Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


ŊULEI 103 Zinaai Ziova Aa Di Tɛɛ Kupɔi

Yee-see-mu Lɛ ‘Zinaai’ Mɛni Ma Ziova A Tii Kɛi A Dia Korai-toli Kpɔŋ Sui

Yee-see-mu Lɛ ‘Zinaai’ Mɛni Ma Ziova A Tii Kɛi A Dia Korai-toli Kpɔŋ Sui

“Tãi e tɛ la ɣala taai, . . . , e sama-sɛŋ tɛɛ sinaa pɔIf. 4:8.


We will learn how ministerial servants, elders, and circuit overseers can help us. We will also learn how we can show that we grateful for the work they can do.

1. Le ɓa Mɛlɛ-see-ŋai taŋa nyii kwaa zɔlɔ ɓo Zisɛ yeei?

 NO HUMAN being na help other people more than Jesus. When he was on earth, he use his power to perform miracles to help other people. (Luke 9:​12-17) The best gift he gave us that to die for us. (John 15:13) From the time Jesus came back to life, he continue to help us. Just how he promise, Jesus ask Jehovah to give us his holy spirit to teach us and comfort us. (John 14:​16, 17, ftn.; 16:13) Through the congregation meetings, Jesus continue to give us what we need to make disciples all over the world.—Matt. 28:​18-20.

2. Gbɛɛ ni ɓa zinaa Ifisiɛŋ 4:​7, 8 a lonoi e pilaŋ diai?

2 Let see another gift Jesus na give us. The apostle Paul say that after Jesus went back to heaven, “he gave gifts in men.” (Read Ephesians 4:​7, 8.) Paul say that Jesus gave this gifts in men to help the congregation in different-different ways. (Eph. 1:​22, 23; 4:​11-13) Today, the “gifts in men” that ministerial servants, congregation elders, and circuit overseers. a This men them not perfect, so they can make mistakes. (Jas. 3:2) But our Lord Jesus Christ can use them to help us.

3. Mɛni kɔɔŋ maa lɛ nyii berei lɛi ku kelee kwa pɔri kuyee seei la “zinaai” ditii mu.

3 Jesus assign this men them to make the congregation strong. (Eph. 4:12) But all of us can help them so they can be able to do their work. For example, some of us can help to build Kingdom Hall. Other people can support the work by giving food, transportation, and other thing them. That the same way all of us can support the elders, ministerial servants, and circuit overseers by the thing them we can say and do. Let talk about how we can benefit and show that we grateful for this men them. Then we will also learn how we can show that we grateful to Jesus who give us the “gifts in men.”


4. Kpɔŋ maa tii kɛɛ leŋ ɓe korai-toli-kpɔŋ laa-tuɛ-ɓelai dikpɔŋ maa-ɓelai da kaa dɛɛ wɔlɔ ti kɛi?

4 During the apostle them time, they appoint some brothers as ministerial servants. (1 Tim. 3:8) Maybe that they the one was doing some good-good work them that Paul talk about. (1 Cor. 12:28) It look like the ministerial servant them use to do plenty important work, so the elders can be able to focus on teaching and shepherding the congregation. For example, maybe that the ministerial servants use to copy the Scriptures or buy the materials they use to copy the Scriptures on.

5. Le ɓa “gbɔŋ maa” tii-ŋai korai-toli-kpɔŋ laa-tuɛ-ɓelai dikpɔŋ maa-ɓelai da saa dɛɛi?

5 Let see some of the good-good work them that ministerial servants can do in your congregation. (1 Pet. 4:10) Sometime, they can assign some of them to take care of congregation accounts or territories, to order literature for the congregation, to operate the sound system, to be attendants, or to help take care of the Kingdom Hall. All this one them can really help the congregation. (1 Cor. 14:40) Beside that, some ministerial servants can get part on the Live and Preach Meeting and give public talks. Sometime they can appoint one ministerial servant to help the group overseer. And some qualify ministerial servants can join the elders to go for shepherding visit.

6. Le mɛni ɓe korai-toli-kpɔŋ laa-tuɛ-ɓelai dikpɔŋ maa-ɓela wɛli kaa la kuai?

6 How the congregation can benefit from the work the ministerial servant them can do? One sister name Beberly b in Bolivia say: “I want tell our ministerial servant them thank you plenty, because I can really enjoy the meetings. Because of their work, I able to sing, make comments, listen to talks, and learn from the videos and pictures. When we in meeting they can help us to be safe, and they can help other people to attend the meeting on Zoom. After the meeting, they can help to clean the Kingdom Hall, take care of the accounts, and make sure that we get the publication them we need. I really grateful for them!” Leslie, who living in Colombia and who husband that elder say: “My husband can depend on the ministerial servants to do different-different work. If it was not for them, my husband was coming to be too busy. So I thankful for their zeal and the way they willing to help.” We sure that just how all of us can feel.—1 Tim. 3:13.

7. Kwa pɔri yee-see-mu lɛi leŋ korai-toli-kpɔŋ laa-tuɛ-ɓelai dikpɔŋ maa-ɓelai mɛni ma? (ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

7 Even though we can be thankful for the ministerial servants, but the Bible encourage us to show that we grateful. (Col. 3:15) One elder from Finland name Krzysztof, show that he grateful. He say: “I can send text message and in the text message, I can write one scripture and tell the ministerial servant one particular way that he na encourage me and why I grateful for that.” Pascal and Jael, who living in New Caledonia, can pray for ministerial servants. Pascal say, “This few time, we been telling Jehovah thank you for them and asking Him to help them.” Jehovah can answer this kindna prayer and the whole congregation can benefit.—2 Cor. 1:11.


8. Le ɓe gɛ Pɔɔ kɛ mo a gɛɛ korai toli-kpɔŋ laa-tuɛ-ɓelai wɔlɔ ti kɛi di kɛ “tii kpanaŋ” kɛi? (1 Tɛsɛloniɛŋ 5:12,13)

8 During the apostles time, the elder them use to work hard for the congregation. (Read 1 Thessalonians 5:​12, 13; 1 Tim. 5:17) They use to look after the congregation, conduct meetings and make decisions. They use to encourage the brothers and sisters and give them loving advice to protect the congregation. (1 Thess. 2:​11, 12; 2 Tim. 4:2) But this men them use to always work hard to provide for their families and help them to get good friendship with Jehovah.—1 Tim. 3:​2, 4; Titus 1:​6-9.

9. Tii-ŋa kɛɛ-leŋ ɓe korai-toli-kpɔŋ laa-tuɛ ɓelai da saa gɛi?

9 The elder them can be busy. They evangelizers. (2 Tim. 4:5) They can take the lead and preach with zeal in the field service. They can organize the preaching work in the territory, and train us to preach and teach good-good. They also merciful, and they can’t pick and choose when they judging. When somebody in the congregation commit serious sin, the elders can try hard to help the person to get good friendship with Jehovah again. But, they can make sure that the congregation be clean. (1 Cor. 5:​12, 13; Gal. 6:1) The main work they can do that shepherding. (1 Pet. 5:​1-3) They can give good-good talks and try hard to know everybody in the congregation and make shepherding visits. Some elder them can also help with building and taking care of the Kingdom Hall, and organize convention. Apart from the other work they get to do, some of them even working on the Hospital Liaison Committees and Patient Visitation Groups. The elder them can work hard for us!

10. Le mɛni ɓe kwa yee-see-mu lɛ la korai-toli-kpɔŋ laa-tuɛ ɓelai pɔ di-tii kpanaŋ-ŋai mɛni ma?

10 Jehovah promise that he will give us shepherds who will really take care of us and nothing will make us scare. (Jer. 23:4) That what happen to one sister name Johanna from Finland when her ma got sick bad way. She say: “It can be hard for me to tell other people how I feeling. But one elder who I not know too good was patient with me. He pray with me, and remind me that Jehovah love me. I can’t remember what he tell me, but I was not worrying again. I believe that Jehovah send him to help me the right time.” How the elder them in your congregation na help you?

11. Kwa yee-see-mu lɛ leŋ korai-toli-kpɔŋ laa tuɛ ɓelai mɛni ma? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

11 Jehovah want us to show that we really grateful for the elders “because of their work.” (1 Thess. 5:​12, 13) Henrietta, who living in Finland, say: “The elder them can be willing to help, but it not mean that they not get anything to do or they can’t face any problem. Sometime I can just tell them: ‘I hope you know that you good elder.’” One sister in Türkiye c name Sera say: “Elders need ‘encouragement’ to continue doing their work. So we can write them, invite them to eat with us, or walk with them in the field service.” You thinking about any elder that you want say thank you to? Then look for ways to say it.—1 Cor. 16:18.

You can give encouragement that can help the elder them to continue doing their work (See paragraphs 7, 11, 15)


12. Mɛni kpɛtɛɛ-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe wɔlɔ korai-toli-kpɔŋ kponoi kpanaŋ? (1 Tɛsɛloniɛŋ 2:​7, 8)

12 Jesus Christ gave “gifts in men” to help the congregation in another way. Jesus use the elders in Jerusalem to send Paul, Barnabas, and other men them to serve as traveling overseers. (Acts 11:22) Why? For the same reason that they can appoint ministerial servants and elders: to encourage the congregations. (Acts 15:​40, 41) This men them can make sacrifices and even take risk just to teach and encourage us.—Read 1 Thessalonians 2:​7, 8.

13. Tii-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Sakiu mɛi-ɓelai da gɛi?

13 Circuit overseers can always move from place to place. Some of them can travel far-far distance from congregation to congregation. Every week, circuit overseer can give talks, go on shepherding visits, conduct pioneer meeting, elders meeting, and meetings for field service. He can prepare talks and organize circuit assemblies and conventions. He can also teach pioneer schools, arrange special meeting for pioneers in the circuit, and sometime do other work them that the branch office want him to do quick.

14. Le mɛni ɓe kwa yee-see-mu lɛ la sakiu mɛi-ɓelai mɛni mai?

14 How congregations can benefit from the work the circuit overseers can do? One brother from Türkiye say: “Any time they come for circuit visits they can encourage me to spend more time with my brothers and sisters. I na meet plenty circuit overseers, and it easy to go around them. None of them na make me feel that they too busy to be with me.” Johanna, who we talk about before, work with one circuit overseer in the field service, but they not meet anybody home. She say, “I will always remember that day. My two sisters just move, and I was really missing them. The circuit overseer encourage me and help me to see that living far from each other was just for short time. But in the new world, we will get opportunities to live together forever.” That the same way plenty circuit overseers na make people who they serve to get close to them.—Acts 20:37–21:1.

15. (a) Yɛɛ berei gaa la 3 Zɔŋ 5-8 sui, kwa pɔri yee-see-mu lɛi leŋ kusakiu mɛi-ɓelai mɛni ma? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.) (b) Le mɛni ɓe maa-nɛ̃ɛi ku yee-see-mu lɛ la gbɔŋ-gie-maai laa-tuɛ-ɓelai dinɛyaai mɛni ma, nyaŋ kwa pɔri gɛi leŋ? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ basii “ Remember Their Wife Them.” kaai)

15 The apostle John encourage Gaius to be kind to the brothers who use to visit the congregation and “send them on their way in a manner worthy of God.” (Read 3 John 5-8.) One way to do it, that to put our name down so the circuit overseer can come eat with us. Another way that to go field service during the visit. Leslie, who we talk about before, can do other things to show that she grateful. She say, “I can pray for Jehovah to help them with what they need. Me and my husband can also write letter to tell them how their visits na help us.” Remember that circuit overseers can face some problem just like us too. Sometime, they can get sick, they can worry, and even get discourage. Maybe your encouragement or the small thing you can give them will be the answer to your circuit overseer prayer for help!—Prov. 12:25.


16. Yɛɛ berei gaa la Tare-woo-ŋa 3:27 sui, mare-kɛɛ-ŋa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi bɔlɔ-ŋa di dikili-ŋa sia e pilaŋ ma?

16 All around the world, we need more brothers to serve as “gifts in men.” If you baptize brother, you able to help? (Read Proverbs 3:27.) You willing to be ministerial servant? You think you can try hard to be elder to help your brothers and sisters? d You able to make some changes so you can attend the School for Kingdom Evangelizers? That school will train you so you can be able to do more work in Jehovah service. If you feel that you not qualify, pray to Jehovah. Ask him to help you with his holy spirit so you can be able to do any assignment they give you.—Luke 11:13; Acts 20:28.

17. Le ɓe zinaai nyii-ŋai a “sama-sɛŋ” da nɛ e pilaŋ Kukaloŋ Zisɛ Korai ma?

17 The brother them who Jesus na appoint as “gifts in men” prove that he really leading us during this last days. (Matt. 28:20) Ehn you grateful that we get King who free handed, love us, and give us qualify brothers that can take care of us? Then look for way to show that you grateful for this hardworking men them. And don’t forget to tell Jehovah thank you, because that he the one “every good gift and every perfect present” coming from. —Jas. 1:17.

ŊULEI 99 Myriads of Brothers

a Elder them who on the Governing Body, helper to the Governing Body, Branch Committee members, and who doing other work them that also “gifts in men.”

b They change some name them.

c They use to call it Turkey before.

d For more information on how to qualify to be ministerial servant or elder, see the articles “Brothers, Yor Trying to be Ministerial Servant?” and “Brothers, Yor Trying to be Elder?” in the November 2024 Watchtower.