

Principle: “Oil and incense make the heart rejoice; so does sweet friendship springing from sincere counsel.”​—Prov. 27:9.

What Jesus Did

1. Watch the VIDEO, or read Mark 10:17-22. Then consider the following questions:

  1.    What good qualities might Jesus have seen in the young ruler?

  2.   Why did Jesus need both love and courage to counsel the man?

What Do We Learn From Jesus?

2. We need to speak lovingly yet frankly with our students to help them make spiritual progress.

Imitate Jesus

3. Help your student set and reach goals.

  1.    Use the “Goal” feature in each lesson of Enjoy Life Forever!

  2.   Help your student identify specific steps to reach both short-term and long-term goals.

  3.   Commend your student regularly for his progress.

4. Identify obstacles to progress, and help your student overcome those obstacles.

  1.    Ask yourself:

    • ‘If my student is not progressing toward baptism, what is hindering him?’

    • ‘What practical help can I offer?’

  2.   Pray for the courage to discuss frankly and lovingly what your student needs to do.

5. Discontinue unproductive studies.

  1.    Determine whether your Bible study is productive by asking yourself:

    • ‘Is my student applying what he is learning?’

    • ‘Does he attend congregation meetings and share the truth with others?’

    • ‘After studying for some time, does he want to become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses?’

  2.   If a Bible student is unwilling to progress:

    • Ask him to consider what may be holding him back.

    • Tactfully explain why you are discontinuing the study.

    • Let him know what progress he needs to make before you will resume the study.