Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


ŊULEI 147 Life Everlasting Is Promised

Le Ɓe Maa Nɛ̃ɛi I Gɛ A Gɛɛ I Wɔlɔ-wɔlɔ Fulu-laa Sɔlɔ Ɓo?

Le Ɓe Maa Nɛ̃ɛi I Gɛ A Gɛɛ I Wɔlɔ-wɔlɔ Fulu-laa Sɔlɔ Ɓo?

“Nuui nyii kelee a Noŋ-nuui kaa e laa lai, a wɔlɔ-wɔlɔ fulu-laa sɔlɔ ɓo.”ZƆŊ 6:40.


We will learn how the anointed and the other sheep can benefit from Jesus ransom sacrifice.

1. Le mɛni ɓe nua tamaa difa laa la a gɛɛ da pɔri kɛi ɣeniɛ wɔlɔ-wɔlɔ da wɔlɔ-wɔlɔ?

 PLENTY people can be careful with what they eat and try to take exercise all the time so they can be alright in the body. But still, they know that they will not live forever. Maybe they can be thinking that they will not live forever because of the problem dem that can come with old age. But in John 3:16 and 5:​24, Jesus say it possible for people to live forever.

2. Le ɓe Zɔŋ ŋuŋ 6 e mo e pilaŋ wɔlɔ-wɔlɔ fulu-laa mai? (Zɔŋ 6:39, 40)

2 One day, Jesus perform miracle to feed plenty people with bread and fish. a That good thing, but the thing he say the next day wor more interesting. The people follow Jesus to Capernaum, near the seashore of Galilee. That the place they wor eh when he tell them that people will come back to life and live forever. (Read John 6:​39, 40.) Think about what this one mean for your friends and family member dem who na die. The thing Jesus say just show that plenty people who na die will come back to life. And it also show that you and your family can live forever. But the next thing Jesus say in John chapter 6 been giving plenty people hard time to understand. Let look at it good-good.

3. Le ɓe Zisɛ e mo e pilaŋ gbiŋ ma Zɔŋ 6:51 sui?

3 After Jesus provide food for the people in Capernaum, it carry their mind back to the time Jehovah provide manna for the Israelite dem in the wilderness. In fact, the Bible call that manna “bread from heaven.” (Ps. 105:40; John 6:31) Jesus use that manna to teach the people important lesson. Even though that God who perform the miracle to give them the manna, but all of them who eat it still die later on. (John 6:49) But it not looking like that with Jesus. In fact, Jesus call his self “the true bread from heaven,” “the bread of God,” and “the bread of life.” (John 6:​32, 33, 35) He show the difference between his self and the manna Jehovah provide. He say: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread he will live forever.(Read John 6:51.) The people not understand why Jesus say he “bread” from heaven that better pass the manna that God provide for their people way back. So Jesus gave them small idea and say: “The bread that I will give is my flesh.” What Jesus mean? We want understand it because it show how we and our family can get everlasting life. Now, let see what Jesus mean.


4. Le mɛni ɓe mɛnii Zisɛ e moi e kɛ a gulaa la a nua taŋai?

4 Some people who wor listening to Jesus wor suprise when he tell them that he will give his “flesh in behalf of the life of the world.” Maybe they wor thinking that he wor going to give them his real flesh to eat, and this one mean eating another human being flesh. (John 6:52) Jesus even tell them something that really full their mouth. He say: “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves.”—John 6:53.

5. Le mɛni ɓe kwa pɔri laai la a gɛɛ Zisɛ fe mo ni a gɛɛ ŋɔpolu-ɓelai da pai ŋãa kpɔɔ kpelei?

5 Way back in Noah time, God say human being must not eat blood. (Gen. 9:​3, 4) And he gave that same law again to the Israelite dem. He say anybody who eat blood must “be put to death.” (Lev. 7:​27, ftn.) Jesus always obey that Law. (Matt. 5:​17-19) So he wor not telling the people to eat his real flesh or drink his real blood. But he wor just teaching them what they can do to get “everlasting life.”—John 6:54.

6. Pere sii kɛɛ leŋ ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku Zisɛ wooi e pilaŋ nuu miiɛ da ŋãa kpeleɛ ma ŋaa kaa la mai?

6 What the point Jesus wor making? It clear that Jesus wor using his flesh and blood to stand for something. We can see it from what he tell the Samaritan woman. He say: “Whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty at all, but the water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water bubbling up to impart everlasting life.” (John 4:​7, 14) b Jesus wor not saying that the Samaritan woman will get everlasting life just from drinking real water. That the same way he wor not telling the people he talk to in Capernaum that they will live forever if they eat his real flesh and drink his real blood.


7. Le ɓe nua taŋa da mo e pilaŋ Zisɛ wooi ma nyii gaa Zɔŋ 6:53 sui?

7 In John 6:​53, Jesus talk about people eating his flesh and drinking his blood. So some religious people say Jesus wor talking about what people need to do when they go for the memorial because he use the same word dem during the Lord Evening Meal. (Matt. 26:​26-28) They say everybody who go for the memorial must eat the bread and drink the wine when they passing it around. You think that what Jesus mean? It good to know the answer because every year, plenty people around the world can attend the memorial. So, let see some difference between what Jesus say in John 6:53 and what he say during the Lord Evening Meal.

8. Le ɓe mɛni-ŋuŋ feerɛi ŋi kɛ a dakpɛnii? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votoo-ŋai kaai.)

8 Now let see some difference between the two different times. First, what time Jesus say the thing that in John 6:​53-56, and where he say it? He say it to the Jews in Galilee in 32 C.E. About one year pass before he do the Lord Evening Meal in Jerusalem. Second, that who Jesus wor talking to? He wor talking to the people in Galilee who wor just concern about food business more than learning about Jehovah and his Kingdom. (John 6:26) In fact, when Jesus say something that they not understand, they stop putting faith in him. Even some of his disciple dem stop following him. (John 6:​14, 36, 42, 60, 64, 66) This time wor different from what happen one year later when Jesus wor having the Lord Evening Meal. During the Lord Evening Meal, his 11 faithful apostles wor with him even though they not really understand all the things Jesus wor teaching. They wor not looking like most of the people in Galilee because they wor convince that Jesus wor God Son who come down from heaven. (Matt. 16:16) He tell them thank you and say: “You are the ones who have stuck with me in my trials.” (Luke 22:28) So it clear that what Jesus say in John 6:53 wor different from what he wor telling his apostles during the Lord Evening Meal. Let see more proof.

(On the left) John chapter 6 showing the time Jesus wor talking to the group of people in Galilee. (On the right) One year later, he talking with his small group of faithful apostles in Jerusalem (See paragraph 8)


9. Gbɛɛ-ni ɓe Zisɛ e kɛ lonoi dipɔ Ŋɔsaa Kili-too-ŋa Kpɔŋ mai?

9 During the Lord Evening Meal, Jesus gave the bread to his apostles and tell them that it stand for his body. Then he gave them the wine and say that it stand for the “blood of the covenant.” (Mark 14:​22-25; Luke 22:20; 1 Cor. 11:24) That one important. He made this new covenant or agreement only with “the house of [spiritual] Israel” who will be “in the Kingdom of God.” He wor not saying it to everybody. (Heb. 8:​6, 10; 9:15) The apostle dem not understand it that time. But it wor not coming stay long for them to be anointed with holy spirit and be part of the new covenant to rule with Jesus in heaven.—John 14:​2, 3.

10. Le ɓe ŋɔnɔ mɛnii Zisɛ e mo Ŋɔsaa Kili-too-ŋa Kpɔŋ mai kɛ a dakpɛni nyii ma e mo Galalii? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

10 Remember that during the Lord Evening Meal, Jesus wor only talking about the “little flock.” That small group started with his faithful apostles who wor in the room with him. (Luke 12:32) That only them and other people who will be part of this group later on, suppose to eat the bread and drink the wine. That them will rule with Jesus in heaven. The thing that Jesus say here, it different from the thing he tell the group of people in Galilee. The thing he say in Galilee apply to plenty people.

Those who can eat the bread and drink the wine that small group, but “anybody” can put faith in Jesus and get everlasting life (See paragraph 10)

11. Le ɓe Zisɛ e mo Galalii nyii nɛ a gɛɛ ve kɛ ni lonoi nuu-kpulu loŋ pɔi?

11 In 32 C.E. when Jesus wor in Galilee, he wor mainly talking to the Jews who wor just concern about food business. He wor helping them to see that something wor more important than food. He tell them what can give them everlasting life. And Jesus even say that people who na die will come back to life and live forever. He wor not just talking to small group of people, like what he do during the Lord Evening Meal. But in Galilee he wor focusing on the blessing that everybody wor coming get. In fact, he say: “If anyone eats of this bread he will live forever; . . . The bread that I will give is my flesh in behalf of the life of the world.”—John 6:51. c

12. Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku gɛ a gɛɛ ku mɛni lɛlɛɛ-ŋai sɔlɔ ɓo nyii Zisɛ e lono e pilaŋ mai?

12 Jesus wor not telling the Jews in Galilee that every human being who live on earth or who they will born will get everlasting life. Only people who ‘eat this bread,’ that mean, only those who put faith in him will benefit. Plenty people who call their self Christians feel that just “believing in [Jesus]” and taking him to be their personal savior, will save them. (John 6:​29, King James Version) But some of the people in Galilee who believe in Jesus stop following him. Why?

13. Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi I gɛ a gɛɛ ikɛ a Zisɛ polu-nuu kpɔɔi?

13 Most of the people in Galilee wor willing to follow Jesus so long he gave them what they want. They wanted him to heal them, give them free food, or tell them the thing dem they want hear. Jesus make it clear that he not just come on earth to give them what they want. But he come to teach them what they must do to be his true followers. They suppose to listen to Jesus invitation when he say “come to me,” by accepting and obeying all the things he wor teaching them.—John 5:40; 6:44.

14. Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku gɛ a gɛɛ ku mɛni lɛlɛɛ sɔlɔ Zisɛ luu da ŋãa su?

14 Jesus teach the people that he wor going to sacrifice his flesh and blood to make it possible for them to live forever. But they suppose to put faith in the thing he wor teaching them. That kindna faith wor really important for the Jews, and it still important for us today. (John 6:40) Yes, for us to benefit from Jesus flesh and blood that he talk about in John 6:​53, we need to put faith in the ransom. This opportunity open to plenty people.—Eph. 1:7.

15-16. Mɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe ku maa-kɔri Zɔŋ ŋuŋ 6 sui?

15 We na learn plenty things from John chapter 6 that can help all of us. It help us to see how Jesus really get feeling for people. When he wor in Galilee, he heal sick people, teach people about God Kingdom, and provide food. (Luke 9:11; John 6:​2, 11, 12) And the more important one, he teach them that he “the bread of life.”—John 6:​35, 48.

16 The people who he call the “other sheep” must not eat the bread or drink the wine during the Memorial. (John 10:16) But they can still benefit from Jesus flesh and blood. They can do it by showing faith in Jesus ramson sacrifice and the benefit it will bring. (John 6:53) But the people who suppose to eat the bread and drink the wine, that people who part of the new covenant or agreement and get the hope to rule with Jesus in heaven. So whether we anointed or other sheep, the story in John chapter 6 can really benefit us. It help us to see that it important for us to show faith so we can get everlasting life.

ŊULEI 150 Seek God for Your Deliverance

a We talk about John 6:​5-35 in the other article before this one.

b The water Jesus talk about stand for all the things Jehovah na do and he doing for us to get everlasting life.

c Talking about who can live forever, John chapter 6 use some word dem like “whoever” and “everyone”.—John 6:​35, 40, 47, 54, 56-58.