Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


ŊULEI 123 Loyally Submitting to Theocratic Order

Ya Pɔri Dɔ̃yai Kɔlɔni Leŋ?

Ya Pɔri Dɔ̃yai Kɔlɔni Leŋ?

Mɛni ma ka kpɛɛ a dɔ̃ya-bɛtii toɔɔ kaleŋei . . . ka tɔɔ.”IF. 6:14.


Learning how to train our self to know the difference between the truth we na learn from Jehovah, and the lies from Satan and the people who against us.

1. Ikili-ŋa-siai kaa leŋ e pilaŋ dɔ̃yai ma?

 JEHOVAH people love the truth they learn from the Bible. We base our faith on it. (Rom. 10:17) We convince that Jehovah set up the Christian congregation to be “a pillar and support of the truth.” (1 Tim. 3:15) And we happy to follow the direction from “those who taking the lead” among us. They can explain the truth from the Bible and give us direction that can help us to do God will.—Heb. 13:17.

2. Yɛɛ berei Zĩi 5:​19 e mo lai, le ɓe a kɛ a kua kwa dɔ̃yai maa-kɔri?

2 But, after we accept the truth and the direction coming from God organization, it possible that we can still leave the truth. (Read James 5:19.) Satan really want us to stop trusting the Bible or the direction we can get from God organization.—Eph. 4:14.

3. Le mɛni ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku dɔ̃yai soŋ la a gbanaŋɔɔi? (Ifisiɛŋ 6:​13, 14, NWT

3 Read Ephesians 6:​13, 14. Satan the Devil will soon use lie-lie information to fool countries to join him to go against Jehovah. (Rev. 16:​13, 14) We must also expect that Satan will really be fighting hard to fool Jehovah people. (Rev. 12:9) So that why it important for us to train our self to know the difference between truth and lies, and obey the truth. (Rom. 6:17; 1 Pet. 1:22) This one will help us to survive during the great tribulation!

4. Le ɓe kwa pai maa-kɔrii zɛŋ-lɛɛi ŋi su?

4 In this article, we will see two qualities that we need to help us know the truth from the Bible and to accept the direction from God organization. Then we will talk about three things we must do to continue sticking to the truth.


5. Yao-maa kɛɛ kuyeei Ziova mɛni ma a kpɔŋ leŋ kua a gɛɛ ku dɔ̃yai kɔlɔŋ?

5 Fear Jehovah. To fear Jehovah mean, to love him so much that we will never want do anything to make him feel bad. We really want learn the difference between right and wrong, and the difference between truth and lies, so that we can make Jehovah happy. (Prov. 2:​3-6; Heb. 5:14) We must never be scare of human being more than the way we love Jehovah. And that because, most of the time the thing them that can make human being happy can’t make Jehovah happy.

6. Yao e eezuɛ-ŋai dilaa-tuɛ-ɓela puu kɛ leŋ a gɛɛ di dɔ̃ya maa faleŋ?

6 When we scare of human being more than God, it can make us to leave the truth. Think about the example of the 12 men who went to spy on the land that Jehovah promise to give the Israelites. Ten of them were scare of the Canaanites bad way more than the love they were having for Jehovah. They tell the other Israelite them: “We are not able to go up against the people, because they are stronger than we are.” (Num. 13:​27-31) That true, from the way human being can see things, the Canaanites were strong pass the Israelite them. But the way they say the Israelites will not be able to conquer the Canaanites, show that they were not thinking about Jehovah. The ten spies suppose to focus on what Jehovah wanted the Israelites to do. They also suppose to think on what Jehovah just do for them before they went to spy the land. Then they were coming know that the Canaanites were not any match for Jehovah almighty power. The ten spies were not having faith. But Joshua and Caleb wanted to make Jehovah happy. They tell the people: “If Jehovah is pleased with us, he will certainly bring us into this land and give it to us.”—Num. 14:​6-9.

7. Kwa pɔri kuyao-maai Ziova mɛni ma su kpanani leŋ? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

7 To make our fear for Jehovah more strong, we need to focus on what will make him happy anytime we make decision. (Ps. 16:8) When you reading Bible story, ask yourself, ‘If I was in that situation, what decision I was coming to make?’ For example, imagine yourself listening to the ten spies when they were telling the Israelites that they will not be able to conquer the Canaanites. You were coming believe the thing the ten spies say and be scary? Or your love for Jehovah and your desire to make him happy was coming be more strong? One whole generation of Israelites not believe Joshua and Caleb. Because of that Jehovah not allow them to enter the Promise Land.—Num. 14:​10, 22, 23.

If you were there, who you coming believe? (See paragraph 7)

8. Tua-pere lɛlɛɛ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku maa-kɔri, nyaŋ le mɛni ma?

8 Be Humble. Jehovah can only show the truth to humble people. (Matt. 11:25) We were humble to accept help to learn the truth. (Acts 8:​30, 31) But we still need to be careful so we can’t get proud. If we proud, maybe we will start thinking that our own idea correct the same way Bible principles and the direction them from Jehovah organization correct.

9. Kwa pɔri maa-yeŋ-laa pɔɔkɔɔni leŋ?

9 To continue to be humble, we must remember that we too small compare to Jehovah power. (Ps. 8:​3, 4) We can also ask Jehovah to help us to be more humble and to be willing to learn from other people. Jehovah will help us to value the things we learn from the Bible and his organization more than our own idea. When you doing your Bible reading, look for points that talk about how Jehovah love humble people and hate people who proud. And try hard to remain humble, especially if you get assignment that give you some authority, or that can make other people to notice you.


10. Gbɛɛ-ni ɓe Ziova aa tii kɛ a dia a gɛɛ di sɛŋ lɛ ŋɔnuai dia di diteniŋ tɔɔ?

10 Continue to trust the direction from Jehovah organization. Way back in Israel, Jehovah use Moses and Joshua to give direction to His people. (Josh. 1:​16, 17) Things use to be alright with the Israelites when they accept that Jehovah was using this men them. After plenty years, they form the Christian congregation and the 12 apostles use to give direction. (Acts 8:​14, 15) Later on, some elders in Jerusalem also became part of that group. Because they follow the direction from this faithful men them, “the congregations continued to be made firm in the faith and to increase in number day by day.” (Acts 16:​4, 5) Today, Jehovah can also bless us when we follow direction from his organization. But how Jehovah will feel if we refuse to follow direction from those who he na choose to take the lead? To answer that question, let talk about what happen when the Israelites were going to the Promise Land.

11. Le ɓe wɔlɔ kɛ a diai tɔɔ nuai dia Ziova e di siɣe zu a gɛɛ di ŋɔnuai teniŋ tɔɔi? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

11 When the Israelites were going to the Promise Land, one time some men them who were having authority started talking against Moses and complaining about the assignment that Jehovah gave him. They say: “The whole assembly [not just Moses] is holy, all of them, and Jehovah is in their midst.” (Num. 16:​1-3) Even though “the whole assembly” was holy to Jehovah, but that Moses God choose to lead His people. (Num. 16:28) So when the people went against Moses, that Jehovah they were really going against. They not focus on what Jehovah wanted, but they focus on getting more power and to be more important. God destroy the people who were leading that group that went against Moses and all the plenty people who join them. (Num. 16:​30-35, 41, 49) Today too, we sure that Jehovah can’t be happy with people who refuse to follow direction from his organization.

If you were there, who you coming support? (See paragraph 11)

12. Le mɛni ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi la ku laa a Ziova ŋɔkpŋ-gie-maai?

12 We must continue to trust Jehovah organization. When it clear that we need to change the way we understand certain Bible truth or something about the way we can serve Jehovah, the Governing Body can’t waste time to make that change. (Prov. 4:18) They can do it because the thing that more important to them, that to make Jehovah happy. They can also do their best to base their decisions on the Bible that get the teachings all Jehovah people must live by.

13. Le ɓa “dɔ̃ya-wooi maa perei,” nyaŋ le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku gɛ la?

13 “Keep holding to the standard of wholesome words.” (2 Tim. 1:13) “The standard of wholesome words” that all the Christian teachings in the Bible. (John 17:17) And that this teachings all our beliefs coming from. Jehovah organization na teach us to stick to this teachings. So long we do it, Jehovah will bless us.

14. Le ɓe gɛ Korai-ɓela taŋa dikɛ kpera laa-la pui “dɔ̃ya-wooi maa perei,” su?

14 Wetin will happen if we stop sticking to the things we na learn from the Bible? Let talk about one example. Way back, news started spreading among some Christians that Jehovah day na come. Maybe they get this information from one letter that they were thinking the apostle Paul write. Some Christians in Thessalonica not even check to see whether the information was true. They believe it and they even started spreading it. If they were coming to remember the things Paul teach them when he was with them, they were not coming let this information to fool them. (2 Thess. 2:​1-5) Paul counsel his brother and sister them to not believe everything they hear. And to help them in the future, Paul end his second letter to the Thessalonians by saying: “Here is my greeting, Paul’s, in my own hand, which is a sign in every letter; this is the way I write.”—2 Thess. 3:17.

15. Kwa pɔri kukpiŋ maa kɔ̃ɔi leŋ lɛɛ mɛni-ŋa yeei nyii a pɔri kɛi nɔ yɛɛ tɔ̃yai? Gɔɔŋ-maa lɛ. (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaa.)

15 Wetin we can learn from the letter Paul write to the Thessalonians? When we hear something that not in line with what we learn from the Bible or when we hear news that surprise us, we must be wise. In the former Soviet Union, one time our enemies gave the brother them one letter. They say it was coming from world headquarters. The letter encourage the brother them to form their own organization. The letter was really looking like it was true. But the letter not fool the brothers who were faithful. They knew that the thing the letter say was not in line with what they learn from the Bible. Today too, our enemies can use thing them like the internet and social media to try hard to confuse and divide us. But we must not be “quickly shaken from [our] reason.” We can protect our self by thinking good-good whether the thing we hear or read in line with the truth we already na learn.—2 Thess. 2:2; 1 John 4:1.

Don’t let lie-lie information that looking like truth to fool you (See paragraph 15) a

16. Yɛɛ berei Lomaŋ 16:17, 18 e mo lai, le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku gɛ nua taŋa da tɔɔ dɔ̃yai ma?

16 Continue to be united with those who loyal to Jehovah. God want us to be united in our worship. We will continue to be united so long we stick to the truth. Anybody who spread information that not agree with the truth can divide the congregation. So God say we must “avoid them.” Or else, we our self will start believing the thing them they say and even leave the truth.—Read Romans 16:​17, 18.

17. Mɛni lɛlɛɛ-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe kwa zɔlɔ ɓo kwa dɔ̃yai kɔlɔŋ, ku zoŋ a gbanaŋɔɔ?

17 When we know the truth and stick to it, we will remain close to Jehovah and our faith will be more strong. (Eph. 4:​15, 16) We will not let Satan false teachings and lie-lie information to fool us. And during the great tribulation, Jehovah will take care of us and save us. Continue to stick to the truth “and the God of peace will be with you.”—Phil. 4:​8, 9.

ŊULEI 122 Be Steadfast, Immovable!

a WETIN THE PICTURE SAYING?: The brother them showing what happen some years ago in the former Soviet Union. They receive one letter that was looking like it coming from world headquarters, but it was really coming from our enemies. In our time, our enemies can use the Internet to spread lie-lie things about Jehovah organization.