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What is integrity?

Ps 18:23-25; 26:1, 2; 101:2-7; 119:1-3, 80

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Le 22:17-22​—Jehovah requires that animal sacrifices be “sound,” or whole, without significant defect; the word for “sound” is closely related to the Hebrew word translated “integrity,” suggesting that integrity involves our whole, or complete, devotion to Jehovah

    • Job 1:1, 4, 5, 8; 2:3​—Job’s life course shows that in order to have integrity, a person must deeply respect Jehovah, worship Him wholeheartedly, and avoid what is bad in His eyes

Why do we need integrity?

What can motivate us to keep our integrity?

How may we build and maintain our integrity?

Jos 24:14, 15; Ps 101:2-4

See also De 5:29; Isa 48:17, 18

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Job 31:1-11, 16-33​—Job builds up a record of integrity in his daily life by avoiding immorality and treating others with kindness and dignity. He keeps his worship of Jehovah pure and free of idolatry and his life free of materialism

    • Da 1:6-21​—Although they are surrounded by unbelievers, Daniel and his three companions maintain integrity even when choosing what foods to eat

If a person makes a series of bad mistakes, can he ever regain his integrity?

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • 1Ki 9:2-5; Ps 78:70-72​—Because King David repented of his sins and received forgiveness, Jehovah views David as having lived a life of integrity

    • Isa 1:11-18​—Though Jehovah denounces his people as hypocritical and full of sin, he promises that he can wash them completely clean if they repent and change their ways