1. Watch the VIDEO, or readJohn 4:6-9. Then consider the following questions:
What did Jesus observe about the woman before starting a conversation?
Jesus said: “Give me a drink.” Why was this an effective way to begin the conversation?
What Do We Learn From Jesus?
2. We are more likely to have a good conversation if we start with a topic that interests the other person.
Imitate Jesus
3. Be flexible. Do not insist on starting a conversation on a topic you had in mind. Start with something that others are thinking about today. Ask yourself:
‘What is in the news?’
‘What are my neighbors, coworkers, or classmates talking about?’
4. Be observant. Ask yourself:
‘What is the person currently doing? What might he be thinking about?’
‘What do the person’s clothing, appearance, or home tell me about his beliefs or culture?’
‘Is this a good time to talk to the person?’
5. Listen.
Don’t talk too much.
Encourage the other person to express himself. When appropriate, ask questions.