Lí zu-pere

Lí m̀ɛni-ŋuŋ-ŋai ma


ŊULEI 125 “Happy Are the Merciful!”

Ɓɛlɛ-see Kɛɛ A Pai Gɛi Ilii E Kɛ A Nɛ̃ɛ

Ɓɛlɛ-see Kɛɛ A Pai Gɛi Ilii E Kɛ A Nɛ̃ɛ

Gaa a luwa tamaa a gɛɛ nuu e ɓɛlɛ-see kɛ e tɛɛ la ɓɛlɛ-see sɔlɔ ɓoɔɔ ma.Di 20:35.


We will learn different-different ways we can give to other people and why it can make us more happy.

1-2. Le mɛni ɓe Ziova e ku kpɛtɛ la a pere sii nyii ɓɛlɛ-see kɛɛ a kulii nɛ̃ɛi?

 We can be more happy when we give to other people than when we receive something from them. That how Jehovah made us. (Acts 20:35) But you think it mean we can’t be happy when somebody give us gift? No. All of us can be happy when somebody give us gift. But we can be more happy when we give to other people. And to talk the true, that for our own good Jehovah made us like that. Why?

2 By making us like this, Jehovah allow us to get control over our own happiness. We can be more happy when we look for different-different ways to give. Ehn that wonderful way here Jehovah made us?—Ps. 139:14.

3. Le mɛni ɓe Ŋala-kɔlɔi a Ziova toli laa “a lii-nɛ̃ɛ Ɣalai”?

3 The Bible say giving can make us happy. So no wonder why the Bible describe Jehovah to be “the happy God.” (1 Tim. 1:11) He was the first to give and he the greatest Giver. That the reason why the apostle Paul say, because of him, “we have life and move and exist.” (Acts 17:28) Yes, “every good gift and every perfect present” coming from Jehovah.—Jas. 1:17.

4. Le ɓe pa kpɔnii kua a gɛɛ ku lii-nɛ̃ɛ tamaa sɔlɔ ɓo?

4 Maybe all of us want enjoy more happiness that can come from giving. We can get that kindna happiness by following Jehovah example to give. (Eph. 5:1) When we talking about how Jehovah can give, let see what we can do if we feel that people not appreciate what we can do for them. This one will help us to continue to give and even be more happy when we give.


5. Sãa kɛɛ leŋ ɓe Ziova a dɛɛ kupɔ?

5 What some ways Jehovah show that he free-handed? Let look at some examples. Jehovah can give us the material thing them we need. That true, maybe we will not always get everything we want, but we tell Jehovah thank you plenty for giving us what we really need. For example, he can make it possible for us to get food, clothes, and place to live. (Ps. 4:8; Matt. 6:​31-33; 1 Tim. 6:​6-8) You think Jehovah can give us what we need because he force to do it? No! But then why Jehovah can do it for us?

6. Mɛni-ŋuŋ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe kwa maa-kɔri Maafiu 6:25, 26 su?

6 Jehovah can give us the thing them we need because he love us. Let see what Jesus say in Matthew 6:​25, 26. (Read.) Jesus use some examples from creation. Talking about the birds he say: “They do not sow seed or reap or gather into storehouses.” But notice the next thing he say: “Your heavenly Father feeds them.” Then Jesus ask: “Are you not worth more than they are?” What the lesson? Jehovah value his servants more than the animal them. So if Jehovah can take care of the animal them, we can be sure that he will give us what we need! Because Jehovah love his people, he can provide what they need just like father who care for his family.—Ps. 145:16; Matt. 6:32.

7. Pere sii tɔnɔ kɛɛ leŋ ɓe kwa pɔri Ziova ŋɔyee-laa-ɓoi pɔɔkɔɔni la? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

7 Like Jehovah, we too can give things to people because we love them. For example, you know any brother or sister who need food or clothes? Jehovah can use you to help that person. People know Jehovah Witnesses to be people who can give when bad things happen. For example, during the corona virus time, brothers and sisters give food, clothes, and other thing them to people who were in need. Plenty people also made contributions to the worldwide work. This contribution them help for the relief work to go on all over the world. They do what Hebrews 13:16 say: “Do not forget to do good and to share what you have with others, for God is well-pleased with such sacrifices.”

All of us can be free handed like Jehovah (See paragraph 7)

8. Pere sii kɛɛ leŋ ɓe kwa mɛni lɛlɛɛ sɔlɔ ɓo la Ziova ŋɔwala-walalaai su? (Felepiɛŋ 2:13)

8 Jehovah can give us strength. Jehovah get plenty strength and he happy to give some to his faithful worshippers. (Read Philippians 2:13.) You na ever pray for strength to bear serious problem or resist temptation? Maybe you na also pray to be strong to go through the day. When Jehovah hear your prayer and give you strength, you will agree with the apostle Paul, who say: “For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power.”—Phil. 4:13.

9. Pere sii kɛɛ leŋ ɓe kwa pɔri Ziova pɔɔkɔɔni la a tii kɛɛ a kuwala-walalaai a gɛɛ ku kpɔŋ maa tɛɛ nua pɔ? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

9 Even though we not perfect, we can be like Jehovah by using our strength to help other people. We not able to give strength to people like the way Jehovah can do it. But we can still use our strength to help them. For example, maybe we can do some house work or small-small running around for any brother or sister who sick or old. If we able, we can help to clean and take care of our Kingdom Hall. When we use our strength like that, it can benefit other people who worshiping Jehovah.

We can use our strength to help other people (See paragraph 9)

10. Kwa pɔri tii kɛi leŋ a kulono-woo a gɛɛ ku nua kponoi kpanaŋ?

10 Don’t forget too, that words get power. You can think about anybody who will benefit if you tell them thank you for what they can do? Or you know anybody who need comfort? If so, make sure to let the person know that you care for them. You can call the person, visit them, or maybe send them letter, email, or text message. You not need to worry too much about what to say. Maybe just saying small thing from your heart, will be what your brother or sister need to remain faithful for the day or to help them bear their problem.—Prov. 12:25; Eph. 4:29.

11. Ziova a tii kɛ leŋ a ŋɔtarei?

11 Jehovah can give wisdom. The disciple James say: “If any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep asking God, for he gives generously to all and without finding fault.” (Jas. 1:5; ftn.) This one just show that Jehovah not mean with his wisdom. He can give it to people free. James also say that when Jehovah give wisdom, he can do it “without reproaching,” or “without finding fault.” He will never make us feel bad because we ask him for wisdom. In fact, he encourage us to ask for it.—Prov. 2:​1-6.

12. Kwa pɔri kpɔŋ maa tɛɛi leŋ nua pɔ a darei Ziova e dɛɛ kupɔi?

12 What about us? You think we can follow Jehovah example by teaching other people what we know? (Ps. 32:8) Jehovah people get plenty opportunities to teach other people what they know. For example, most of the time we can train new publishers in field service. The elder them can take their own time to help ministerial servants and baptize brothers to learn how to do their assignments in the congregation. And brothers and sisters who know how to do construction and maintenance work can help to train other people so they can work on construction.

13. Kwa kɛ sɛŋ ta lɛi nua dia, kwa pɔri Ziova pɔɔkɔɔni leŋ?

13 Try to follow Jehovah example when you training people. Remember, Jehovah can give his wisdom to people free. That the same way we must teach other people what we know, and we must do it free. We must not be scare that when we teach people all the things we know, they will take our assignment from us. Or we must not get the thinking ‘that since nobody train me, he must learn it on his own too!’ None of Jehovah people must be having that kindna attitude. But we must be happy to teach other people everything we know and also do our best to train them. (1 Thess. 2:8) And we hope that they their self will be qualify to teach other people too. (2 Tim. 2:​1, 2) When we do it, all of us will continue to be happy.


14. Nua tamaa da tua leŋ kwa ɓɛlɛ-see kɛ diɛ?

14 When we do good for people, especially our brothers and sisters, most of the time they can say thank you. Sometime they can send short letter to say thank you or they can do other things to show that they grateful. (Col. 3:15) When people tell us thank you, it can really make us happy.

15. Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi e lɛɛ kukili-ŋa a kɛ nua da wala yee-see-mu lɛ kuɓɛlɛ-seei mɛni ma?

15 To talk the truth, some people will not always say thank you for what we do for them. Sometime, we can use our time, energy, or material things to help people. But we can be thinking whether they grateful for what we do for them. If this one happen, wetin can help us to still be happy and not feel bad? Remember what our theme scripture say, Acts 20:35. Our happiness not depend on whether people say thank you or not. We can still enjoy giving even if people not tell us thank you. How? Let see some things that can help us.

16. Le ɓe maa nɛ̃ɛi kuŋɛi e kɛ ma kwa kɛ ɓɛlɛ-see kɛi?

16 Focus on following Jehovah example. He can give good things to people whether they show that they grateful or not. (Matt. 5:​43-48) Jehovah promise that when we follow his example to give “without hoping for anything back,” our “reward will be great.” (Luke 6:35) When the Bible say “anything”, it can also mean, saying thank you. So, whether people tell us thank you or they not say thank you, Jehovah will always bless us for the good we do for them because we ‘cheerful givers.’—Prov. 19:17; 2 Cor. 9:7.

17. Le ɓa mɛni-ŋuŋ kwa mɛni ɓɛlɛ-see kɛ lai? (Lûu 14:​12-14)

17 Another thing we can do to follow Jehovah example when giving, that to apply what Jesus say in Luke 14:​12-14. (Read.) It not wrong to do good for people who can do good for us too. But suppose we notice that we been giving because we know we will get something back from the person? In that case, we must try to do what Jesus say. We must do good to somebody who not able to give us anything back. Then we will be happy because we following Jehovah example. When we try to think like this, then we will always be happy even if other people not tell us thank you.

18. Le ɓe maa fe nɛ̃ɛ ni ku gɛ, nyaŋ le mɛni ma?

18 Don’t think that other people not grateful. (1 Cor. 13:7) If some people not tell you thank you for what you do for them, maybe you can ask yourself: ‘They really mean it or they just forget to say thank you?’ Maybe they get some reasons why they not say thank you the way we were expecting it. Some people can really be grateful but they not know how to say it. Or maybe they can be shame when people help them, especially if they use to help other people before. But if we really love our brothers and sisters, we will be happy to give to them and we will not think bad about them.—Eph. 4:2.

19-20. Le ɓe a ŋɔnɔ kpɔŋ kua a gɛɛ kulii e kɛ a nɛ̃ɛ kwa kɛ ɓɛlɛ-see kɛi? (Ya pɔri ŋɔnɔ votooi kaai.)

19 Be patient. When it come to doing good, wise King Solomon say: “Cast your bread on the waters, for after many days you will find it again.” (Eccl. 11:1) From what Solomon say, some people can show that they grateful after long time. That what happen to one sister.

20 Some years ago, one circuit overseer wife sent letter to one sister that just got baptize. She encourage her to remain faithful. After eight years, the sister write back to the circuit overseer wife and say: “I really want let you know that the letter you write to me way back really been encouraging me. The thing them you write was encouraging but the one that really touch my heart, that the scripture you put there. And I never forget about it.” a After talking about some of the problems she went through, she say: “Sometime, I can just want give up and stop serving Jehovah. But when I think about that scripture you put in the letter, it help me to not . . . give up. It really been encouraging me for all this eight years.” Just imagine how the circuit overseer wife was happy when she got this letter! Just like the circuit overseer wife, when we help somebody, maybe it will take long time before the person show that they grateful.

Maybe it will stay long before somebody tell us thank you for what we do for them (See paragraph 20) b

21. Le mɛni ɓe ya ŋwɛlii I kanaŋ Ziova pɔɔkɔɔn ni la a pa ɓɛlɛ-see kɛɛ ma?

21 We na learn that Jehovah made us in the way that we able to give. Even though we can be happy when people do good for us, but we can even be more happy when we do good for other people. We can feel good when we help our brother and sister them. And we can be happy when they tell us thank you. But whether the person we help say thank you or not, we can be happy because we do the right thing. Remember that anything you gave, Jehovah get the means to give you more than that. (2 Chron. 25:9) Nobody can give more than Jehovah! And Jehovah blessing can make us more happy than anything you think about. So let continue trying our best to be free handed like our heavenly Father, Jehovah.

ŊULEI 17 “I Want To”

a The scripture the circuit overseer wife write in her letter that 2 John 8. It say: “Look out for yourselves, so that you do not lose the things we have worked to produce, but that you may obtain a full reward.”

b WETIN THE PICTURE SAYING: In this demonstration, the circuit overseer wife writing letter to encourage the sister. It take long time before the sister write back to tell her thank you.