Damage control resuscitation is associated with a reduction in resuscitation volumes and improvement in survival in 390 damage control laparotomy patients. (打开新窗口)
来源: Ann Surg 2011;254(4):598-605.
检索: PubMed 21918426
DOI码: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e318230089e
Hypotensive resuscitation during active hemorrhage: impact on in-hospital mortality. (打开新窗口)
来源: J Trauma 2002;52(6):1141-6.
检索: PubMed 12045644
Haemorrhage control in severely injured patients. (打开新窗口)
来源: Lancet 2012;380(9847):1099-108.
检索: PubMed 22998719
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来源: Anaesthesist 2002;51(10):787-99.
检索: PubMed 12395169
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Damage control orthopedics: current evidence. (打开新窗口)
来源: Curr Opin Crit Care 2012;18(6):647-50.
检索: PubMed 23037876
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Hypotensive resuscitation strategy reduces transfusion requirements and severe postoperative coagulopathy in trauma patients with hemorrhagic shock: preliminary results of a randomized controlled trial. (打开新窗口)
来源: J Trauma 2011;70(3):652-63.
检索: PubMed 21610356
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Traumatically injured Jehovah's Witnesses: a sixteen-year experience of treatment and transfusion dilemmas at a level I trauma center. (打开新窗口)
来源: J Trauma 1995;39(4):681-5.
检索: PubMed 7473954
Jehovah's Witnesses: unique problems in a unique trauma population. (打开新窗口)
来源: J Am Coll Surg 1997;184(5):458-68.
检索: PubMed 9145065