Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


Kanaŋ Ɓɔlɔi Iwɛli-kɛ-maai Su

Kanaŋ Ɓɔlɔi Iwɛli-kɛ-maai Su

“Kwaa ɓɔlɔ a pere sii kelee wɛli-kɛ-maa su .”​—IF. 4:15.



1. Tɔ̃ya mɛni-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe I maa-kɔri tãi I pɛlɛ la Ŋala-kɔlɔi maa-kɔrii a ninai?

 YOU can remember all the thing them you learn when you started studying the Bible? Maybe you were surprise to learn that God get name. Maybe you were happy to learn that God will not burn people in hellfire. And maybe you were happy to learn that your people will come back to life and you will live with them in paradise on earth.

2. E tee nɔ Ŋala-kɔlɔi ŋɔtɔ̃ya-ŋuŋ-ŋai maa-kɔriɛ ma, le takpɛni ɓe ŋɔnɔ I gɛi? (Ifisiɛŋ 5:​1, 2)

2 The more you study the Bible, that the more your love for Jehovah got strong. That love make you to start doing the thing them you were learning. The Bible help you to make good decisions. You learn to think and do the right thing because you wanted to make Jehovah happy. Just how children can follow their parent example, you were following Jehovah example too.​—Read Ephesians 5:​1, 2.

3. Mare-kɛɛ-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku kukili-ŋa sia e pilaŋ mai?

3 Maybe we can think on this question them: ‘Now-now my love for Jehovah strong more than the time I got baptize? Since I got baptize, I following Jehovah example more in the way I can think and act especially by showing love to my brother and sister them?’ Even if you see that your love for Jehovah na go down, don’t feel bad. The same thing happen to the Christian them way back. But Jesus not say they will not be his disciple again, and he will not stop us from being his disciples too. (Rev. 2:​4, 7) He know that we can learn to get the same love we were having when we just learn the truth.

4. Le ɓe kwa pai maa-kɔrii zɛŋ-lɛɛi ŋi su?

4 In this article, we will talk about how we can continue to make our love for Jehovah and other people strong. Then we will learn about some of the good-good thing them that will happen when we make our love for Jehovah and for other people strong.


5-6. Mɛni kpanaŋ-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe zia-nuui Pɔɔ e tɛɛ zu ŋɔɣala-woo-ɓo tii su, kɛlɛ le ɓe nii kula a gɛɛ e kanaŋ Ziova fɛlii?

5 The apostle Paul was happy to serve Jehovah, but it was not always easy for him. Most of the time, Paul use to travel long distances, and to travel was not easy that time. When he traveling, sometime he use to be “in dangers from rivers” and “in dangers from robbers.” His enemy them use to even beat him sometime. (2 Cor. 11:​23-27) And the brother them in the congregation was not always grateful to him for the thing them he use to do.​—2 Cor. 10:10; Phil. 4:15.

6 What help Paul to continue serving Jehovah? Paul learn plenty good-good thing them about Jehovah from the Bible and from the thing them he pass through. What he learn convince him that Jehovah love him. (Rom. 8:​38, 39; Eph. 2:​4, 5) And that one make him to get strong love for Jehovah. Paul show his love for Jehovah “by ministering and continuing to minister to the holy ones.”​—Heb. 6:10.

7. Bere sii-ŋai kwa pɔri ɓɔlɔi la kuwɛli-kɛi-maai su Ziova mɛni mai tɔnɔ ɓa le?

7 We can make our love for God strong by doing our best to study the Bible. When you studying the Bible, try to see what it teaching you about Jehovah. Ask yourself: ‘How this part of the Bible show that Jehovah love me? What reasons it give me to love Jehovah?’

8. Ɣala-fɛliɛ a pɔri kpɔnii leŋ kua a gɛɛ ku ɓɔlɔ kuwɛli-kɛ-maai su Ɣala mɛni ma?

8 Another way we can make our love for Jehovah strong that by praying to him everyday and tell him how we really feeling. (Ps. 25:​4, 5) Then Jehovah will answer our prayer them. (1 John 3:​21, 22) One sister name Khanh in Asia say: “First I use to love Jehovah because of what I learn about him. But when I saw how he answer my prayer them, my love for him got more strong. And it make me to want do thing them that will make him happy.” b


9. Temete e nɛ leŋ a gɛɛ e kɛ ɓɔlɔi wɛli-kɛ-maa lɛɛ su?

9 Some years after Paul became Christian, he saw one young man name Timothy. Timothy use to love Jehovah, and he also use to love people. After some time, Paul told the Christian them in Philippi say: “I have no one else of a disposition like [Timothy’s] who will genuinely care for your concerns.” (Phil. 2:20) Here Paul not talk about the way Timothy use to organize the work or the way he was good speaker. But what touch Paul heart was the love Timothy was having for the brother them. Yes, we sure that the congregation them use to always be happy for Timothy to visit them.​—1 Cor. 4:17.

10. Anna da bɔŋ di diwɛli-kɛ-maai lɛ leŋ bɔlɔ da sisɛ-ŋai mɛni ma?

10 We can look for ways too to help our brother and sister them. (Heb. 13:16) Let look at the experience about Anna who we talk about in the article before this one. After one heavy breeze, she and her husband went to visit one Jehovah Witness family, and they find out that the roof on the family house spoil. Because of that, the whole family clothes were dirty. Anna say: “We carry their clothes and wash them. We also press and fold them before we carry them back. To us it was not anything, but what we did make our friendship with them to get thick from that time up till now.” Anna and her husband help the brother and sister them because they love them.​—1 John 3:​17, 18.

11. (a) Kwa kɔ a gɛɛ ku wɛli-kɛ-maa lɛ a kpɔŋ leŋ nua dia? (b) Yɛɛ berei gaa la Tare-woo-ŋa 19:17 sui, Ziova a ŋwɛli-kɛ-maai kwa nɛ nua diai kaa leŋ?

11 When we kind and show love to people, they will see that we trying to follow Jehovah example. And sometime they will be grateful for what we did for them more than what we can even imagine. Khanh, who we talk about before, can be happy when she remember the brother and sister them that help her. She say: “I really grateful to all the sister them who carry me in field service. They use to come to my house, gave me food to eat and make sure to carry me back home safely. Now I know that they really use to work hard. And they were happy to do it.” That true, not everybody will tell us thank you for the thing them we do for them. See what Khanh say about the people them that help her. She say: “I wish I can pay them back for all the good-good things they do for me. I not know where all of them living now-now but Jehovah know. So, I can pray for him to pay all of them back for me.” The thing Khanh say that true. Jehovah can see all the good-good thing them we can do for people, even when it small. He look at it to be sacrifice that he value and also he see it to be something that he owing and will pay back.​—Read Proverbs 19:17.

When somebody trying do more to serve Jehovah, they can look for ways to help other people (See paragraph 12)

12. Bɔlɔ-ŋa da pɔri diwɛli-kɛ-maai lɛi leŋ korai-toli-kpɔŋ su-ɓela dia? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

12 If you brother, how you can show love for people and do things to help them? One young brother name Jordan ask one elder how he can do more to help the brother them in the congregation. The elder told him thank you for what he was already doing and then gave him some advice about how he can do more. For example, he told Jordan to try and come soon to the Kingdom Hall and speak to the brother them. He also told Jordan to comment in the meetings, always preach with his field service group, and think about other things he can do to help the brother and sister them. When Jordan do it, it help him to learn some thing them, but it also help him to love his brother and sister them more. Jordan learn that when you ministerial servant that not the time you can start helping people; but that the time you can continue helping them.​—1 Tim. 3:​8-10, 13.

13. Wɛli-kɛ-maa e bɔlɔ tɔnɔ lii kula leŋ a gɛɛ e kɛ ŋɔnɔ a korai-toli-kpɔŋ laa-tua-nuu?

13 What if you use to be ministerial servant or elder before? Jehovah can still remember the way you show love by working hard for your brother and sister them before. (1 Cor. 15:58) He can still see the love that you showing now-now. One brother name Christian was feeling bad when they step him down from being elder. But he say, “I decided to do everything I able to do to serve Jehovah whether I elder or not.” After some time, they make him elder again. Christian say: “First I was not too sure whether I must accept it. But I decided that if Jehovah want me to be elder again because of his mercy, I will accept it. And that because I love him and my brother and sister them.”

14. Le ɓe I maa-kɔri mɛnii su sisɛi nyii kula Georgia lɔii su e moi?

14 Jehovah people can also show their love for their neighbors. (Matt. 22:​37-39) For example, one sister name Elena from the country call Georgia say: “First, the only reason why I use to go preach that because I love Jehovah. But when my love for Jehovah was getting strong, my love for people was getting strong too. I try to think about the different-different thing them they were going through and the topic them that will touch their heart. The more I think about them like this, that the mean time I wanted to help them.” ​—Rom. 10:​13-15.


When we just do one good thing, it can benefit plenty of our brother and sister them (See paragraphs 15-16)

15-16. Yɛɛ berei gaa la votoo-ŋai sui, luwa-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe wɛli-kɛ-maa lɛɛ nua dia a pa lai?

15 Any time we show love to our brother and sister them, that not their one can benefit. When the COVID-19 started, one brother name Paolo and his wife help plenty older sister them to learn how to use their phones, tablets or computers to know how to preach. First it was hard for one sister to use her phone or tablet to preach. But later on, she learn how to use it. She use it to invite her relative them to the Memorial. Sixty of them use video call to attend the program! What Paolo and his wife did benefit the sister and all her relative them. Later on, the sister write Paolo. She say: “Thank you for teaching us. I will never forget the way Jehovah really love us and how you work hard to help us.”

16 Paolo learn important lesson from experience them like this. He learn that our love for our brothers more important than what we know or any talent we get. He say: “I use to be circuit overseer. Now I know that the brothers can’t remember all the talks I gave. But they can still remember the thing them I use to do for them.”

17. Gbɛɛ ŋɔnɔ ɓe pai mɛni lɛlɛɛ sɔlɔ ɓoi kwa wɛli-kɛ-maa lɛi?

17 When we show love to our brother and sister them, we ourselves can benefit in way them we not expecting. Jonathan, who living in New Zealand say that true. When the sun was hot on one Saturday afternoon, he saw one pioneer preaching by himself side the road. So, Jonathan decided to work with the pioneer every Saturday afternoon. At that time, he never knew how he was coming benefit from what he was doing to help the pioneer. Jonathan say, “I never use to enjoy field service. But when I listen to the way the pioneer was teaching and saw how he was helping people, it make me to start enjoying the field service. Also, me and the brother friendship got thick. And he help me to get strong faith, to enjoy field service and to get close to Jehovah.”

18. Le ɓe Ziova a ŋwɛlii a gɛɛ ku gɛi?

18 Jehovah want all of us to continue making our love strong for him and our brother and sister them. We na learn from this article that, we can make our love strong for Jehovah by reading the Bible, thinking on it and by always praying to him. We can make our love for our brother and sister them strong by doing things to help them. When we continue to make our love strong, it will help us to get close to Jehovah and our brother and sister them. And we will be friendly with them forever!


a Whether we new in the truth or we been serving Jehovah for plenty years now, all of us can continue to make progress. In this article, we will learn one important way we can continue to make progress. We can do this by loving Jehovah and other people more. When you thinking on this article, try to see the progress you already na make and how you can continue to make more progress.

b We change some of the name them.