Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


Tɔɔ Maa-yeŋ-laa E Kɛ A Iwala-walalaai

Tɔɔ Maa-yeŋ-laa E Kɛ A Iwala-walalaai

“Maa fe nɛ̃ɛ ni a gɛɛ Kunuu-namui yee-mu-nuui e kɛ a laa-saa-nuu, kɛlɛ, fɛɛ e kɛ a sɔŋ-lɛlɛ-nuu nuu kelee mɛni ma.”—2 TE. 2:24.



1. Tãi ta le ɓe da pɔri I mare kɛi e pilaŋ ma itii kɛɛ su kpaa gɔlɔ-pɛrɛi la?

 HOW you can feel when somebody you working with or your friend in school ask about your beliefs? You can feel scare? Most of us can feel like that. But question like that can help you to know what the person really thinking on or what the person believe. And that one can give you the opportunity to preach to the person. But sometime the person will ask the question just to argue with us. That one must not surprise us because most of the time they can hear wrong things about what we believe. (Acts 28:22) Also, we living in “the last days.” Because of that, plenty people will not agree with other people. And they will even be wicked.—2 Tim. 3:​1, 3.

2. Le mɛni ɓe maa-yeŋ-laa kaa la a tua-pere lɛlɛ mɛni kpanaŋɔɔi?

2 Maybe you thinking, ‘Wetin will help me to be kind when somebody want argue with me about what I believe from the Bible.’ We need to be mild. Somebody that mild can be hard to get vex. And they able to control theirself when somebody make them vex or they not know what to say. (Prov. 16:32) But it not always easy to be mild. How you can learn to be mild? How you can show that you mild when somebody want argue with you because of what you belief? And if you parent, how you can help your children to learn how to be mild when they talking about their beliefs? Let see.


3. Le mɛni ɓe kwa pɔri moi la a gɛɛ maa-yeŋ-laa kaa a wala-walalaa, kɛɛ fii kpɛɛ fei? (2 Temete 2:​24, 25)

3 Mild people strong, they not weak. We need to be strong to be able to control ourselves when we facing serious problem. Mildness that one of the quality that part of the “the fruitage of the spirit.” (Gal. 5:​22, 23) Sometime people can use the Greek word for “mildness” to describe the wild horse that they na put under control. Just think about the wild horse that they na put under control. Even though it under control, but it still strong. So, how we can learn to be mild and still be strong? We not able to do it by ourselves. The main thing that can help us that to pray for God spirit. We must ask him to help us get this fine quality. Experience na show that plenty people na learn to be mild. For example, plenty of our brother and sister them na show this quality when people try to argue with them or make them vex. Because of that other people can say good-good things about Jehovah Witnesses. (Read 2 Timothy 2:​24, 25.) Wetin you must do for mildness to be one of your best quality?

4. Le ɓe kwa pɔri maa-kɔrii e pilaŋ maa-yeŋ-laa ma Aise ŋɔmɛni-kɔɔŋ-maai su?

4 The Bible get plenty examples that show that mildness that good quality. Let look at Isaac example. When he was living in the Philistine territory call Gerar, his neighbor them were jealous and so they close the well them his pa servants dig. Instead of fighting to keep the well them, Isaac move his whole family far off and dig different well them. (Gen. 26:​12-18) But the Philistine them still say the water was for them. With all this one, Isaac not fight them for it. (Gen. 26:​19-25) Wetin help him to still be mild even when the people were trying hard to make him vex? We sure he learn from his parents example. He learn how his pa Abraham was peaceful and how his ma Sarah was having “the quiet and mild spirit”.—1 Pet. 3:​4-6; Gen. 21:​22-34.

5. Mɛni-kɔɔŋ-maa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe nɛ a gɛɛ loŋ-kaa-ɓela da pɔri maa-yeŋ-laa lɛi dinĩa-pɛlɛɛi dia?

5 Christian parents, know that you too can teach your children that it important to be mild. Let look at Maxence example. He 17 years old. He use to see people in school or in field service that quick to get vex. His parent them take their time to teach him to be mild. They say, “Maxence na understand that when somebody make you vex, it can take more strength to control yourself than to get vex.” We happy that Maxence na learn to be mild.

6. Ɣala-fɛliɛ a pɔri kpɔnii leŋ kua a gɛɛ ku kumaa tɛ a pa maa-yeŋ-laa lɛɛ ma?

6 Wetin we must do when somebody make us vex, for example when they talk bad things about Jehovah and the Bible? We must pray to Jehovah for his spirit and his wisdom to be mild when we answering. What if later on we notice that we were not mild when we answer the person? We can pray again about it and think about how we can do better the next time. Then Jehovah will give us his holy spirit so that we can control our temper and show mildness.

7. Ɣala-kɔlɔ-kpua-ŋa laai kɛɛ a kukili a kpɔŋ leŋ kua a gɛɛ ku kulono pere da kutua-pere maa kpɛɛ? (Tare-woo-ŋa 15:​1, 18)

7 The Bible get plenty verse them that can help us to know how to talk to people when we face situation that make it hard for us to control ourselves. Jehovah holy spirit can help us to remember this verse them. (John 14:26) For example, the advice them that in the book of Proverbs can help us to be mild. (Read Proverbs 15:​1, 18.) That Bible book also show why it good for us to control ourself even when it really hard for us.—Prov. 10:19; 17:27; 21:23; 25:15.


8. Le mɛni ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku kukili-ŋa sia la e pilaŋ mɛnii ma gɛ nuu ta kɛ ku mare kɛ e pilaŋ kulaa-lai ma?

8 Insight or good understanding can also help us. (Prov. 19:11) Somebody that get good understanding can control theirself when other people talk bad about their beliefs. Think about this example: Some question them looking like big ice that can be in the sea. Most of the ice can be under the water. That only small part of it can be over the water. That the same way when somebody ask us question, most of the time we can’t know the main reason behind the person question. So, before we answer, it good for us to remember that sometime, we will not know why the person ask the question.—Prov. 16:23.

9. Gidiɔŋ e mɛni-ŋaa-kaa da maa-yeŋ-laa lɛ leŋ gɛɛ lonoi Ifiraŋ-ɓelai pɔ?

9 Let look at how Gideon answer the men them from Ephraim. They were vex and ask him why he not call them soon to join him to fight against the Israelites enemies. But what was the main reason why they got vex? Maybe it hurt their feeling. Whatever reason they were having, Gideon show good understanding. He try to understand why they were vex and he was mild when he answer them. The Bible say that, “when he spoke this way, they calm down.”—Judg. 8:​1-3.

10. Le ɓe pai kpɔnii kua a gɛɛ ku berei kɔlɔŋ kwa pɔri nuai woo su tooi la nyii-ŋai da ku mare kɛ e pilaŋ kulaa-lai ma? (1 Pitɛ 3:​15)

10 Maybe somebody we working with or our friend them in school will ask us why we can live by what the Bible say. We will do our best to explain why living by what the Bible say that the best thing for us. But at the same time, we must respect the way the person feel. (Read 1 Peter 3:15.) Instead of thinking that the person ask the question to make fun out of us, use the question to learn wetin important to him. No matter the reason why somebody ask question, we must still be mild and kind when we answering them. Maybe our answer will make the person to change their thinking about our beliefs. Even if they rude or cheeky, we must always be mild when we answering them.—Rom. 12:17.

We will be able to give good answer if we think about the reason why the person invite us to the birthday party (See paragraphs 11-12)

11-12. (a) Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi ku kukili-ŋa sia e pilaŋ ma ku lɛɛ pai mare-kɛɛ kpanaŋɔɔ sukulai? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.) (b) Mɛni-kɔɔŋ-maa lɛ nyii berei lɛi mare-kɛ kɛɛ a pere laa ɓo la a gɛɛ ku lono kɔɔ pilaŋ.

11 For example, suppose your workmate ask you, ‘why you can’t celebrate birthdays?’ Maybe he thinking whether we allow to enjoy ourself. Or maybe he thinking that our decision to not celebrate birthday will spoil the friendship among the workers. We can make our workmate heart to lay down by telling them thank you for showing concern for other people. And also, we can let them know that we like to work with other people in peace. When we answer like this, it will make it easy for us to explain what the Bible say about birthdays.

12 We can do the same thing when somebody ask us other hard question them. Maybe our friend in school will say Jehovah Witnesses must change the way they can think about homosexual people. You think he saying this one because he not really understand what Jehovah Witnesses believe about homosexual people? Or maybe he get homosexual friend or relative? He feeling that we hate homosexual people? We can help him to see that we love everybody. And we respect everybody right to decide how they want live their life. b (1 Pet. 2:17) Maybe we will be able to show the person how applying Bible advice on how to live our life can benefit us.

13. Ya pɔri kpɔnii leŋ nuu ta ma nyii ve laa ni a Ɣala mɛni?

13 When somebody not agree with us, we must not be quick to feel that we know what the person believe. (Titus 3:2) For example, what if someone in school say it not make sense to believe in God? You think it must make you feel that he believe in evolution and he know plenty things about it? To talk the true, maybe he just saying something that he na hear. So, instead of arguing with him about evolution, you can find way to give him something to think about later on. Maybe you can direct him to some material them that on jw.org about creation. And later on, maybe he will be willing to talk about one article or video he find there. Yes, when we answer the person with respect, it will make him to want learn more.

14. Niall e tii kɛ leŋ a kuŋɔŋ-kɔli fãai a gɛɛ e kpɔŋ ŋɔkɔlɔ-pɛrɛ-mu-ɓelai dɔnɔ ma nyii ŋɔkili-ŋa-siai e kɛ a dakpɛni e pilaŋ Ziova Ŋɔsere-faa Kɛ-ɓelai dia?

14 One brother name Niall use jw.org to show that what people can say about Jehovah Witnesses not true. He say, “One of my classmate always use to tell me that I not believe in science because I trust the Bible that get so-so false stories inside.” When his classmate not allow him to explain his beliefs, Niall directed his classmate to the jw.org section call “Science and the Bible.” Later on, Niall saw that his classmate read the information, and Niall was able to talk with him about how life started. Maybe you will get the same result.


15. Loŋ-kaa-ɓela da pɔri kpɔnii leŋ dinĩa-pɛlɛɛi dia a gɛɛ di lono a maa-yeŋ pere diɓaraŋ kɔlɔ-pɛrɛ-mu-ɓela da di mare-kɛ e pilaŋ dilaa-lai ma?

15 Parents can teach their children how to be mild when they answering somebody who say their beliefs not correct. (Jas. 3:13) Some parent them can practice with their children during family worship. They can choose some topic them that can come up in school. They can talk about them and do demonstration about how to answer. And they can teach their children how to be mild and kind when they talking to other people.—See the box “ Practicing Together Can Help Your Family.”

16-17. Ɣala-woo-ɓo pere maa-kɔriɛ a pɔri kpɔnii leŋ nuu-tɔɔ-ŋa dia?

16 When we get time to practice, it can help us to be able to give good reasons why we believe something. It can also help us to convince ourself that we get good reasons for what we believe. The “Young People Ask” article them on jw.org get worksheets for young people. The brother them make it in the way that can help young people to convince theirself and to prepare answer in their own words. When we study this article them together as family, all of us can learn to be kind and mild when we preaching to people.

17 One young man name Matthew explain how making time to practice help him. During their family worship, most of the time Matthew and his parents can make research on topics that will maybe come up in class. He say: “We can think on some question them that our friend them can bring up sometime. And we can practice how to answer the question them using the research that we made. When I really know the reasons for my beliefs, I can feel confident and it can be easy for me to be mild when I answering people.”

18. Lia-woo kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Kolasiɛŋ 4:6 sui?

18 Even if we explain our beliefs very clear to people, some of them will not still accept it. But it can help them when we mild in answering them. (Read Colossians 4:6.) Explaining our beliefs to someone looking just like throwing football. We can take our time to throw the ball or we can throw it with force. When we take time to throw it, the other player will continue playing. That the same way, when we take time to answer people, it will make them to want listen and continue the discussion. But if someone just want argue or make fun out of us, we not force to continue talking with them. (Prov. 26:4) But maybe most people will not be like that. Sometime, plenty people can listen.

19. Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi e kulii kula a gɛɛ kukɛ a kumaa-yeŋɔɔ kwa kɛ lonoi e pilaŋ kulaa-lai ma?

19 We na see that we can really benefit when we learn to be mild. Pray to Jehovah to help you to remain mild and answer anybody that ask you hard question or not agree with our belief. Always remember that when you mild even when you and someone not agree on something, the discussion will not turn to argument. And when your answer mild and respectful, it can help to make some people to change their thinking about us and about the truths in the Bible. Be ready to always defend your beliefs, “doing so with mild temper and deep respect.” (1 Pet. 3:15) Yes, let mildness help you to be strong!


a This article will show us some way them we can remain mild and preach to people who want argue with us or play fun out of us because of what we believe.

b For some good suggestions, see the article “What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?” in the 2016 Awake! No. 4.

c You can find good-good suggestions on jw.org in the article series “Young People Ask” and “Frequently Asked Questions About Jehovah’s Witnesses.”