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ŊULEI 129 We Will Keep Enduring

Ya Pɔri Lii-kpele Lɛi A Nɛɛ Maŋ Ilii Toɔɔi Polu

Ya Pɔri Lii-kpele Lɛi A Nɛɛ Maŋ Ilii Toɔɔi Polu

“Ikaa mɛni-soli kaai lii-kpele pere su naai mɛni ma.”MƐ. 2:3.


We can continue serving Jehovah even when we feeling discourage.

1. Nuwa-ŋai kwa ŋaa-nɛ̃ɛ kula Ziova ŋɔkpɔŋ-gie-mai su taŋa ɓa le?

 THAT real blessing to be part of Jehovah organization during this last days that hard to deal with. The way this world getting more and more hard, Jehovah na give us our brothers and sisters to help us. (Ps. 133:1) He can help our family to be happy. (Eph. 5:33–6:1) And he can give us the wisdom that can help our heart to lay down when we worrying about something.

2. Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku gɛ, nyaŋ le mɛni ma?

2 But we must work hard to continue serving Jehovah faithfully. Why? Because sometime, other people can say or do things that can make us feel bad. Sometime we can also be discourage when we make mistakes, especially if we make the same mistakes over and over. We must continue serving Jehovah (1) when our brother or sister make us feel bad, (2) when our husband or wife let us down, and (3) when we feeling discourage because we made mistake. In this article, we will talk about this situation them one-one. We will also learn from the example of three people in the Bible that remain faithful.


3. Mɛni-kpanaŋ-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Ziova ŋɔnuai da tɛɛ zui?

3 The problem. Some of our brothers and sisters get some behavior that can make us vex. Sometime they can let us down or treat us bad. The elders can make mistakes. When all this one happening, some people can be thinking whether that God organization here. So for them to continue serving God “shoulder to shoulder” with their brothers and sisters, sometime they can avoid those who make them vex and even stop going to meeting. (Zeph. 3:9) You think that the right thing to do? Let see what we can learn from somebody in the Bible who go through the same problems.

4. Mɛni-kpanaŋ-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe zia-nuui Pɔɔ e tɛɛ zui?

4 The Bible example. The apostle Paul knew that his brothers and sisters were not perfect. For example, some of them never believe that he was Jesus disciple. (Acts 9:26) Later on, some people talk bad-bad things about Paul that make other people to not trust him. (2 Cor. 10:10) Paul saw one elder making wrong decision that was coming stumble other people. (Gal. 2:​11, 12) And one of Paul close friend, Mark, really let him down. (Acts 15:​37, 38) It was coming be easy for Paul to allow any of this situations to stop him from going around the brothers. But he continue to value his brothers and sisters and he continue serving Jehovah faithfully. Wetin help Paul to continue serving Jehovah faithfully?

5. Le ɓe kpɔŋ Pɔɔ ma a gɛɛ vii fe kpɛɛ ŋɔbɔlɔ da sisɛ-ŋai dia? (Kolasiɛŋ 3:​13, 14) (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

5 Paul love his brothers and sisters. Paul love for other people help him to not focus on their mistakes, but on their fine-fine ways. Love also help Paul to do what his self write in Colossians 3:​13, 14. (Read.) See how Paul treat Mark. Even though Mark move from behind Paul during his first missionary trip, Paul not continue to be vex. Later on, Paul write one loving letter to the congregation in Colossae. In that letter, he praise Mark that he good friend to work with, “a source of great comfort.” (Col. 4:​10, 11) When Paul was in jail in Rome, he sent for Mark to come help him. (2 Tim. 4:11) So it clear that Paul not give up on his brothers and sisters. Wetin we can learn from Paul?

Problem came between Paul, Barnabas, and Mark. But the apostle Paul not keep grudge for them and later on he was happy to work with Mark (See paragraph 5)

6-7. Kwa pɔri lii-kpele lɛi leŋ a pa wɛli-kɛ-maa lɛɛ ma kubɔlɔ da sisɛ-ŋai dia berei maŋ da pɔara-mɛni-maa kɛ lai? (1 Zɔŋ 4:7)

6 The lesson. Jehovah want us to continue showing love to our brothers and sisters. (Read 1 John 4:7.) If our brother or sister not treat us the way they suppose to, we must trust that they not mean it and they fighting hard to do what Jehovah say we must do. (Prov. 12:18) God love his faithful servants even though they can make mistake. Even though we can make mistake, He can continue to love us and He can’t continue to be vex with us. (Ps. 103:9) So it really important for us to follow Jehovah example and forgive other people when they make mistake!—Eph. 4:32–5:1.

7 We also want remember that the way we getting close to the end, that the main time we must remain close to our brothers and sisters. We must expect more persecution. They will even put us in jail because of our faith. If it happen, that the main time we will need our brothers and sisters. (Prov. 17:17) Let talk about one elder name Josep a who living in Spain. He and some other brothers were in jail together because they wanted to be neutral. He say: “Since all of us were in the same jail house, it was easy to get vex with each other. We learn how to live with each other and forgive each other freely. It help us to remain united and to protect each other. We were in jail with people who were not serving Jehovah. One day, I hurt my arm and they bandage it, so I was not able to do anything for myself. But one of my brothers use to wash my clothes and do other things to take care of me. They show me real love the time I really needed it.” We get good reasons to solve problems with each other now-now!


8. Mɛni-kpanaŋ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe tua-laa su-ɓela da tɛɛ zui?

8 The problem. No marriage free from problem. The Bible make it clear that marry people will get “tribulation in their flesh.” (1 Cor. 7:28) Why? Because that two people who not perfect coming live together and they get different-different qualities. And also, two of them not like the same things. Sometime marry people can come from different cultures or backgrounds. After some time, they will start showing some attitude that they never notice before they get marry. All the things we just talk about can cause problem in the marriage. For each of them to see their own mistake in the problem and try hard to solve it together, they can put the blame on their partner. Sometime they can even think that separation or divorce can solve the problem. But you think separation or divorce will solve the problem? b Let learn from one woman in the Bible who remain faithful to Jehovah even though her husband make things hard for her.

9. Mɛni-kpanaŋ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Abigee e tɛɛ zui?

9 The Bible example. Abigail was marry to one man name Nabal. And the Bible say he was harsh and he was having bad ways. (1 Sam. 25:3) It was really hard for Abigail to live with somebody like that. You think Abigail was having opportunity to end her marriage? She get that opportunity the time David, Israel next king, came to kill her husband for cussing him and his men. (1 Sam. 25:​9-13) Abigail could just runaway and allow David to kill Nabal. But she not do it. She convince David to not kill Nabal. (1 Sam. 25:​23-27) What made her to do it?

10. Tãi ta le ɓe Abigee lii-kula a gɛɛ e kɛ a nii-kpeleɛ ŋɔtua-laai su nyii kɛ a gbanaŋɔɔ?

10 Abigail use to love Jehovah and she use to respect his law on marriage. We sure she knew about what God say when he put Adam and Eve together. (Gen. 2:24) Abigail knew that marriage holy to Jehovah. She wanted to make God happy, so maybe that what make her to do everything to save her family and even her husband. She was quick to stop David from killing Nabal. She was also willing to say sorry for something she not do. It clear that Jehovah love this brave woman who was not selfish. What wives and husbands can learn from Abigail example?

11. (a) Le ɓe Ziova a ŋwɛlii a gɛɛ tua-laa su-ɓela di gɛi? (Ifisiɛŋ 5:​33) (b) Le ɓe I maa-kɔri Carmen ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai su a pa berei ma e kɔ la ŋɔtua-laai mɛni ma? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

11 The lesson. Jehovah want husband and wife to stay together even if it hard to live with the other partner. Jehovah can really be happy when he see marry people working hard to solve problems in their marriage and show love and respect to each other. (Read Ephesians 5:33.) Let look at the example of Carmen. About six years after she get marry, Carmen started studying the Bible with Jehovah Witnesses and later she get baptize. Carmen say, “My husband never agree with my decision. He use to get vex because the time I use to spend in meeting I was not spending it with him. He use to cuss me and he use to say he will leave me.” With all that one, Carmen continue in her marriage. She work hard for 50 years to show love and respect to her husband. Carmen say, “After some years, I learn to understand my husband better and talk to him with respect. Because I know that marriage holy to Jehovah, I do everything in my power to make it work. I never try to leave my husband because I love Jehovah.” c If you get problem in your marriage, you can be sure that Jehovah will help you to continue to stay in your marriage.

What lesson you learn from the way Abigail was willing to do her best to save her family? (See paragraph 11)


12. Mɛni-kpanaŋ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe kwa tɛɛ zu kwa sɔnyɔŋ kɛtɛ kɛ?

12 The problem. We can really feel discourage when we commit serious sin. The Bible even say our sins can make us to feel “broken and crushed.” (Ps. 51:17) One brother name Robert work hard for plenty years to be ministerial servant. But he commit serious sin and he got to know that he let Jehovah down. He say, “When I get to know that I na sin, my conscience started beating me bad way. After that, I really started feeling bad. I cry and pray to Jehovah. I remember that I use to think that God was not coming listen to me again because I let him down.” If we commit serious sin, we can really be feeling bad and we can think that Jehovah na forget about us. (Ps. 38:4) If you na feel like this before, you can learn from one faithful man in the Bible who continue serving Jehovah even though he commit serious sin.

13. Sɔnyɔŋ kɛtɛ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe zia-nuui Pitɛ e gɛi, nyaŋ e nyiŋi kɛ le mɛni ma?

13 The Bible example. The night before they kill Jesus, the apostle Peter made some mistakes that made him to commit serious sin. First, Peter trust himself too much, so he made big mouth that he was coming remain faithful even if the other apostles leave Jesus. (Mark 14:​27-29) Later on, when they were in the garden of Gethsemane, Peter was not able to keep on the watch, he was just sleeping. (Mark 14:​32, 37-41) Then when the people came to arrest Jesus, Peter runaway. (Mark 14:50) Finally, Peter swear three times that he not know Jesus. (Mark 14:​66-71) Wetin Peter do when he get to know that he na commit serious sin? He was feeling too bad and he cry bad way, maybe because he was feeling guilty. (Mark 14:72) Just imagine how Peter was really feeling bad when they kill his friend Jesus later on. Maybe he was feeling he not get any use again!

14.Le be kpɔŋ Pitɛ ma a gɛɛ e kanaŋ Ziova fɛlii a lii-kpele pere? (Votooi Watchtower tuɛ-laa mai kaa.)

14 Peter was able to continue serving Jehovah for some reasons. He not stay by himself; he went to the other disciples and they comfort him. (Luke 24:33) And after Jesus came back to life, he appear to Peter, maybe because he wanted to encourage him. (Luke 24:34; 1 Cor. 15:5) Later on, Jesus not correct Peter about his mistake but he gave Peter plenty work to do. (John 21:​15-17) Peter knew that he commit serious sin, but he continue trying to do the right thing. Why? Because he was convince that his Master, Jesus still love him. And the other disciples continue to support him. Wetin we can learn from Peter example?

John 21:​15-17 show that Jesus not give up on Peter, so it encourage Peter to continue serving Jehovah (See paragraph 14)

15. Le ɓe Ziova a ŋwɛlii kukɛ a ku laa lai? (Ŋule-wooi 86:5; Lomaŋ 8:​38, 39) (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

15 The lesson. Jehovah want us to be convince that he love us and he ready to forgive us. (Read Psalm 86:5; Romans 8:​38, 39.) When we sin, we can feel guilty. It not bad to feel like that, it normal. But we must not think that Jehovah not love us again or he will not forgive us. And we must ask for help right away. Robert who we talk about before say: “I sin because I was depending on my own strength to say no to temptation.” He knew that he suppose to tell the elders. He say: “When I talk to the elders, they help me to feel that Jehovah still love me. And I feel the elders love me too. They help me to be convince that Jehovah not leave me.” We too can be convince that Jehovah really love us and will forgive us if we repent from our sins, ask for help and try hard to not make the same mistakes again. (1 John 1:​8, 9) If we convince that Jehovah love us and want forgive us, we will not stop serving him even when we make mistake.

When you see the elders working hard to help you, how it can make you feel? (See paragraph 15)

16. Le mɛni ɓe yaa gbɛtɛ la ikili-ŋa a gɛɛ I kanaŋ Ziova fɛlii a lii-kpele pere?

16 Jehovah really value our efforts to serve him during this last days that hard to deal with. With Jehovah help, we able to continue serving Him faithfully even if we feeling discourage. We can continue to love our brothers and sisters and forgive them even if they make us to feel bad. We can show that we really love God and respect his laws on marriage by doing our best to solve any problems that will come up in the marriage. And if we commit any sin, we can ask Jehovah for help, accept his love and the way he can forgive us, and continue serving him. We sure Jehovah will really bless us if we “not give up in doing what is fine.”—Gal. 6:9.


  • umaraŋ korai-nuu a kulii-ŋwana mɛni kɛ?

  • kupɔŋ a kulii too polu?

  • kulii a kɛ a doɔɔ polu a kukpiŋ?

ŊULEI 139 See Yourself When All Is New

a We na change some names.

b The Bible teach that it not good for husband and wife to separate and it make it clear that if they separate, two of them not get the right to marry different person. But they get some serious situations that can make some Christians to separate. See endnote 4 “When Marry People Decide to Separate” in the Enjoy Life Now and Forever! book.

c For another example, see on jw.org the video Don’t Be Fool by False Peace!—Darrel and Deborah Freisinger.