Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


ŊULEI 33 Throw Your Burden on Jehovah

Berei Kwa Pɔri Tɔɔi La A Gbanaŋɔɔ Nua Da Tua A Kua A Nyɔmɔɔ

Berei Kwa Pɔri Tɔɔi La A Gbanaŋɔɔ Nua Da Tua A Kua A Nyɔmɔɔ

“Kafe nɛɛ naa sɔnyɔŋ yee fe tɛɛ kaa. Kɛlɛ, kayee e tɛɛ sɔnyɔŋ ma a mɛni lɛlɛɛ kɛɛ.”LO. 12:21.


How to bear injustice in the way that will not make the problem to get worse.

1-2. Pere sii takpɛni-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe nua da pɔri tuai la a kua a nyɔmɔɔ?

 JESUS talk one story about the widow who continue asking the judge to give her justice. Jesus disciples understand how the woman in the story wor feeling because during that time, they never use to treat the common people fair. (Luke 18:​1-5) We our self too can understand how she wor feeling because all of us na go through it before.

2 Today, plenty people can pick and choose, they greedy and they not kind to people. So we must not be surprise when people not treat us fair. (Eccl. 5:8) But the one that can really hurt us that when our brother or sister not treat us the right way. We know that our brother and sister dem not against the truth. It just that they not perfect. We can learn plenty things from the way Jesus acted when people treat him bad. If we can be patient with people who treat us bad, you not think it will be good for us to be more patient with our brothers and sisters? How Jehovah can feel when people who not Jehovah Witness treat us bad or when our brother or sister treat us bad? You think he really care for us?

3. Ku gɔlɔŋ leŋ a gɛɛ Ziova kpaaŋɔɔi ŋɔnuai mɛni ma ŋɔnuai da kɛ tuai a dia a nyɔmɔɔ?

3 Jehovah really care about the way people can treat us. Why? Because “Jehovah loves justice.” (Ps. 37:28) Jesus promise us that Jehovah will “cause justice to be done . . . speedily” when the time come. (Luke 18:​7, 8) Jehovah will soon, move all our suffering and he will not allow people to treat us bad again.—Ps. 72:​1, 2.

4. Kpɔŋ maa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Ziova a saa dɛɛ kupɔi?

4 Jehovah helping us to bear injustice while we waiting for the time he will solve all our problem dem. (2 Pet. 3:13) For example, Jehovah teaching us how to act when people not treat us fair so we can’t make the problem worse. He use his Son example to show us how to act when people treat us bad. And he gave us good-good advice to know what we can do when people not treat us fair.


5. Le mɛni ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku tãi siɣe la nua da kɛ tuai a kua a nyɔmɔɔ?

5 It can really make us feel bad when people not treat us fair. (Eccl. 7:7) Faithful people like Job and Habakkuk, use to feel the same way. (Job 6:​2, 3; Hab. 1:​1-3) It normal to feel like that. But we need to be careful about the way we act so we can’t do the wrong thing.

6. Le ɓe Asalɔŋ ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai a nɛ kua? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

6 When people not treat us fair, sometime we can want pay our debt. But acting like that will only make the problem worse. That what happen to King David son Absalom. He hear that his brother Amnon rape his sister Tamar, so he wor vex bad way. According to Moses Law, Amnon suppose to die for the thing he do. (Lev. 20:17) Even though Absalom wor right to get vex, but he not suppose to take the law in his own hand.—2 Sam. 13:​20-23, 28, 29.

Absalom not control his self when Amnon rape his sister Tamar (See paragraph 6)

7. Ŋule-woo pɔ̃yɛ-nuui dɔnɔ e tua leŋ tãi e fili-mɛni tamaa kaa lai?

7 When people do bad thing and it look like nobody punish them, maybe we will start thinking that it not important to do the right thing. That what happen to the psalmist when he see how the wicked people wor enjoying life more than the righteous. He say: “These are the wicked, who always have it easy.” (Ps. 73:12) He wor also feeling bad to see how people wor not treating each other fair. It almost made him to stop serving Jehovah. So he say: “When I tried to understand it, it was troubling to me.” (Ps. 73:​14, 16) In fact, he say: “As for me, my feet had almost strayed; my steps had nearly slipped.” (Ps. 73:2) That what happen to one brother who we will call Alberto.

8. Bɔlɔ tɔnɔ e tua leŋ tãi di tua la a nyaa a nyɔmɔɔi?

8 Some brothers accuse Alberto that he steal money from the congregation. Because of that, he lost all his privileges. Some people in the congregation who know what happen never use to respect him again. He say, “It made me to really feel bad, vex, and frustrated.” He allow the way he was feeling to affect his friendship with Jehovah, and he even became inactive for five years. This one just show what can happen when we not control our vexation when we face injustice.


9. Nua di tua leŋ a Zisɛ a nyɔmɔɔ? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

9 Jesus set good example about how to bear it when people treat us bad. Let look at how Jesus own family and other people treat him bad. His family member dem who wor not serving Jehovah say that Jesus wor not to his self. The religious leaders say that Jesus and the demons wor working together. Then the Roman soldiers make fun out of him, beat him and even kill him. (Mark 3:​21, 22; 14:55; 15:​16-20, 35-37) But, Jesus bear everything and he not pay his debt. Wetin we can learn from his example?

Jesus set good example on how to bear injustice (See paragraphs 9-10)

10. Zisɛ e tua leŋ tãi nua di tua la a nyaa a nyɔmɔɔi? (1 Pitɛ 2:21-23)

10 Read 1 Peter 2:​21-23. a Jesus set good example for us to follow when people treat us bad. He knew what time to talk and what time to not talk. (Matt. 26:​62-64) Sometime Jesus not use to talk when people say lie-lie things about him. (Matt. 11:19) But when he decide to talk, he not use to cuss the people who treat him bad or threaten them. Jesus use to control his self because he “entrusted himself to the One who judges righteously.” Jesus knew that the more important thing that the way Jehovah look at things. He wor sure that Jehovah will solve all the injustice the right time.

11. Pere sii takpɛni-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe kwa pɔri kulono pere maa kpɛɛ lai? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votoo-ŋai kaai.)

11 We can follow Jesus example by controlling what we say when people not treat us fair. Some thing dem people can do to us can’t really be big, so we can decide to just forget about it. Or maybe we can decide not to talk so we can’t say something that will make the matter worse. (Eccl. 3:7; Jas. 1:​19, 20) But sometime we need to talk so we can defend the truth or when we see that they not treating someone fair. (Acts 6:​1, 2) If we decide to talk, we must try our best to be calm and show respect.—1 Pet. 3:15. b

When we face injustice, we can follow Jesus example by deciding what time to talk and how to talk (See paragraphs 11-12)

12. Kɔri pɔri ‘kuwɔi tɛɛi leŋ mɛni-saa ŋa-tee Nuu sãa tɔnɔi pɔ’?

12 We can also follow Jesus example by putting our trust in the One who can judge the right way. When people not treat us fair, we must trust that Jehovah know everything. Because we know Jehovah will solve the problem, our trust in him can help us to bear it when people not treat us fair. When we leave matter in Jehovah hand, it can help us to not be vex or keep grudge. Getting vex and keeping grudge can make us to do things that we not suppose to do. It can also make us to not be happy and it can spoil our friendship with Jehovah.—Ps. 37:8.

13. Le ɓe pai kpɔnii kua a gɛɛ ku kulii kpele kwa kɛ tɛɛi fili-mɛni-ŋa sui?

13 That true, it not possible to do everything the same way Jesus do it. Sometime, we can say or do some thing dem that we can regret later on. (Jas. 3:2) And some things people can do to us can make us to feel bad for the rest of our life. If that what na happen to you, be convince that Jehovah know what you going through. And Jesus know how you feeling because he suffer from injustice too. (Heb. 4:​15, 16) Beside Jesus perfect example, Jehovah na also gave us good-good advice that can help us to bear injustice. Let talk about two Bible verses from the book of Romans that can help us.


14. Ŋooi “ka nɛɛ naa Ɣala ŋɔlii-ŋwana kpanaŋ mɛni ma” sukulai ɓa le? (Lomaŋ 12:19)

14 Read Romans 12:19. When the apostle Paul encourage Christians to “yield place to the wrath,” that who wrath he wor talking about? The other verse dem around this verse show that Jehovah wrath. To yield place to the wrath mean to allow Jehovah to bring justice in his own time and in his own way. After one brother name John suffer from injustice, he say: “I fight hard to stop myself from solving the problem my own way. Romans 12:19 help me to wait on Jehovah.”

15. Le ɓe gɛ a mɛni lɛlɛɛ a gɛɛ ku Ziova maa kpɛŋ a gɛɛ e kumɛnii ŋa teei?

15 We can benefit when we wait for Jehovah to solve the problem. If we do it, we will save our self from the frustration and the stress that can come from solving problem our own way. Jehovah promise to help us. It just like he telling us, ‘Leave the injustice with me; I will take care of everything.’ If we trust Jehovah promise that say “I will repay,” we can leave matter in his hand, and be convince that he will handle it the best way. That what help John who we talk about before. He say, “If I can just wait for Jehovah, he will solve the problem better than me.”


16-17. Ɣala-fɛliɛ a pɔri kpɔnii leŋ kua a gɛɛ ‘kuyee e tɛɛ sɔnyɔŋ ma a mɛni lɛlɛɛ kɛɛ’? (Lomaŋ 12:21)

16 Read Romans 12:21. Paul also encourage Christians to “keep conquering the evil with the good.” In Jesus Sermon on the Mount, he say: “Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you.” (Matt. 5:44) And that just what he do. Maybe we na think about the suffering Jesus went through when the Roman soldiers nail him on the stake. It hard to imagine the pain he feel and the disgrace and injustice that he bear.

17 Jesus not allow the injustice he suffer to overcome him. So instead of cussing the soldier dem, he pray: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34) When we pray for people who treat us bad, it can help us to not keep grudge or be vex with them. It can even change the way we feel about them.

18. Ɣala-fɛliɛ e kpɔŋ leŋ Alberto da John dia a gɛɛ di tɔɔ a gbanaŋɔɔ fili-mɛni su?

18 Prayer help the two brothers who we talk about from the beginning of this article to bear all the injustice they face. Alberto say: “I pray for the brother dem who not treat me fair. I ask Jehovah plenty times to help me forget about everything.” We happy that Alberto serving Jehovah faithfully again. John say: “I pray plenty times for the brother who made me feel bad. It help me to forgive him and to not judge him. And it also help me to get peace of mind.”

19. Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku kanaŋ gɛi e lɛɛ la zu ŋeniɛi gbɛɛ-ŋa tãi e seri? (1 Pitɛ 3:8, 9)

19 We will continue to face injustice until this system end. No matter what kindna problem we face, we must never stop praying to Jehovah to help us. Also, let try our best to follow the way Jesus act when people not treat him fair and continue to apply Bible principles. If we do it, we can be sure that Jehovah will bless us.—Read 1 Peter 3:​8, 9.

ŊULEI 38 Ziova A Pai Ikponoi Kpanani

a In 1 Peter chapters 2 and 3, Peter talk about some situations that happen in the first-century. He say some Christian dem went through bad treatment from their masters who wor harsh or from their husbands who wor not serving Jehovah.—1 Pet. 2:​18-20; 3:​1-6, 8, 9.

b Go to jw.org and watch the video How Love Can Give Us Real Peace.