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ŊULEI 123 Loyally Submitting to Theocratic Order

Ye Kanaŋ Siai Ziova Ŋɔmɛi-kaa-laai Su

Ye Kanaŋ Siai Ziova Ŋɔmɛi-kaa-laai Su

“Nyãa ɓa Kaɣalai Ziova . . . ŋgaa kateniŋ tɔɔi.”AZ. 48:17.


This article will help us to see how Jehovah directing his people today and the blessings we can enjoy when we follow his direction.

1. Mɛni-kɔɔŋ-maa lɛ nyii mɛnii lɛi maa nɛ̃ɛi ku nɛɛ la naa a gɛɛ Ziova e kuteniŋ tɔɔ.

 IMAGINE that you lost in one forest. The place dangerous and it get plenty bad-bad animals, poisonous plants and rocky area. You will really be grateful if somebody who know the place good-good, come and show you the safe place to pass! This world looking just like that forest. It get plenty bad-bad things that can spoil our friendship with Jehovah. But that Jehovah directing us and he perfect. He showing us the safe place to pass so that we can reach to the place we going, and that everlasting life in the new world.

2. Ziova a kuteniŋ tɔɔ leŋ?

2 How Jehovah directing us? The main way that through his Word, the Bible. But he can also use human being to direct us. For example, he using “the faithful and discreet slave” to give us spiritual food that can help us make wise decisions. (Matt. 24:45) Jehovah also using other qualify men to direct us. For example, the circuit overseers and elders can encourage us and give us direction that can help us to go through our problem them. We really grateful to Jehovah for giving us all this good-good direction during this last days that hard to deal with! It can help us to remain Jehovah friend now-now and forever.

3. Le ɓe kwa pai maa-kɔrii zɛŋ-lɛɛi ŋi su?

3 But sometime it can be hard for us to follow Jehovah direction, especially when he using imperfect men to direct us. Why? Because, sometime the direction can be something that we not like. Or maybe we will feel that the direction not make sense, so we will start thinking that it not coming from Jehovah. That time them like this we really need to trust that Jehovah leading his people, and that following his direction always good for us. To help us get strong trust in his direction, this article will talk about (1) how Jehovah use to direct his people way back, (2) how he directing us today, and (3) how we can benefit when we continue following his direction..

From way back up to now, Jehovah always been using human being to direct his people (See paragraph 3)


4-5. Ziova e nɛ leŋ a gɛɛ e kɛ Eezuɛ-ŋai teniŋ tɔɔi Mose sarai? (Votooi Watchtower tuɛ-laa mai kaa.)

4 Jehovah appoint Moses to lead the Israelites from Egypt. And He gave the Israelites clear proof that He was using Moses to direct them. For example, He gave them pillar of cloud to direct them in the day and pillar of fire to direct them in the night. (Ex. 13:21) Moses follow the pillar that carry he and the Israelites to the Red Sea. The people were scare bad way because the sea was in front them and the Egyptian army was coming behind them. So they start thinking that Moses made mistake to bring them to the Red Sea. But it was not mistake, that Jehovah use Moses to bring them there for reason. (Ex. 14:2) Then the way God save them really full their mouth.—Ex. 14:​26-28..

Moses was depending on the pillar of cloud to direct God people through the wilderness (See paragraphs 4-⁠5)

5 From that time, Moses continue to depend on the pillar of cloud to direct God people through the wilderness for 40 years. a For some time, Jehovah put the pillar over Moses tent for everybody to see it. (Ex. 33:​7, 9, 10) Jehovah use to talk to Moses from the pillar of cloud. Then Moses use to tell the people what Jehovah say. (Ps. 99:7) It was clear to the Israelites that Jehovah was using Moses to direct them.

Moses and his successor, Joshua (See paragraphs 5, 7)

6. Eezuɛ-ŋai di tua leŋ Ziova kɛɛ diteniŋ tɔɔi? (Nɔŋba 14:2, 10, 11)

6 Sad to say, most of the Israelites not believe that Jehovah was using Moses to talk for Him. (Read Numbers 14:​2, 10, 11.) Over and over, they refuse to accept that Jehovah was using Moses to guide them. Because of that, Jehovah not allow that whole generation to enter the Promise Land.—Num. 14:30.

7. Mɛni-kɔɔŋ-maa-ŋa lɛ e pilaŋ nuai dia nyii-ŋai nɛɛ naa a gɛɛ Ziova e diteniŋ tɔɔi? (Nɔŋba 14:24) (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai).

7 But some Israelites follow Jehovah direction. For example, Jehovah say: “Caleb . . . kept following after me wholeheartedly.” (Read Numbers 14:24.) God bless Caleb and even allow him to choose the place he wanted to live in the Promise Land. (Josh. 14:​12-14) The next generation of Israelites also set good example in following Jehovah direction. When Joshua take Moses place and became the leader for the Israelites, they “deeply respected him all the days of his life.” (Josh. 4:14) Because of that, Jehovah bless them and gave them the land that he promise them.—Josh. 21:​43, 44.

8. Berei lɛ Ziova e ŋɔnuai teniŋ-tɔɔ la galoŋ-ŋai ditãi ma. (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai)

8 After some years, Jehovah appoint judges to direct his people. After that, during the time the king them were ruling, Jehovah appoint prophets to direct his people. Faithful kings use to follow the advice from the prophets. For example, King David was humble to accept correction from the prophet Nathan. (2 Sam. 12:​7, 13; 1 Chron. 17:​3, 4) King Jehoshaphat follow the direction the prophet Jahaziel gave him and he encourage the people of Judah to “put faith in [God’s] prophets.” (2 Chron. 20:​14, 15, 20) When King Hezekiah was worrying bad way, he ask the prophet Isaiah for help. (Isa. 37:​1-6) Each time the king them obey Jehovah direction, Jehovah bless the whole nation and protect them. (2 Chron. 20:​29, 30; 32:22) It suppose to be clear to everybody that Jehovah was using his prophets to direct his people. But most of the kings and the Israelites never use to listen to Jehovah prophets.—Jer. 35:​12-15.

King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah (See paragraph 8)


9. Gbɛɛ-ni ɓe Ziova e tii kɛ a dia a gɛɛ e Korai-ɓelai wɔlɔ ti kɛi teniŋ tɔɔ? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

9 On Pentecost 33 C.E, Jehovah form the Christian congregation. How he use to direct the Christian them that time? He appoint Jesus to be the head for the congregation. (Eph. 5:23) But Jesus not talk with each of the disciple to tell them what to do. He use the apostles and the elders in Jerusalem to take the lead. (Acts 15:​1, 2) They also appoint elders to direct the congregations.—1 Thess. 5:12; Titus 1:5.

The apostles and the older men in Jerusalem (See paragraph 9)

10. (a) Korai-ɓelai wɔlɔ ti kɛi di nɛɛ leŋ naa a gɛɛ Ziova e diteniŋ tɔɔ? (Dikɛ-mɛni-ŋai 15:30, 31) (b) Le ɓe gɛ nuai taŋa wɔlɔ ti kɛi dife diyee see ni la nia-wooi mu dimɛi-ɓela di dɛɛi? (Basii “ Why Some Have Rejected Clear Evidence” kaa.)

10 You think the Christian them way back obey the direction from those taking the lead? Plenty of them were happy with the direction they receive and they were willing to follow them. In fact, “they rejoiced over the encouragement” that they receive. (Read Acts 15:​30, 31.) But how Jehovah been directing his people in our time?


11. Mɛni-kɔɔŋ maa lɛ nyii berei lɛi Ziova a Gbɔŋ-gie-mai Teniŋ-tɔɔ-ɓelai teniŋ tɔɔi lai.

11 Jehovah continue to direct his people today. He been doing it through the Bible and his Son, Jesus, the head of the congregation. You think we can see proof that God still using human being to direct his people in our time? Yes. For example, think about what happen after the year 1870. Charles Taze Russell and his friend them started understanding that 1914 was coming be important year for God Kingdom to start ruling. (Dan. 4:​25, 26) They got to know this one because of the research they did in the Bible and they were convince that Bible prophecies will come true. You think Jehovah was directing them when they were doing this research? It clear he was directing them. The thing them that happen in 1914 proof that God Kingdom started ruling that year. In that year, World War I started and food business was hard, sickness was spreading and earthquakes were all over. (Luke 21:​10, 11) All this thing them proof that Jehovah was really using the Bible students to help his people.

12-13. Mɛni-kpɛtɛɛ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe di gɛ a World War II tãi a pa ŋala-woo-ɓo tii kɛɛ a damaa ma da sɛŋ-lɛɛ?

12 Also, think about what happen during World War II. The brothers taking the lead to world headquarters study Revelation 17:8. From their study they understand that World War II was not coming lead to Armageddon but there was coming to be peace. And Jehovah people was coming preach to more people around the world. So even though the decision was looking like it not make sense that time, the responsible brothers started the Watchtower Bible College (School) of Gilead to train missionaries to preach and teach in countries all around the world. They sent missionaries out to preach even during the war. Also, the faithful slave started the course in Theocratic Ministry b to train everybody in the congregations to learn how to preach and teach good-good. Jehovah organization use this school them to train his people to be prepare for the preaching work in the future.

13 Today, it clear to us that Jehovah was directing his people during that hard time. Since World War II, Jehovah people free to preach in plenty countries because of the peace that there. In fact, plenty people na learn the truth and Jehovah people preaching all over the world.

14. Le mɛni ɓe kwa pɔri laai la a nia-wooi Ziova ŋɔkpɔŋ-gie-maai da korai-toli-kpɔŋ laa-tuɛ-ɓelai da dɛɛi? (Mɛni-lɛɛi 2:1) (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

14 Today, the Governing Body continue to depend on Jesus for direction. They want their brothers and sisters to know that any direction they receive from the Governing Body coming from Jehovah and Jesus. Then the Governing Body can use circuit overseers and the elder them to give direction to the congregations. c The anointed elders and all the other elder them in Jesus “right hand.” (Read Revelation 2:1.) But this elder them not perfect, so they can make mistake. Moses and Joshua use to make mistake sometime like the apostle them. (Num. 20:12; Josh. 9:​14, 15; Rom. 3:23) But still, Jesus giving the faithful slave and the appointed elders good and clear direction, and he will continue to guide them “all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” (Matt. 28:20) So we get good reason to trust the direction he giving through the brother them who taking the lead.

The Governing Body today (See paragraph 14)


15-16. Le ɓe I maa-kɔri diai sia a Ziova ŋɔlia-woo-ŋai dimɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai su?

15 Even now-now we can benefit when we continue following Jehovah direction. For example, Andy and Rose d follow the advice to keep their life simple. (See study note on Matthew 6:22.) Because of that, they were able to help build Kingdom Halls and other buildings for the organization. Rose say: “Some of the house them we live in were really small and they were not having kitchen. Even though I like taking picture, I decided to sell plenty of my cameras and other thing them I use for taking picture. It make me to cry when I sell them. But like Abraham wife, Sarah, I try my best to not feel bad but to be happy about what I was able to do for Jehovah.” (Heb. 11:15) How Andy and Rose benefit from their decision? Rose say: “We really happy because we know that we giving Jehovah our best. When we working on any assignment Jehovah give us, it can help us to see how life will be looking in the new world.” Andy agree with this, he say: “We really happy and satisfy because we gave all our time and strength to do Jehovah work.”

16 What other benefit we can get when we continue following Jehovah direction? When Marcia finish high school, she really wanted to follow the advice to regular pioneer. (Matt. 6:33; Rom. 12:11) She say: “I got four-year scholarship to one university. But I wanted to do more for Jehovah. So I decided to go to one trade school to learn certain trade that will help me to support myself in the preaching work. That one of the best decisions I ever made. Now-now I enjoying my regular pioneering, and my work schedule flexible. So I able to work to Bethel and enjoy other special privilege them.”

17. Lua takpɛni-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ kwa zɔlɔ ɓo kwa kanaŋ siai a Ziova ŋɔlia-wooi? (Azaya 48:17, 18)

17 Sometime, we can get counsel from Jehovah organization that can protect us. For example, we can get warning about loving money and about doing things that can make us to break God law. In this area them, we can benefit when we follow Jehovah direction. We can get clean conscience and avoid plenty problems. (1 Tim. 6:​9, 10) Because of that, we able to serve Jehovah with our whole heart. Then we can really be happy, get more peace and be satisfy with our life.—Read Isaiah 48:​17, 18.

18. Le mɛni ɓe ya ŋwɛlii I kanaŋ iwoli tɔɔi la Ziova ŋɔlia-wooi mai?

18 For sure, Jehovah will continue to use human being to give us direction during the great tribulation and during the Thousand Year Rule. (Ps. 45:16) We will continue to follow that direction even when we feel like doing different thing? It will be more easy for us to follow Jehovah direction in the future if we learn to follow his direction now-now. So let always follow Jehovah direction, including the direction that can come from the men them he appoint to watch over us. (Isa. 32:​1, 2; Heb. 13:17) When we do it, we will get good reason to trust Jehovah who helping us to avoid anything that will spoil our friendship with him. And he also leading us to the new world, where we will get everlasting life.


  • Ziova e Eezuɛ-ŋai teniŋ tɔɔ leŋ?

  • Ziova e Korai-ɓelai wɔlɔ ti kɛi teniŋ tɔɔ leŋ?

  • Mɛni lɛlɛɛ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe kwa zɔlɔ ɓo kwa kanaŋ siai a Ziova ŋɔlia-woo-ŋai?

ŊULEI 48 Daily Walking With Jehovah

a Jehovah also appointed one angel “who was going ahead of the camp,” giving the Israelites direction to the Promise Land. It clear that this angel that Michael. Michael that Jesus name when he serving as leader over the angels.—Ex. 14:19; 32:34.

b Later on, they call it the Theocratic Ministry School. Today this training part of our midweek meeting.

c See the box “The Role of the Governing Body” in the February 2021, Watchtower, p. 18.

d We change some name them.