Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


Mɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai Kwa Pɔri Maa-kɔrii Pitɛ Maa-ŋuŋ Da Veerɛi Sui

Mɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai Kwa Pɔri Maa-kɔrii Pitɛ Maa-ŋuŋ Da Veerɛi Sui

“Ŋa gbɛtɛ ŋgili ŋa a tãi kelee a gɛɛ ŋa mɛni-ŋai ŋi too kakili ŋa.”—2 Pi. 1:12.



1. Tãi kpua yee mu Pitɛ e lɛɛ pai saai, le ɓe e gɛi?

 THE apostle Peter knew that he will soon die. During the plenty years he serve Jehovah faithfully, he spend time with Jesus. He started the preaching work in different-different places. And later on, he serve on the governing body. But Peter work was not finish. In about 62-64 C.E., Jehovah use him to write two Bible books call 1 Peter and 2 Peter. He hope the letters will help other Christian them after he die.—2 Pet. 1:​12-15.

2. Le ɓe nɛ a gɛɛ Pitɛ e ŋɔkɔlɔ-ŋai pɔ̃yɛi a tãi lɛlɛɛ?

2 Peter wrote this letter them at the time when his brother and sister them were facing plenty different-different problems. (1 Pet. 1:6) Wicked people were trying to bring false teachings and bad habits in the congregation. (2 Pet. 2:​1, 2, 14) Christians living in Jerusalem was coming see the Roman army destroying that city and the Jewish systems of things. (1 Pet. 4:7) We sure that Peter letters really help the Christian them to see what they can do to bear the problems they were going through. And it also help them to see how they can prepare for the problem them that will come in the future. b

3. Le mɛni ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku gɔlɔ-ŋai Pitɛ e bɔ̃yɛi maa-kɔri lai?

3 Even though Peter write this letter them to the Christians living at that time, but Jehovah still made this letters to be part of the Bible. So now-now we too can benefit from this letter them. (Rom. 15:4) Like those Christian them, we living in the world where people can encourage bad conduct. And we can also face problems that can make it hard for us to serve Jehovah. Also, we will soon go through the great tribulation that will make things really hard for us more than the one that end the Jewish systems. We can find some good-good reminders in the two letters that Peter write. This reminder them will help us to be ready for Jehovah day and to not be scare of what people can do to us. Also, they will help us to get strong love for each other. This reminder them can also help the elder them to see how they can take care of the congregation good-good.


4. Yɛɛ berei gaa la 2 Pitɛ 3:​3, 4 sui, le mɛni-ŋa ɓe da pɔri kulaa-lai su saai?

4 We get people all around us who not believe in Bible prophecy. People that against us can make fun out of us because we been preaching for long time that the end will soon come. Some of them say the end will never come. (Read 2 Peter 3:​3, 4.) If we hear thing them like this from someone we preaching to, our workmate, or family member, maybe it will test our faith. But Peter explain what can help us.

5. Le ɓe pai kpɔni kua a gɛɛ kili-ŋa-sia lɛlɛɛ e kɛ kuyeei e pilaŋ ŋeniɛi kpɛɛ-ŋa tãi ma? (2 Pitɛ 3:​8, 9)

5 To some people, it looking like Jehovah wasting time to end this wicked world. What Peter say can help us to think the right way. It can remind us that the way Jehovah look at time different from the way human being look at time. (Read 2 Peter 3:​8, 9.) To Jehovah one thousand years just like one day. Jehovah patient, he not want anybody to be destroy. But when the right time come he will destroy this wicked world. That not small privilege we get to use the time that remain to preach to people all over the world.

6. Kwa pɔri Ziova ŋɔɣelei “maa kpɛnii” leŋ? (2 Pitɛ 3:​11, 12)

6 Peter say we must “keep close in mind” Jehovah day. (Read 2 Peter 3:​11, 12.) How we can do it? Every day we must try to think about how we will enjoy life in the new world. Just imagine yourself taking in fresh air, eating good food, welcoming your family and friends when they come back to life, and teaching people who live way back how Bible prophecy was fulfill. When you think good-good on thing them like this, it will help you to be patient and wait for that time to come. And it will also help you to be sure that the end will soon come. When we understand this thing them about the future, nobody will fool us.—2 Pet. 3:17.


7. Le ɓe nuu-kpune ŋɔyao-maai a pɔri gɛi a kua?

7 Because we know that Jehovah day will soon come, we want do our best to tell other people the good news. But still, sometime we can be scare to talk. Why? We can be scare because maybe we can be thinking about what people will say or do to us. That it happen to Peter. On the night they judge Jesus, Peter was scare to say he was Jesus disciple and even deny Jesus three times. (Matt. 26:​69-75) But later on Peter was not scare of people again. He was convince when he say: “Do not fear what they fear, nor be disturbed.” (1 Pet. 3:14) What Peter say here can encourage us to not be scare of people.

8. Le ɓe a pɔri kpɔni kua a gɛɛ ku nuu-kpune ŋɔyao-maai yee mɛi ɣale? (1 Pitɛ 3:​15)

8 Wetin can help us to not be scare of people? Peter say: “Sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts.” (Read 1 Peter 3:15.) We can remind ourself that Jesus that our King and he get plenty power. When you get the opportunity to preach to somebody and you start feeling scare, just remember our King. Imagine him ruling in heaven with all the plenty angels around him. Remember that he get “all authority . . . in heaven and on the earth” and he will be “with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” (Matt. 28:​18-20) Peter encourage us to ‘always be ready’ to preach about what we believe. You want preach to someone to your working place, in school or somewhere else? Think before time about when you will be able to do it. Then prepare what you will say. Pray for courage and trust that Jehovah will help you to not be scare of people.—Acts 4:29.


Peter accept the correction Paul give him. The two letters Peter write can teach us to show love to our brother and sister them (See paragraph 9)

9. Tãi tɔnɔ, le ɓe Pitɛ e gɛ nyii nɛ a gɛɛ ve wɛli-kɛ-maa lɛ ni? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

9 Peter learn how to show love. He was there the time Jesus say: “I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also love one another.” (John 13:34) Even though he hear this one, Peter later on stop eating with his brother and sister them who were from different nations. And that because he was scare of the Jewish Christians. The apostle Paul say Peter was pretending when he do this one. (Gal. 2:​11-14) Peter accept the correction that Paul gave him and he learn from it. In his two letter them, he say we must not just get love for people in our heart but we must also show it.

10. Le ɓe a pa a “tɔ̃ya wɛli-kɛ-maa”? Ŋaa-lɛ. (1 Pitɛ 1:​22)

10 Peter say we must get real love for our brother and sister them in the congregation. (Read 1 Peter 1:22.) We can get this kind na love when we obey all the thing them we learn from the Bible. One of the things the Bible say that, God can’t pick and choose. (Acts 10:​34, 35) We will not be obeying Jesus command if we love some people in the congregation and we not love other people there. That true, like Jesus we can feel more close to some people. (John 13:23; 20:2) But Peter remind us that we must try hard to show “brotherly affection” to all our brother and sister them. That mean we must be close to our brother and sister them just like our own family.—1 Pet. 2:17.

11. Le ɓe kwa pɔri gɛi a gɛɛ ku ‘kukie-ni wɛli a tɔ̃yâ-pere e kula kulii su’?

11 Peter tell us to “love one another intensely from the heart.” The way Peter use “love intensely” here mean, to love somebody even if it hard to love the person. For example, suppose our brother do something that make us vex or hurt us? The first thing we can want do that to pay our debt instead of showing love. But Peter learn from Jesus that paying debt can’t make God happy. (John 18:​10, 11) Peter say: “Do not pay back injury for injury or insult for insult. Instead, repay with a blessing.” (1 Pet. 3:9) When we get deep love, it will help us to be kind and not pay our debt when somebody make us feel bad.

12. (a) Le ɓe ŋɔnɔ tɔ̃ya wɛli-kɛ-maa a pai kulii kulai a gɛɛ ku gɛi? (b) Yɛɛ berei gaa la viloi Preserve the Precious Gift of Unity su, le ɓe ya ŋwɛlii I kɔ a gɛɛ I gɛi?

12 In Peter first letter, he use the words “intense love.” This kind na love will make us to not just forgive our brother them sometime, but to forgive them all the time. (1 Pet. 4:8) Maybe Peter remember the lesson that Jesus teach him way back about forgiving people. That time, maybe Peter was thinking that he was really kind when he ask whether he must forgive his brother “up to seven times.” But Jesus teach him and us to forgive “up to 77 times,” which mean we must always forgive our brother them. (Matt. 18:​21, 22) If you finding it hard to apply this counsel, don’t be discourage! All Jehovah people not perfect and sometime it can be hard for us to forgive our brother them. The important thing now that for you to do your best so that you can forgive your brother and make peace with him. c


13. Le ɓe a pɔri gɛi a gbanaŋɔɔ a gɛɛ korai-toli-kpɔŋ laa-tuɛ-ɓelai di bɔlɔ da sisɛ-ŋai mɛi kaai?

13 We sure that Peter never forgot what Jesus told him after he came back to life. Jesus tell Peter: “Shepherd my little sheep.” (John 21:16) If you elder, you know this instruction them apply to you too. But it not easy for the elder them to find the time to do this important work. The Elder them must make sure that everybody in their family get what they need to live, show them love, and help them get close to Jehovah. They can also set good example in the preaching work, preparing and giving parts on the meetings, assemblies, and conventions. Some of them also working with the Hospital Liaison Committees or with the Local Design/Construction Department. The Elder them can really be busy!

Even though the elder them can be busy, they can find time to shepherd God people (See paragraphs 14-15)

14. Le ɓe a pɔri korai-toli-kpɔŋ laa-tuɛ-ɓelai lii kulai a gɛɛ di bɔlɔ da sisɛ-ŋai mɛi kaa? (1 Pitɛ 5:​1-4)

14 Peter encourage his fellow elder them to “Shepherd the flock of God.” (Read 1 Peter 5:​1-4.) If you elder, we know that you love your brother and sister them and you really want encourage them. But maybe you can feel too tire or you can be too busy that you not able to do your assignment. Wetin you must do? Pray to Jehovah and tell him how you feeling. Peter write: “If anyone ministers, let him do so as depending on the strength that God supplies.” (1 Pet. 4:11) Maybe your brother and sister them facing problems that can’t be solve altogether in this world. But remember that “the chief shepherd,” Jesus Christ, can help them more than anybody. He can do it now-now and in the new world. Jehovah just want the elder them to shepherd their brothers, encourage them and set good example for them.

15. Korai-toli-kpɔŋ laa-tuɛ-nuu tɔnɔ e korai-toli-kpɔŋ mɛi kaa leŋ? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

15 One brother name William who been elder for plenty years know how it important to shepherd the brother them. When the COVID-19 sickness just start, he and the other elder them made sure to call everybody that was in their group every week. He give the reason why. He say: “Plenty of the brother and sister them were alone to their house and it was easy for them to start thinking on bad thing them.” When the brother them get problem, William use to find out what problem they going through and see what they need. Then he can look for some of our publication or video them from our website to encourage the brother them. He say: “We need to shepherd the brother them now more than ever before. We can work hard to help people who not our brothers to learn about Jehovah. So that just how we must work hard to encourage our brother and sister them to stay in the truth.”


16. Pere sii kɛɛ leŋ ɓe kwa pɔri siai la a mɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ku maa-kɔri Pitɛ maa-ŋuŋ da veerɛi su?

16 We na talk about some lesson them from Peter two letters. Maybe you na see something that you need to work on. For example, you want think more about the blessing them we will enjoy in the new world? You na set the goal to preach to your working place, to your school, or anywhere you going? You na see different-different ways you can show that you really love your brothers and sisters? Elders, yor trying yor best and yor really want work hard to shepherd Jehovah people? Be honest with yourself and see where you need to improve but don’t be discourage. Jesus that kind person and he will help you to improve. (1 Pet. 2:3) Peter encourage us: “God . . . will himself finish your training. He will make you firm, he will make you strong, he will firmly ground you.”—1 Pet. 5:10.

17. Kwa tɔɔ a gbanaŋɔɔ ku nɛɛ naa Ziova e ku teniŋ tɔɔ, le ɓe kwa pai zɔlɔ ɓoi zu?

17 From the beginning, Peter was feeling that he not deserve to be with God Son. (Luke 5:8) But with Jehovah and Jesus loving support, Peter work hard to follow Jesus faithfully. Because of that, Jehovah allow Peter to enter the “everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Pet. 1:11) That wonderful blessing! If you work hard like Peter and allow Jehovah to train you, you too will get the wonderful blessing of everlasting life. You will get “the goal of your faith, your salvation.”—1 Pet. 1:9.


a In this article, we will see how the lesson them we will learn from Peter letters can help us to bear problems. Also, it will help the elder them to see how they can do their work as shepherds.

b Maybe the Christian them that was living in Palestine receive Peter two letters before the Romans attack Jerusalem for the first time in 66 C.E.

c See the video Keep the Precious Gift of Unity on jw.org.