Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


ŊULEI 13 Christ, Our Model

‘Kanaŋ Kɛi Zisɛ’ Polu Ibatai Kɛɛ Polu Ma

‘Kanaŋ Kɛi Zisɛ’ Polu Ibatai Kɛɛ Polu Ma

A kɛ nuu da a ŋwɛlii e pilaŋ mbolu, tɔɔ e gili kula gbiŋ kponoi, e ŋɔsaa-wuruii siɣe a ɣele kelee, e kɛ mbolu.”LUU 9:23.


This article can help all of us to think on what it mean to give our life to Jehovah. But it can mainly help brothers and sisters who just got baptize to remain faithful to Jehovah.

1-2. Kɛ-ɣeniɛ a kɛ leŋ a nɛlɛɛ batai kɛɛ polu ma?

 WE CAN be happy when we get baptize and become part of Jehovah family. Those who already get the privilege to be Jehovah friend will agree with what the psalmist David say: “Happy is the one whom you [Jehovah] choose and bring near to reside in your courtyards.”—Ps. 65:4.

2 Jehovah can’t just accept anybody to be part of his family. But according to what we talk about in the first article, Jehovah can decide to get close to people who prove that they want get close friendship with him. (Jas. 4:8) When you give your life to Jehovah and get baptize, you get more close to Jehovah in a special way. When you do it, you can be sure that he will “pour out on you a blessing until there is nothing lacking.”—Mal. 3:10; Jer. 17:​7, 8.

3. Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi Korai-ɓela di gɛ nyii-ŋai daa dikpiŋ tɛɛ Ziova pɔ, daa batai kɛi? (Ikilisiati 5:4,5)

3 Baptism that just the beginning of your service to Jehovah. After you get baptize, you will want do your best to live by the vow you made to give your life to Jehovah, even if you face temptations or you going through problems. (Read Ecclesiastes 5:​4, 5.) As Jesus disciple, you will also do your best to follow Jesus example and obey him. (Matt. 28:​19, 20; 1 Pet. 2:21) That what this article will help you to do.


4. Pere sii kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Zisɛ polu-ɓela da li la a ‘zaa wurui’? (Luu 9:23)

4 After you get baptize, you will continue to face problems. In fact, Jesus make it clear that his disciples were coming carry “torture stake.” He say they were coming carry it “day after day.” (Read Luke 9:23.) You think Jesus was saying that his disciples will always be suffering? No. But he was just saying that apart from the blessings they will get, they will face problems. And sometime, some of the problems can really be hard on us.—2 Tim. 3:12.

5. Diai da dikili kula mɛni taŋa su Zisɛ mɛni mai, luwa-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe aa gono-tee a gɛɛ da pai zɔlɔ ɓoi?

5 Maybe you na face problems from your family or maybe you na forget about getting more money or more material things because you want put God Kingdom first. (Matt. 6:33) If that what you na do, know that Jehovah see everything you na do for him. (Heb. 6:10) Maybe you na see for yourself that what Jesus say here that true: “No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news who will not get 100 times more now in this period of time—houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and fields, with persecutions—and in the coming system of things, everlasting life.” (Mark 10:​29, 30) The blessings you na get really plenty pass any sacrifice you na make.—Ps. 37:4.

6. Le mɛni ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi I kanaŋ kɔi la a gɛɛ iyee e tɛɛ “nuu kpono ŋɔsɛŋ-wɛliɛ” ma ibatai kɛɛ polu ma?

6 After you get baptize, you still need to fight against “the desire of the flesh”. (1 John 2:16) And that because you still not perfect. Maybe sometime you will be feeling like the apostle Paul who say: “I really delight in the law of God according to the man I am within, but I see in my body another law warring against the law of my mind and leading me captive to sin’s law that is in my body.” (Rom. 7:​22, 23) Sometime you will be feeling discourage because you fighting against your wrong desires. But when you think about the promise you made to Jehovah when you give your life to him, it will give you the strength to fight any temptation that will come your way. To talk the true when you face temptation, the promise you made when you gave your life to God will help you. How?

7. Ikpiŋ tɛɛ Ziova pɔ a pai kpɔnii leŋ ya a gɛɛ I lɛɛ a itɔɔi kpanaŋɔɔ Ziova polu?

7 When you give your life to Jehovah, you disown yourself. It mean that you will say no to anything that you want do that will make Jehovah feel bad. (Matt. 16:24) So when you face temptation, you will not be thinking about what to do. You will already know that you want remain faithful to Jehovah. You will always do your best to make Jehovah happy just like Job. Even though he face serious problems, he say from his heart: “I will not renounce my integrity!”—Job 27:5.

8. Ikili-ŋa siaa e pilaŋ ŋala-fɛli-wooi ma I gɛ ikɛɛ ikpiŋ tɛɛi Ziova pɔ a kpɔŋ leŋ ya a gɛɛ iyee e tɛɛ sukɔɔŋ ma?

8 When you think on the promise you made to Jehovah, it will give you the strength to say no to any temptation. For example, you think it good for you to play around another person husband or wife? No! You already na promise Jehovah that you will not do anything like that. If you not allow wrong feeling to come in your heart, then you will not be fighting to move it from there later on. You will “turn away” from “the path of the wicked.”—Prov. 4:​14, 15.

9. Ikili-ŋa siaa e pilaŋ ŋala-fɛli-wooi ma I gɛ ikɛɛ ikpiŋ tɛɛi Ziova pɔ a kpɔŋ leŋ ya a gɛɛ I Ziova fɛliɛ pu fulɔi ikɛ-ɣeniɛi su?

9 In case somebody gave you job that will make you to not attend the meetings all the time? You will know exactly what to do. Before the person gave you the job, you already decide to not accept any work that will stop you from attending meetings. So you will not be thinking about taking the job and then you start finding way to put Jehovah first. When you think on the way Jesus fight hard to make his Pa happy, it will help you to be quick to say no to anything that will make Jehovah to feel bad.—Matt. 4:10; John 8:29.

10. Ziova a pai kpɔnii leŋ ya a gɛɛ I “kanaŋ kɛi” Zisɛ polu ibatai kɛɛ polu ma?

10 To talk the true, problems and temptations can give you the opportunity to show that you really want continue following Jesus. And you can be sure that Jehovah will help you to continue following Jesus. The Bible say: “God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but along with the temptation he will also make the way out so that you may be able to endure it.”—1 Cor. 10:13.


11. Bere sii lɛlɛɛ-ŋai kwa pɔri kɛi la Zisɛ polui tɔnɔ ɓa le? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

11 Jesus serve Jehovah with his whole heart, and prayer help him to remain close to Jehovah. (Luke 6:12) In fact, one of the best ways for you to continue following Jesus after you get baptize that to continue doing things that will help you get more close to Jehovah. The Bible say: “To the extent we have made progress, let us go on walking orderly in this same course.” (Phil. 3:16) From time to time, you will hear experiences for brothers and sisters who na decide to do more in Jehovah service. Maybe they na attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers or move to where they need plenty people to preach. If you able to do it, try your best to make it your goal. Jehovah people can always look for ways to do more for him. (Acts 16:9) But in case you not able to do it now-now? You must not feel that people who doing it important pass you. The important thing that for you to continue enduring. (Matt. 10:22) Because of your condition, don’t think that what you able to do for Jehovah now-now not important to Him. That one important way that you can continue following Jesus after you get baptize.—Ps. 26:1.

After you get baptize, make it your goal to do things that will help you to get more close to Jehovah (See paragraph 11)

12-13. Le ɓe ya pɔri gɛi fii-kpɛɛ a pɛlɛ pai ipɔ a bɛlɛ-pɛlɛɛ? (1 Kɔleŋtiɛŋ 9:​16, 17) (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ basii ŋi kaai,“ Stay in the Race.”)

12 Wetin you must do if you feel that you not praying from your heart, or you not enjoying field service the way you use to enjoy it before? What if you not enjoying your Bible reading the way you use to enjoy it before? If you feeling like this after you get baptize, don’t feel that you not get Jehovah spirit again. Because we not perfect, our feelings can change from time to time. If your zeal start going down, think on the apostle Paul example. Even though he try to follow Jesus example, Paul knew that sometime he was not having the strong desire to do what he wanted to do. (Read 1 Corinthians 9:​16, 17.) He say: “Even if I do it against my will, I still have a stewardship entrusted to me.” That mean, Paul use to fight hard to carry out his ministry even though he never use to feel like doing it sometime.

13 That the same way, you must not just make decisions base on how you feel. Fight hard to do the right thing even if you not really feel like doing it. If you continue doing the right thing, after sometime your feelings will change. So doing your personal study, attending meetings and going field service will help you to continue following Jesus after you get baptize. When you continue doing the things we just talk about, it will encourage your brothers and sisters.—1 Thess. 5:11.


14. Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi I maa kpɛɛ a tãi kelee, nyaŋ le mɛni ma? (2 Kɔleŋtiɛŋ 13:5)

14 After you get baptize, it important for you to always check yourself. (Read 2 Corinthians 13:5.) Sometime, look at your life and the things you doing to see whether you praying every day, reading and studying the Bible, attending meetings and going field service. Try to look for different-different ways that will help you to enjoy and benefit more from the things we just talk about. For example, ask yourself questions like: ‘I able to explain basic Bible teachings to other people? I can do other things to enjoy my field service more? I can pray for particular things, and my prayer can show that I relying on Jehovah with my whole heart? I can always attend meetings? Wetin I can do to comment and pay more attention in meetings?’

15-16. Le ɓe I maa-kɔri bɔlɔ tɔnɔ ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai su e pilaŋ sukɔɔŋ yee mɛi ɣaleɛ ma?

15 It good for you to be honest and check yourself to know your weakness. One brother name Robert tell us his experience that make this point clear. He say: “When I was around 20 years old, I was having one part-time job. One day after work, my work mate say we must go to her house. She say only two of us will be there and we will ‘enjoy our self.’ First, I was not able to explain the real reason, so I gave her some excuse, but in the end I say no and I explain the reason why.” Robert was able to say no to the temptation, and that good thing he did. But later on, he think about what happen and he got to know that he could handle the situation different way. He say: “The way I say no was not strong and quick like the way Joseph say no to Potiphar wife. (Gen. 39:​7-9) In fact, I was surprise at the way it was really hard for me to say no. This thing that happen, help me to see that I still need to make my friendship with Jehovah more strong.”

16 You can benefit if you take the time to check yourself like Robert. Even if you were able to say no to the temptation, ask yourself, ‘How long it take for me to say no?’ If you see anywhere to improve, don’t feel bad. Be happy that you know your weakness now. Pray to Jehovah about your weakness and do things that will make you to want obey him.—Ps. 139:​23, 24.

17. Robert ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai e kɛ a bilaŋɔɔ leŋ Ziova laa ma?

17 We can learn something else from Robert experience. He say: “After I say no to the temptation from my work mate, she say, ‘You pass the test!’ I ask her what she mean. She explain that one of her friend who use to be Jehovah Witness before, tell her that all young Jehovah Witness can live double life if they get the opportunity. So, she told her friend that she will try me to see if that true. I was happy when I got to know that I honor Jehovah name.”

18. Le ɓe yaa gbɛtɛ ikili-ŋa a gɛɛ I gɛ I batai kɛɛ polu ma? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ basii ŋi kaai, “ Two Articles That You Will Enjoy.”)

18 When you give your life to Jehovah and get baptize, you show that you want make Jehovah name holy no matter what you go through. And you can be sure that Jehovah know the temptations you can say no to and the problems you can face. He will bless the efforts you making to remain faithful to him. You can be sure that Jehovah will use his holy spirit to give you the strength to remain faithful. (Luke 11:​11-13) With Jehovah help, you will be able to continue following Jesus after you get baptize.


  • Pere sii kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Zisɛ polu-ɓela da li la a ‘zaa wurui’ a ɣele kelee?

  • Le ɓe ya pɔri gɛi a gɛɛ I ‘kanaŋ kɛi Zisɛ polu’ ibatai kɛɛ polu ma?

  • Ikili-ŋa siaa e pilaŋ ŋala-fɛli-wooi ma I gɛ ikɛɛ ikpiŋ tɛɛi Ziova pɔ a kpɔŋ leŋ ya a gɛɛ I lɛɛ a itɔɔi kpanaŋɔɔ Ziova polu?

ŊULEI 89 Listen, Obey, and Be Blessed