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Media for Section 2

Media for Section 2

 13 How False Religion Misrepresents God

The Churches’ Role in World War II (2:22)


 14 How Can Our Worship Be Pleasing to God?

Liberated by Truth (5:16)


Jehovah Cared for Me (3:07)

 15 Who Is Jesus?

Is Jesus Christ God? (3:22)

Jesus Fulfills Prophecy (3:03)


 16 What Did Jesus Do While on Earth?

A Sick Woman Is Cured (5:10)


“God’s Kingdom​—What It Means to Jesus” (The Watchtower, October 1, 2014)

 17 What Is Jesus Like?


 18 How to Identify Real Christians

How Christianity Was Corrupted (5:11)

I Gave Up on Religion (5:20)

He Offered to Surrender His Life (2:55)


Jehovah’s Witnesses​—Who Are We? (1:13)

“What Are the Marks of True Christianity?” (The Watchtower, March 1, 2012)

 19 Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Real Christians?

Rediscovering Bible Truth (7:45)

A Name That Defines Us (2:40)

Haiti Endures Hurricane Matthew (5:29)


God’s People Glorify His Name (7:08)

 20 How the Congregation Is Organized

Elders Respond to Nepal Earthquake (4:56)

Elders Take the Lead! (7:39)


Strengthening the Brothers Under Ban (4:22)

The Life of a Rural Circuit Overseer (4:51)

 21 How Is the Good News Being Preached?

Legally Defending the Good News (2:28)


Progress in Sign-Language Fields (7:32)

 22 How Can You Share the Good News?

I Prayed to Jehovah for Courage (4:05)


Jehovah Will Help You Be Bold (11:59)

23 Baptism​—A Worthwhile Goal!

 Building a Relationship With Jehovah (1:11)


“What Is Baptism?” (Web article)

24 What Is the Truth About Angels?

 “Oppose the Devil” (5:02)


25 What Is God’s Purpose for Us?

I Learned the Purpose of Life (5:03)


Now I Have a Life of Purpose (3:55)

26 Why Do Evil and Suffering Exist?

Who Controls the World? (1:24)


I’m Not on My Own Anymore (5:09)

27 How Can Jesus’ Death Save Us?

Why Did Jesus Die?​—Part 1 (2:01)

Why Did Jesus Die?​—Part 2 (2:00)


“How Is Jesus’ Sacrifice ‘a Ransom for Many’?” (Web article)

“Jesus Saves​—How?” (Web article)

28 Show Appreciation for What Jehovah and Jesus Did for You

Remember Jesus’ Death (1:41)


 “The Bible Changes Lives” (The Watchtower, August 1, 2011)

29 What Happens When We Die?


 Is Hell a Real Place of Torment? (3:07)

30 Your Loved Ones Can Live Again!

Jesus Resurrects Lazarus (1:16)


When a Loved One Dies (5:06)

The Ransom (2:07)

31 What Is God’s Kingdom?

What Is God’s Kingdom?​—Excerpt (1:41)


 Devoted to God’s Kingdom (1:43)

“Who Go to Heaven?” (Web article)

32 God’s Kingdom Now Rules!

God’s Kingdom Began Ruling in 1914 (5:02)

The World Has Changed Since 1914 (1:10)


33 What the Kingdom Will Accomplish

A Glimpse Into a Wonderful Future (4:38)


“What Will Happen on Judgment Day?” (The Watchtower, September 1, 2012)

See Yourself in Paradise (1:50)