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Preaching the Good News

Preaching the Good News

Why do all true Christians make public declaration of their faith?

What example did Jesus set in the preaching work?

Lu 8:1; Joh 18:37

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Lu 4:42-44​—Jesus says that he was sent to the earth to preach

    • Joh 4:31-34​—Jesus explains that his work of preaching the good news is like food for him

Are the men with authority in the congregation the only ones who have the responsibility to preach the good news?

Ps 68:11; 148:12, 13; Ac 2:17, 18

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • 2Ki 5:1-4, 13, 14, 17​—A young Israelite girl tells her Syrian mistress about Jehovah’s prophet Elisha

    • Mt 21:15, 16​—Jesus refutes the argument of the chief priests and scribes, who object to the way young boys praise Jesus in the temple

What role do Christian overseers play in preaching the good news and in teaching others?

How do Jehovah and Jesus enable us to accomplish the preaching work?

2Co 4:7; Php 4:13; 2Ti 4:17

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Ac 16:12, 22-24; 1Th 2:1, 2​—Though the apostle Paul and his companions are mistreated, they continue to preach boldly with God’s help

    • 2Co 12:7-9​—The apostle Paul, a tireless preacher, suffers from “a thorn in the flesh,” perhaps a physical ailment; yet, Jehovah gives him the strength to continue in the preaching work

Who or what qualifies a Christian to preach?

1Co 1:26-28; 2Co 3:5; 4:13

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Joh 7:15​—Jesus’ countrymen are astonished that Jesus has such knowledge without having studied at the rabbinic schools

    • Ac 4:13​—Jesus’ apostles are perceived as ordinary and uneducated men; yet, they are zealous, outspoken preachers

How do we know that Jehovah wants us to train others to preach and teach?

Mr 1:17; Lu 8:1; Eph 4:11, 12

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Isa 50:4, 5​—In his prehuman existence, the Messiah receives personal training from Jehovah God

    • Mt 10:5-7​—While on earth, Jesus patiently trains his disciples to carry out the preaching work

How should we view our assignment of preaching the good news?

What effect does sharing in the preaching work have on a Christian?

What messages are included in the preaching work?

Why do Christians expose false teachings?

2Co 10:4, 5

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Mr 12:18-27​—Jesus reasons from the Scriptures with the Sadducees to prove that they are mistaken about the resurrection

    • Ac 17:16, 17, 29, 30​—The apostle Paul reasons with the Athenians to show that idolatry is wrong

How is the preaching work carried out?

What is the basis for witnessing publicly?

What shows that our ministry requires patience and persistence?

What good results come from the preaching work?

Why is it fitting to witness at every opportunity?

1Co 9:23; 1Ti 2:4; 1Pe 3:15

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Joh 4:6, 7, 13, 14​—Though tired out, Jesus shares the good news with a Samaritan woman at a public well

    • Php 1:12-14​—Even when imprisoned for his faith, the apostle Paul uses the opportunities he has to give a witness and encourage others

Should we expect that everyone will listen to our message?

Joh 10:25, 26; 15:18-20; Ac 28:23-28

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Jer 7:23-26​—Through Jeremiah, Jehovah describes how His people repeatedly failed to listen to His prophets

    • Mt 13:10-16​—Jesus explains that just as in Isaiah’s day, many will hear the message and fail to respond

Why are we not surprised that many people are too busy to listen?

What shows that some will listen and respond at first but not continue?

What examples help us not to be surprised when some directly oppose our preaching work?

How do we respond when faced with opposition to our preaching work?

Why can we be sure that some will respond positively to the good news?

Preachers of the good news bear what serious responsibility before God?

Why should we preach to people of all religions, races, or nationalities?

Is it proper to preach on any day of the week, including the Sabbath?

What examples show that it is proper to preach to all, even if they have a Bible and practice a religion?