Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


ŊULEI 75 “Here I Am! Send Me!”

Ikpɛtɛɛi A Gɛɛ I Ikpiŋ Tɛɛ Ziova Pɔ?

Ikpɛtɛɛi A Gɛɛ I Ikpiŋ Tɛɛ Ziova Pɔ?

“Le ɓe ŋa pɔri dɛɛi Yawɛɛ pɔ, mɛni lɛlɛɛ-ŋai a gɛi mii mɛni ma?”ŊU. 116:12.


This article can help you to get close friendship with Jehovah so that you will want give your life to him and get baptize.

1-2. Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi nuu e gɛ e lɛɛ pai batai kɛi?

 DURING the past five years, more than one million people na get baptize as Jehovah Witnesses. Plenty of them looking like the disciple Timothy, who learn the truth “from infancy.” (2 Tim. 3:​14, 15) Other people learn about Jehovah when they were already big and some people learn the truth when they were old. Some years ago, one woman who study the Bible with Jehovah Witnesses got baptize when she was 97 years old!

2 If somebody studying the Bible with you or if your ma and pa that Jehovah Witness, you thinking about getting baptize? That very good goal! But before you get baptize, you need to dedicate yourself to Jehovah. This article will explain what dedication mean. It will also help you to see why you must not be scary to dedicate your life to God and get baptize when you ready to do it.


3. Mɛni-kɔɔŋ-maa-ŋa lɛ e pilaŋ nua dia nyii-ŋai dikpiŋ tɛɛ Ziova pɔ.

3 In the Bible, when Jehovah choose somebody to serve him in a special way, it mean they were dedicated to Him. The nation of Israel was dedicated to Jehovah. But some people among the Israelites were dedicated to Jehovah in a special way. For example, Aaron use to wear the “holy sign of dedication”, that one shining gold plate on the front part of his turban. That gold plate show that they choose him to serve Jehovah in a special way, and that to be Israel high priest. (Lev. 8:9) The Nazirites too were dedicated to Jehovah in a special way. The word “Nazirite,” coming from the Hebrew word nazirʹ, it mean “Separated One,” or “Dedicated One.” The Nazirites suppose to obey the direction that was set for them in the Mosaic Law.—Num. 6:​2-8.

4. (a) Pere sii kɛɛ leŋ ɓe nuai daa dikpiŋ tɛɛ Ziova pɔi dikaa la a dakpɛnii? (b) Nuu ‘kili kulaa gbiŋ kponoi’ sukulai ɓa le? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

4 When you give your life to Jehovah, you choose to be Jesus disciple and you make doing God will the most important thing in your life. Wetin it mean for you to give your life to Jehovah? Jesus say: “If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself.” (Matt. 16:24) The Greek words they translate “let him disown himself” can also be translated “he must say no to himself.” When you give your life to Jehovah, you will need to say no to anything that go against God will. (2 Cor. 5:​14, 15) This one also mean saying no to “the works of the flesh,” like boyfriend and girlfriend business. (Gal. 5:​19-21; 1 Cor. 6:18) You think obeying this law them will make life hard for you? No, if you love Jehovah and you convince that his laws can benefit you, your life will not be hard. (Ps. 119:97; Isa. 48:​17, 18) One brother name Nicholas say: “You can either see Jehovah laws like jail house that can stop you from doing what you want do, or you can see it like the fence lion in that can protect you from danger.”

You can see Jehovah laws like jail house that can stop you from doing what you want do, or you can see it like the fence the lion in that can protect you from danger? (See paragraph 4)

5. (a) Ya ikipiŋ tɛɛ leŋ Ziova pɔ? (b) Le ɓe nuu kpiŋ tɛɛ Ziova pɔ kɛ a dakpɛni batai kɛɛ ma? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

5 How you can give yourself to Jehovah? You can promise him in prayer that you will worship only him and that you will put his will first in your life. So you promising Jehovah that you will continue to love him “with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.” (Mark 12:30) When you give your life to Jehovah you can do it in secret, just between you and Jehovah. But when you get baptize, everybody can see it and it show other people that you na give your life to Jehovah. Your dedication that serious promise and Jehovah want you to live by it the same way you expect yourself to live by it.—Eccl. 5:​4, 5.

Giving your life to Jehovah mean that you promising him in secret that you will worship only him and put him first in your life (See paragraph 5)


6. Le ɓe a nuu lii kula a gɛɛ e gbiŋ tɛɛ Ziova pɔ?

6 The main reason why you give yourself to Jehovah that because you love him. Your love for him not only base on how you feel. But it also base on “accurate knowledge” and “spiritual comprehension,” that mean the things you learn about Jehovah make your love for him to get strong. (Col. 1:9) The thing you study from the Bible na convince you (1) that Jehovah that real person, (2) that the Bible coming from him, and (3) that he using his organization to do his will.

7. Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi kukɛ gɛ ku lɛɛ pai kukpiŋ tɛɛi Ziova pɔ?

7 People who na give their life to Jehovah must learn some basic Bible teachings and be living by what he say. They can do their best to tell other people about the things they na learn. (Matt. 28:​19, 20) Their love for Jehovah na get strong, and they really want worship only Jehovah. Ehn that how it looking with you? When you love Jehovah with your whole heart, you will not dedicate yourself and get baptize because you want make your Bible teacher or your parents happy. Also, you will not do it because you see your friends getting baptize.

8. Le ɓe sɛɣɛ-fei Ziova mɛni ma kɛ a mɛni-kpanaŋ a pa ikpiŋ tɛɛ ma Ziova pɔ? (Ŋule-wooi 116:12-14)

8 When you think about all the things Jehovah na do for you, it will make you to be grateful and you will want give your life to him. (Read Psalm 116:​12-14.) The Bible right to call Jehovah the Giver of “every good gift and every perfect present.” (Jas. 1:17) The sacrifice of his Son Jesus, important pass all the other gifts. Just think about how that gift wonderful! The ransom na make it possible for you to get close friendship with Jehovah. And he na give you the opportunity to live forever. (1 John 4:​9, 10, 19) When you give your life to Jehovah, that one of the best ways you can show that you grateful to Jehovah for the ransom and all the other things he na give you. (Deut. 16:17; 2 Cor. 5:15) The Enjoy Life Now and Forever! book, lesson 46, point 4 show how we can be grateful by giving our life to Jehovah. It get the three minute video with the title Give Your Gifts to God.


9. Le mɛni ɓe maa fe nɛ̃ɛ ni la di kpala nuu ta la a gɛɛ e gbiŋ tɛɛ Ziova pɔ?

9 Maybe you feeling that you not ready yet to give your life to Jehovah and get baptize. Maybe you still need to make some changes in your life so you can be able to obey Jehovah laws. Or maybe you need more time to make your faith strong. (Col. 2:​6, 7) Not all students can make progress the same way, and not all the young people can get ready to give their life to Jehovah and get baptize at the same age. Try to understand some changes you need to make according to what you able to do and don’t compare yourself with other people.—Gal. 6:​4, 5.

10. Le ɓe ya pɔri gɛi ya gaa a gɛɛ ife nii ikpiŋ kpɛtɛ ni a gɛɛ I ikpiŋ tɛɛ Ziova pɔ I batai kɛ? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ basii ŋi kaai, “ For Those Who Their Parents Bringing Up in the Truth.”)

10 Even if you feel that you not ready yet to give your life to Jehovah, set it as your goal. Ask Jehovah to help you make any changes you need to make in your life. (Phil. 2:13; 3:16) You can be sure that he will hear your prayer and help you.—1 John 5:14.


11. Ziova a pai kpɔnii leŋ kua a gɛɛ ku lɛɛ a kutɔɔi kpanaŋɔɔ?

11 Some people who ready to give their life to Jehovah and get baptize can still want wait. Sometime they can be thinking, ‘In case I commit serious sin and get disfellowship after I get baptize?’ If you scary, be convince that Jehovah will give you everything you need “to walk worthily of [him] in order to please him fully.” (Col. 1:10) He will also give you the strength to do the right thing. He na already help plenty people to do the right thing. (1 Cor. 10:13) That one reason why just small amount of people can be disfellowship from the Christian congregation. Jehovah can help his people to remain faithful.

12. Le ɓe kwa pɔri gɛi a gɛɛ kufe sɔnyɔŋ kɛtɛ kɛ?

12 Since human being not perfect, everybody can face temptation to do wrong things. (Jas. 1:14) But you can choose what you will do when you face temptation. To talk the truth, you the one can control how you will live your life. Some people feel that you can’t control how you live your life. But it not true because you can learn how to control wrong desires. And even if you face temptation, you can choose to not do bad things. We can do some things that can help us to not sin. For example, pray every day, get good schedule to study the Bible, attend meetings and go field service. When you always follow the things we just talk about, it will give you the strength to remain faithful to Jehovah. And don’t forget that Jehovah will help you to do so.—Gal. 5:16.

13. Le ɓe Zosɛ ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai kɛ a nɛlɛɛ ku mɛni ma?

13 It will be more easy to remain faithful to Jehovah if you decide ahead of time what you will do if you face temptation. The Bible tell us about some people who did the same thing, even though they were not perfect too. For example, Potiphar wife try over and over to make Joseph lay down with her. But he already knew what to do. The Bible tell us that “he refused,” and he say: “How could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God?” (Gen. 39:​8-10) It clear that Joseph already knew what to do even before she try to tempt him. That what make it more easy for him to do the right thing when he face temptation.

14. Kwa pɔri kɔi leŋ a gɛɛ ku kupolu tɔɔ sɔnyɔŋ kɛɛ ma?

14 When you face temptation, how you can be like Joseph and remain faithful? You can decide now-now wetin you will do when you face temptation. You must learn to say no quick to anything that Jehovah hate and you must not even be thinking on them. (Ps. 97:10; 119:165) Like that, you will not sin when temptation come. You will already know what to say or do.

15. Nuu a pɔri nɛi leŋ a gɛɛ gaa Ziova ‘kɔrii’ a gbanaŋɔɔ? (Ibulu 11:6)

15 Maybe you know that you na find the truth and you want serve Jehovah with your whole heart, but you still feel that you not ready yet to give your life to Jehovah and get baptize. You can follow King David example. You can beg Jehovah and say: “Search through me, O God, and know my heart. Examine me, and know my anxious thoughts. See whether there is in me any harmful way, and lead me in the way of eternity.” (Ps. 139:​23, 24) Jehovah can bless those who “earnestly seeking him.” The effort you making to give your life to Jehovah and get baptize show that you “earnestly seeking him.”—Read Hebrews 11:6.


16-17. Pere sii kɛɛ leŋ ɓe diai ɓɔlɔ dɔyai sui da lɛɣɛ la a Ziova? (Zɔŋ 6:​44)

16 Jesus say that Jehovah can draw his disciples. (Read John 6:44.) Just think about how this idea really wonderful and what it mean for you. Jehovah can see good-good things in each person he can draw to himself. He can look at the person to be his “special property,” or “treasured possession.” (Deut. 7:6; ftn.) That just how Jehovah look at you too.

17 But maybe you young person who your parents bringing up in the truth. Maybe you feel that you serving Jehovah only because your parents in the truth and not because Jehovah na draw you to him. But the Bible say: “Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.” (Jas. 4:8; 1 Chron. 28:9) When you be the first to get close to Jehovah, he will get close to you too. Jehovah can’t just look at you to be part of one group. He can draw each person including somebody who their parents bringing up in the truth. Jehovah can take the action we see in James 4:​8, when somebody like this be the first to get close to Him.—Compare 2 Thessalonians 2:13.

18. Le ɓe kwa pai maa-kɔrii zɛŋ-lɛɛi nɛɛ polui su? (Ŋule-wooi 40:8)

18 When you give your life to Jehovah and get baptize, you following Jesus example. He was willing to give himself to his Father to do anything His pa tell him to do. (Read Psalm 40:8; Heb. 10:7) In the next article, we will talk about the thing that will help you to continue serving Jehovah faithfully after you get baptize.


  • Kukpiŋ tɛɛ Ziova pɔ sukulai ɓa le?

  • Le ɓe sɛɣɛ-fei Ziova mɛni ma kɛ a mɛni-kpanaŋ a pa kukpiŋ tɛɛ ma Ziova pɔ?

  • Le ɓe pai kpɔnii ya a gɛɛ ife sɔnyɔŋ kɛtɛ kɛ?

ŊULEI 38 He Will Make You Strong