Xeen tiʼ baʼax ku taasik

Xíimbaltoʼon tu Najil Betel

Koʼoten a xíimbalt le sucursaloʼob yaantoʼonoʼ, leloʼobaʼ kʼaj óolaʼanoʼob xan bey u Najiloʼob Beteleʼ. Tiʼ jujunpʼéel sucursaloʼobeʼ maʼ tsaaj u man eʼesbiltech tumen wa máax le lugaroʼoboʼ.

Tours Resumed: In many countries, we resumed tours of our branch offices on June 1, 2023. For details, contact the branch you would like to tour. Please do not visit if you test positive for COVID-19, display cold or flu-like symptoms, or have recently been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.


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Nota: Nuestra sucursal está ubicada 450 metros antes de la gasolinera Terpel.

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