Psalms 114:1-8

  • Israel’s deliverance out of Egypt

    • The sea fled (5)

    • Mountains skipped like rams (6)

    • Flinty rock turned into a spring (8)

114  When Israel went out of Egypt,+The house of Jacob from a people speaking a foreign language,   Judah became his sanctuary,*Israel, his dominion.+   The sea saw it and fled;+The Jordan turned back.+   The mountains skipped about like rams,+The hills, like lambs.   What made you flee, O sea?+ Why, O Jordan, did you turn back?+   Why did you skip about like rams, O mountains,Like lambs, O hills?   Tremble, O earth, because of the Lord,Because of the God of Jacob,+   Who turns the rock into a reedy pool of water,The flinty rock into springs of water.+


Or “holy place.”