help us to not be worrying too much about our problem dem. And this one can help us to control our feelings even if our situation not change right away.

9 To the meetings, our brother and sister dem will encourage us and show that they really love us. And just being around them can make us happy. (1 Thess. 5:​11, 14) Let look at the example about one special pioneer brother who wife die. He say: “I can still cry. Sometime, I can go in one corner and just cry. But our meetings really been encouraging me. The good-good thing dem the brothers and sisters can tell me can really encourage me. Sometime, I can be worrying and feeling bad before the meeting. But when I go there I can feel alright.” When we go to the meetings, Jehovah can use our brother and sister dem to help us.

We can get comfort from our brother and sister dem (See paragraphs 8-9)

10. Kwa pɔri Aana pɔɔkɔɔni leŋ kulii a kɛ a doɔɔ polu?

10 Hannah heart also lay down because she tell Jehovah how she wor feeling. You yourself too can leave all your problems with Jehovah, knowing that he will listen to you. (1 Pet. 5:7) And that what one sister do when the arm robber dem kill her husband. She say: “I wor feeling so bad and even feeling that I will never be happy again. But when I pray to my loving Father Jehovah, my heart lay down. Sometime, it wor even hard for me to know what to say, but he understand me. Anytime I really feeling sad, I can pray for peace. Then my heart can just lay down and I can continue going on with my life.” When you tell Jehovah how you feeling, it can really touch his heart and he can understand your pain. Even if the thing that making you to cry not go away, Jehovah can still make your heart to lay down and help you to get peace. (Ps. 94:19; Phil. 4:​6, 7) And he will bless you if you remain faithful.—Heb. 11:6.


11. Deeɓe lii e kɛ leŋ tãi nua di tua nyɔmɔɔ kɛ la a nyaai?

11 David go through plenty problems in his life that make him to cry. Some people use to hate him and even the people he trust let him down. (1 Sam. 19:​10, 11; 2 Sam. 15:​10-14, 30) So one time he say: “I have grown weary with my sighing; all night long I soak my bed with tears; I flood my couch with weeping.” Why David wor feeing like that? He say, “Because of all those harassing me.” (Ps. 6:​6, 7) The bad things other people wor doing to David make him to feel pain and he cry.

12. Deeɓe lii e kɛ leŋ e pilaŋ Ziova ma? (Ŋule-wooi 56:8)

12 Even though David wor going through all this different-different problem dem, he wor convince that Jehovah love him. He say: “Jehovah will hear the sound of my weeping.” (Ps. 6:8) One time, David say something that wor really interesting. And we can see it in Psalm 56:8. (Read.) The thing dem David say just show that Jehovah really care for us. David wor feeling like, Jehovah wor collecting his tears and putting them in one bottle or writing them in one book. David wor sure that Jehovah see and remember the pain he wor going through. He wor convince that his loving Father in heaven wor not only seeing the thing dem he wor going through, but also know how it wor affecting him.

13. Nua da kulii too polu, le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi e lɛɛ kukili ŋa? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

13 Lessons for us. You feeling bad because somebody who you trust let you down? Maybe you feeling the pain because somebody who you plan to marry na turn their back on you, or your husband or wife na leave you. Or maybe your friend or somebody in your family na stop serving Jehovah. One brother wife love to different man and leave him. He say: “My mouth wor full, I not even belief it. I wor feeling sad, vex, and thinking that I not nobody.” If you facing this kindna problem, remember that Jehovah will not turn his back on you. The same brother say: “Human being can let you down, but Jehovah will continue to be with you. I not care what happen, he will always be there for you. He will not leave his people dem that faithful to him.” (Ps. 37:28) Also remember that the love Jehovah get for us, it more than any love that human being get for us. Even though it can really hurt your heart when somebody let you down, it not get anything to do with how Jehovah care for you. (Rom. 8:​38, 39) What the point? No matter how somebody treat you, your Father in heaven love you.

The book of Psalms tell us that Jehovah close to the people who really feeling bad (See paragraph 13)

14. Kili-kɛ-zu kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Ŋule-woo 34:18 e dɛɛ kupɔi?

14 When somebody let us down, we can also get comfort from what David say in Psalm 34:18. (Read.) One document say that, those “crushed in spirit” can also mean ‘people who feel that they not get any hope again.’ How Jehovah can help those who can feel like that because somebody let them down? Just how loving parent can hold their child hand and comfort them when they feeling pain, that the same way Jehovah can be close to us. He can feel for us and he always ready to help us if we feeling too bad because somebody let us down or somebody die from us. He can be quick to comfort us and make our heart to lay down when we feeling pain. And he na tell us plenty thing dem that he will do in the future that can help us to bear our problem now-now.—Isa. 65:17.


15. Le ɓe Ɛsekeya lii too polu, gɛ wɔlɔi?

15 When King Hezekiah of Judah wor 39 years old, he learn that he wor having some kindna serious sickness. Jehovah use the prophet Isaiah to tell Hezekiah that he wor coming die from that sickness. (2 Ki. 20:1) Hezekiah wor feeling that he not get any hope again. The news really break his heart, so he cry bad way. He beg Jehovah to help him.—2 Ki. 20:​2, 3.

16. Ziova e Ɛsekaya fɛli-woo su too leŋ?

16 When Jehovah hear Hezekiah prayer and see the way he wor crying, he feel sorry for him and say: “I have heard your prayer. I have seen your tears. Here I am healing you.” So, Jehovah use Isaiah to tell Hezekiah that he will live for long time so he can free Jerusalem from the Assyrians.—2 Ki. 20:​4-6.

17. Ziova a kukponoi kpanaŋ leŋ kwa kɛ mɔ̃lɛi kɔlɔ-fela kpanaŋɔɔ ta yeei? (Ŋule-woo 41:3) (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔo votooi kaai.)

17 Lessons for us. You get any serious sickness that making you to feel that you not get any hope? Pray to Jehovah and even cry to him for help. The Bible tell us that, “the Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort” will comfort us in all our trials. (2 Cor. 1:​3, 4) Today, we must not expect Jehovah to move all our problems. But we can be sure that he will always comfort us. (Read Psalm 41:3.) He will use his holy spirit to give us strength, wisdom, and the peace we need to bear our problem. (Prov. 18:14; Phil. 4:13) He can also comfort us by giving us hope that in the future nobody will get sick again.—Isa. 33:24.

Jehovah will answer our prayers by giving us strength, wisdom, and peace (See paragraph 17)

18. Ɣala-kɔlɔ-kpua kɛɛ leŋ ɓe a iŋaa-nɛnɛ ya kɛ tɛɛi mɛni kpanaŋ sui? (Ya pɔri basii “ Thing Dem Jehovah Say That Can Comfort Us” kaai.)

18 The thing dem that Jehovah tell Hezekiah really comfort him. That the same way the Bible can comfort us too. When we feeling bad, the thing dem Jehovah say in the Bible can comfort us. (Rom. 15:4) When the doctor tell one sister in West Africa that she wor having cancer, she always use to cry. She say: “One scripture that can really comfort me that Isaiah 26:3. Even though we not get control over some problem dem we can go through, this Bible verse help me to see that Jehovah can give us the kindna peace we need to control how we will act when we face problem.” You get any Bible verse that can make your heart to lay down when you going through serious problem that make it look like you not get hope?

19. Le ɓe kuŋɛi kaa berei tinaa-tuɛ-pere mɛni mai?

19 We living deep in the last days, so we must expect that plenty things will make us to cry. But like what we learn from Hannah, David, and King Hezekiah, Jehovah can see our tears when we cry and he can feel sorry for us and help us. Our tears really important to him. So when we going through serious problems, let tell Jehovah how we really feeling. Let remain close to our loving brother and sister dem in the congregation. And let continue to read the Bible so Jehovah can comfort us. We can be sure that if we remain faithful and continue bearing our problem, Jehovah will bless us. And in the future, he will “wipe every tear from our eyes” and we will not feel pain again. (Rev. 21:4) Then we will only cry because we happy.

ŊULEI 4 “Jehovah Is My Shepherd”